These are the top 3 Other Design courses found from analyzing all discussions on Reddit that mention any Udemy course.
Crash Course Electronics and PCB Design
Learn Electronics and PCB Design from the Ground up with Altium CircuitMaker and Labcenter Proteus
Learn Electronics and PCB Design from the Ground up with Altium CircuitMaker and Labcenter Proteus

Andre LaMothe
0 reddit posts
18 mentions
18 mentions
Character Art School
Complete Character Drawing Course
Learn How to Draw People and Character Drawings Professionally, Drawing for Animation, Comics, Cartoons, Games and More
Complete Character Drawing Course
Learn How to Draw People and Character Drawings Professionally, Drawing for Animation, Comics, Cartoons, Games and More

Scott Harris
0 reddit posts
11 mentions
11 mentions
Learn to Create Pixel Art for your Games
Improve your pixel art with these simple techniques and principles
Improve your pixel art with these simple techniques and principles

Benjamin Anderson
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions