100 Days of Code
The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2022

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Master Python by building 100 projects in 100 days

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Taught by
Dr. Angela Yu

Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 160 mentions • top 50 shown below

r/learnprogramming • comment
41 points • ProphetChuck

Is this the course you are talking about? If it is, I might just snag it at discount.

r/learnpython • comment
14 points • __GreenLantern__

This gem.

r/learnpython • comment
14 points • jwburn19

I really enjoyed Angela Yu’s Udemy Course, each day has a small project that you accomplish and they span a wide range of areas. Great for mornings with coffee.

r/learnprogramming • comment
25 points • aalfo12

I think you're a perfect candidate to both learn and eventually teach the subject. Your story kind of reminds me of Dr. Angela Yu, who helped me to get into programming with her course on Udemy, taught here: https://www.udemy.com/course/100-days-of-code

If you don't mind the self-taught route then I suggest giving her course a go. She made it so easy for me to get a grip on the material. With your ambition, work ethic and current credentials, you will earn a spot on IBM's team in no time (I say that because I have witnessed a classmate of mine intern at IBM at a $60K position. She was also very tenacious in everything she endeavored).

r/learnpython • comment
12 points • LiquidLogic
r/learnpython • comment
12 points • maresh
r/Python • comment
9 points • Tacos_Royale

You can of course learn many different ways, and everyone learns a bit differently. Some prefer videos, some text, some audio. Some prefer being tossed code with minimal help to wade through it, some prefer each concept to be repeatedly explained along the way.

I personally have found udemy very helpful, especially Angela Yu's course; https://www.udemy.com/course/100-days-of-code/

Extremely solid beginner through OOP, APIs, exposure to building basic GUIs, pandas and lots of real world stuff. There is perhaps a bit too much focus on frontend development for my tastes but after trying many training courses/techniques I was able to stick with it.

Conversely I really have not enjoyed some of the other comprehensive courses on udemy, so it's really finding an instructor and style that works for you (regardless of where it's coming from).

r/learnprogramming • comment
5 points • drdhuv

100 Days of Code

Delivered by Dr Angela Yu (a medical doctor, though as an aside not the reason I’m linking it).

More and more I see how coding skills would be useful for day to day hospital life, I plan on doing that course and moving into clinical data science/AI and digital pathology.

r/learnprogramming • comment
4 points • starraven

She will help you https://www.udemy.com/course/100-days-of-code/

r/codingbootcamp • comment
8 points • therealdark

I would learn how to code beforehand. Bootcamps are usually very fast paced, and as a result trend to glean over topics without giving you enough time to absorb the material. Your goal should be to learn how to program now, so that the bootcamp acts as a place where you solidify your programing knowledge, network with peers & future employers, and build things without having to worry about how things work (because you already know that). I would do either one of these:

Doesn't matter what you pick, as its about training yourself how to problem solve and develop a logical thinking capacity. Good luck!

r/swift • comment
3 points • kaisersozi

There’s a Udemy course that does this exactly. Not free but you guys can wait for a sale.


r/brasil • comment
3 points • Ok_Raise4085

Meu tipo de estudo preferido é o do tipo árvore. Você vai estudando um assunto a fundo. E se surgir um sub assunto que você não conheça e seja necessário para o seu desenvolvimento. Sendo o assim o assunto central seria o tronco da árvore o seu norte. E os demais assuntos pertinentes seriam os galhos que vão se ramificado. Recomendo que você faça cursos da Udemy. https://www.udemy.com/course/100-days-of-code/?utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=udemyads&utm_campaign=Python_v.PROF_la.EN_cc.BR_ti.7380&utm_content=deal4584&utm_term=._ag_108455851134.ad_467154741516.kw__._de_m.dm__._pl__._ti_dsa-774930046209.li_1001655.pd__.&matchtype=b&gclid=Cj0KCQiA7oyNBhDiARIsADtGRZadSJjycsAjvsPqtZElcji3YMSIWBph_yrxw_7qvHWxUb-WaABTwzwaAvWHEALw_wcB

Recomendo esse acima, como você gosta de programar, Python tbm seria uma ótima pedida. É uma linguagem incrível, a linguagem do momento. Eu vou estuda-la em breve, Estou com outras prioridades de estudo no momento. Os preços são bem acessíveis, e os que eu fiz eu gostei do conteúdo. Eu já fiz mais de 15 cursos nessa plataforma geralmente 25,00 cada curso vale muito a pena o investimento.

r/learnpython • comment
3 points • ValleyForge

I started learning Python because I needed to complete some statistical analyses that Excel could not handle. I may have been able to accomplish my goals using a macro, but I knew Python could do it and would be more useful down the road.

