The Complete Developer's Guide

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Master Typescript by learning popular design patterns and building complex projects

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Taught by
Stephen Grider

Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 11 mentions • top 9 shown below

r/reactjs • comment
38 points • ssendnodes

Personally, I just learned TypeScript on the job, more or less. I accepted a coding challenge in TS + React and that was literally the first time I ever worked with it. I did some of Stephen Grider's TS course on Udemy, and then jumped straight into the coding challenge. It was harrowing to say the least, with countless angry red messages screaming at me to fix this part of my code or that, but the good thing about TS is that once it compiles, you can be fairly certain you did it right. If TS isn't yelling at you, then you're likely doing pretty well, which makes it a better choice than many other programming languages to learn on the job.

Six months later and I'm pretty good at TS and I would never go back to JS. It saves a lot of time in the long run, and it safeguards you against so many errors that might otherwise have slipped through. However, I still don't understand some of the more advanced use cases that we don't use in my company's product. The pareto principle applies here as everywhere; a vast majority of the functionalities you're going to use make up a relatively small percentage of the language's overall breadth of supported functionalities. Most of the time, I use TS to type all my variables, functions and props and to create interfaces and enums, and that's about it.

r/Firebase • comment
5 points • boon4376

Learning to read documentation is a skill. It is confusing to beginners because beginners expect all code samples to be copy -> paste into their application. However, code documentation should actually be read like a cookbook or instructions, not as "completed examples".

Spending time to better understand "code architecture" and "software design patterns" (at a basic level, like composition vs inheritance) will help you better appreciate that code docs are an instruction manual that let you build anything, rather than samples or examples of specific use cases.

This is a great course I recommend: https://www.udemy.com/course/typescript-the-complete-developers-guide

r/webdev • comment
1 points • nellyson29

Stephen Grider does have a course on TypeScript that's worth a look.

r/node • comment
1 points • sfpmld

Here is the one, I'm currently on :)


And so far so good, I like it


r/reactjs • comment
2 points • Wiwwil

Pure Typescript


Typescript React


Stephen Grider courses are good

r/LearnTypescript • comment
1 points • xTao

If you also want to learn OOP, simple Framework building, learn how to handle ExpressJS and first steps with React/Redux in typescript, I would recommend "Typescript: The Complete Developer's Guide [2020]" on Udemy.

Ive made this course myself and it was very well. To be fair, these are mostly the basics and advanced basics but they're going very deep and I personally like the learning style from Stephen Grider. Mostly i like that hes not going to use shortcuts and auto completion so that you have to write the code more than one time and get into it. Also he is NOT showing just the best way of doing something, instead hes going a straight way and shows afterwards code refactoring to a more straight forward way.

I liked it so much that i bought other courses of him aswell but thats not the topic.

So its not a free course and it costs some bucks but in my opinion totally worth the around 10€ if you get a good Udemy deal.

Source: https://www.udemy.com/course/typescript-the-complete-developers-guide/

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • ttbn1

Learn Javascript. Its the most used language as its the language of the Web and Node is used extensively as a backend solution. Its package support is great. Its also, tbh, quite easy to learn relative to the other languages.

Start with Javascript - this is a good course.

Then you have the choice to either be a front end dev, ie websites, backend ie servers, or fullstack, both.

For front end, learn ReactJS. This course is decent.

For backend, learn NodeJS, a server framework like ExpressJS or Apollo Server, and a database solution ie MongoDB or Postgres (I would suggest Postgres - this is a good course). A decent course for Node could be this.

From there, I would recommend learning Typescript, and concepts such as Testing (particularly TDD) and CI/CD. This is a decent course for typescript.

Put yourself a portfolio together and start look at Junior Dev positions.


You can 100% turn your life around... I did. Hold down a part time job to keep some money coming in (or live off savings if you can), and just bang out these courses as though you were at school/college (ie 5-6 hours a day if you can manage). Once you've done say 3-6 months worth, you'll be able to get a first job. Once you get one (and you will, just keep trying, and if you need to, keep learning), you'll have your foot in the door and your life will change pretty quickly.

r/node • comment
1 points • Expiar

First of all, thank you for answering.

So until now I just completed courses. Those are the courses I finished:


In this course, I learned JavaScript fundamentals, data structures, functions, classes, asynchronous behavior, etc. It was 68 hours course.


Then I completed two Node.js Courses:




In these courses, I learned Node.js and heavily Express and MongoDB.

I build 2 big projects with these topics. Express side, I created routes, route handlers, middlewares, and some related topics. MongoDB side, I created databases and models, relationships between models, CRUD operations, also some MongoDB middlewares.


Also, I finished two TypeScript courses:




But the problem is that until now I just listen to teachers on these courses, I write codes with them, I take notes, I also finish code challenges in these courses. I only write codes with their guide. I don't know what to do next to become a really good back-end developer.

r/learnjavascript • comment
2 points • atthesummit

*Imp: I am not affiliated with Udemy or any of the instructors, I have just created this plan for my friend to get the first job


  • Its \~300 hours of content so it should take around 3-6 months, including practice
  • It covers web technologies, in depth JavaScript, Frontend framework like Reactjs & its ecosystem, backend tecnologies like Nodejs & its ecosystem, some other important tools & technologies, TypeScript, interview preparation & resume writing
  • It covers at least 4 major projects


  1. Introduction to Web Technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Nodejs, etc) (34 hours)



2)  In depth JavaScript (Your main programming language) (52 hours)



3) Advanced CSS (llayouts & animation) (28 hours)


4) Everything about - Reactjs & its ecosystem (Frontend Framework) (39 hours)



5) Everything about - Nodejs and MongoDB  & their ecosystem (Backend Technologies) (42 hours)



6)  Some other important stuff (Performance, Security, Testing, Other Tools & Technologies) (35 hours)



7) More in-trend programming language based on JavaScript - TypeScript (the current standard) (25 hours)



8) Interview Preparaion (Basic) (13 hours)https://www.udemy.com/course/coding-interview-bootcamp-algorithms-and-data-structure/


9) Interview Preparation (advanced + LeetCode) (22 hours)



10) Resume writing, LinkedIn, Job Searching, etc (7 hours)



\~ 300 hours of course content

let me know what you think


ps: This is shared in good faith, there is no affiliation links or I am not going to get a single penny if you take any of the courses :)

This is for those who are comfortable with learning on Udemy

I created a comprehensive all inclusive plan, so thought about sharing it to whom who can really benefit from it