I spent a couple weeks diving deep into the free content at DataCamp. Then I went through Automate the Boring Stuff (Yes, it was redundant at this point, but that's what I needed).

Now I'm using Udemy's 100 Days of Code (I have no affiliation with them, but I recommend Angela Yu's course. I paid $10 through some sale and, even if I stopped now, it would be worth every penny). Days 1 - 15 were redundant again, but I need that kind of repetition. Everything I need to do at work was covered by Day 15.

My approach been to develop a solid understanding of the syntax and the modules central to my expertise (pandas, matplotlib, openpyxl, PIL, os). I read up on other modules as I need to do new things. I'm a data scientist with too much geology experience.

The challenge I (and many others here) have faced is simply finding a problem that we can release Python on. Once a project is found, it becomes the standard game of breaking the problem down into chunk-sized steps and figure out how to get the code to address each of those steps.

My Linux background is laughable. I spent a weekend 10 years ago trying to get a server rack I found in the trash to run on Linux. I succeeded and then decided I didn't want to take the time to figure out how to do more (I regret that decision). I'm mainly on Window/Android unless conditions require something else

Forgive my ignorance. What is SW? I did a quick search. I see it's used everywhere, but I could not find what it stands for.

r/KGBTR • comment
3 points • ChemistryIsTheBest


r/learnpython • comment
3 points • Jaxlee2018

Highly recommend: Angela Yu Udemy 100 Days of Code - she is an outstanding instructor.

r/findapath • comment
7 points • ray_giraffe

You were able to do the BA in Math, so you are logical - you could be good at programming.

There's a learnprogramming subreddit, some good info here: https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/wiki/faq

Python seems to be the most popular programming language.

I don't know which online course is best to start, but I've found Angela Yu's course good:


r/learnprogramming • comment
3 points • crystalblue99

Angela Yu, wait until it is on sale.

Just an FYI, it can take a few hours per "day" after the first few days.

r/movingtojapan • comment
3 points • Umibozu_CH

>I'm currently only working on Python but if anyone has suggestions for what to do after mastering Python, I would appreciate that too.

I think you're putting the cart before the horse a bit, already thinking of "after mastering Python", since this language is used in a vast variety of fields, from scripting\automation and web-development to Data Science and Machine Learning (tons of libraries and python-based frameworks out there in the wild).

Actually, I'd recommend taking this course to get an understanding of what Python is capable of - 100 days of code, Python bootcamp


>I'm not even sure what coding languages I should study

Given the above, you first need to make up your mind on what coding field you are most comfortable with\find most interesting, then just do a bit of googling on the tech stack used in the corresponding field.

Also, you could do a bit of "field research", by creating an account on one of the Japanese job boards, like Daijob, CareerCross or Wantedly and checking which jobs are in high demand (actually, you can also try creating a web scraper with Python for that very purpose and later show it off in a GitHub profile as part of the CV\portfolio)

r/learnpython • comment
3 points • yamyam46

I am following this for last 21 days(yup, new years resolution :) . https://www.udemy.com/course/100-days-of-code/

First downloaded without paying anything(you know how) and the decided to pay for it since it was great material and also on discount

I am happy with the fact that in 20 days of daily 1 hour challenges, I am able to understand how bad I was in the beginning and started to find answers to my questions by myself. Getting better everyday

Good luck

r/Python • comment
6 points • BlackQ42


I think this course checks all the boxes: 100 days of code

Or this free book: Nature of Code

r/learnpython • comment
2 points • juanchopablo

I love this course: https://www.udemy.com/course/100-days-of-code/

Is not free. But every day you do a project so you will be learning and doing it.

r/ProgrammingBuddies • comment
2 points • d9viant

Check out Angela Yu on Udemy.


She is lovely.

r/learnpython • comment
2 points • DoersVC

Hi, I tried to learn python already several times. I have books on python. But none of them taught me that enough. Because I was just reading. But most important is that you practice an not just to read. For that I've found the course https://www.udemy.com/course/100-days-of-code/ really useful because Angela Yu encourages you to program in small exercises. And she guides you all the way. I'm just (again) a beginner. But I think this could work out for me. And maybe you as well.

r/nursing • comment
2 points • PianoConcertoNo2

I’m a nurse who went back to school and just finished a CS degree.

Even with the gen eds done, it took 3-4 years due to prerequisite bottle necks of my program. But the way I started was by taking the intro to programming courses at a community college ( just make sure they transfer to university).

But you may not even need the degree, a lot of it is portfolio / project based, so nothing is stopping you from getting a udemy course ( this ones good) ) and building up a github portfolio.

Since I mentioned Udemy - just make sure the courses are on sale. Usually they list courses for $100-200, but have multiple sales during the week that bring them down to $10-20.

r/learnpython • comment
2 points • that_fire_girl

You can search for 100 days of code in udemy....

100 days of code

It was good to learn as a perfect beginner.... Where you can learn on practicing and gauge your growth....
There might be better courses but from what I saw this was best....

r/CasualUK • comment
2 points • jamawg

If you can afford 16 squids (I paid 12, so price seems to vary), then nothing at all beats https://www.udemy.com/course/100-days-of-code/ for learning Python.

I would not advice you to bittorrent it

Also, no IDE comes even close to the excellent & free PyCharm, community edition

r/sysadmin • comment
2 points • Jondah

Select a lagnguage that will help you in your daily work and start automate small tasks. For python I liked this course. https://www.udemy.com/course/100-days-of-code/

r/EngineeringStudents • comment
2 points • taahaa8528

For python, do this boot camp https://www.udemy.com/course/100-days-of-code/

r/cscareerquestions • comment
2 points • aldiandyainf

Being software engineer is like other jobs, it's not really hard as long as you give time. I'm not saying that "it's easy" but it's possible for most people, unlike some belief that movie gives.


How about trying this 100 days of code with python. It's more practical than most courses, and it might give you more confidence. (not sponsored in any way)

r/googlecloud • comment
2 points • alienalgen94

Take this Python bootcamp on udemy for a couple bucks on sale and if you complete it to the end you will be a better python programmer than the average junior dev with "python on the resume".


Thanks to her im a master in javascript.

Angela yu is a goddess.

Im starting this python bootcamp in march as im doing reactsjs and flutter first to learn new tech.

r/FemaleDatingStrategy • comment
4 points • -badmadAM

Nah, age 30 is so young, my eldest cousin went to engineering school at 38. You can still start to learn a programming language on the side, try it as a hobby.

I like this one https://www.udemy.com/course/100-days-of-code/

r/ProgrammingBuddies • post
18 points • troublsum03
Coding Buddy

Hi, I'm looking for a coding buddy to go through a course with. I have bought a few from Udemy, not sure if it was the best site to use but 10 bucks you can't beat that. Anyway, I am medical retired from the Army and looking to learn programming with someone or a group of ppl. I'm in CST. discord name AOFA Troublsum(SSG)#0917 (HTML,CSS,Javascript, Python) List of the course I got.




Web Dev.:




r/saudiarabia • comment
1 points • Norisu0


هدي دورة كويسة. و عندي كتب مجانا مفيدة ببعتلك ياها بس اجمعها في رابط.

r/learnpython • comment
1 points • LifeAffect6762

is a well-respected ad has LOADS of exercises. Can be got for under $20. If
not there are lots of sales. Just try again or try in a private
browser session. Ime a big fan of good online training and IMHO this
course is well worth the dollar.

r/ProgrammingBuddies • comment
1 points • ioBin

Hey, its going well. Picked up this course because of the black Friday sale https://www.udemy.com/course/100-days-of-code/

Daily challeng projects keep it interesting.

r/learnpython • comment
1 points • cokronk

Here’s a 100 days of Python coding that I’ve been following along. It’s $15 on Udemy. It goes from the very basics onward. I’m almost to day 20.


r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • EngineeredPapaya


r/csMajors • comment
1 points • paperpot91

I'm in a similar boat as you, as someone working full time in healthcare. I just enrolled for a Masters of Computer Science which I'm very excited about. I've been self teaching for about 6 months and absolutely love it, starting with automating various things throughout my practices.

I highly recommend CS50 too, really helped me grasp the fundamentals of coding logic and algorithmic thinking. It's difficult, but I had an advantage going in with a significant amount of JavaScript knowledge and I'm glad I did it in that order. For Python, I can highly recommend Angela Yu's course on udemy

It just came out last month, is super comprehensive, and has heaps of useful projects for you to build (even has various automation projects , which is my main area of interest). Also covers ML and data science so you can see for yourself if it's an area you want to pursue further. You can skip the GUI stuff if web development doesn't interest you, but she is the best instructor I've ever come across :)

r/FragReddit • comment
1 points • jwltr

https://www.udemy.com/course/100-days-of-code/ ist ziemlich gut.

r/bioinformatics • comment
1 points • Zara-Af

I recommend this outstanding and practical course https://www.udemy.com/course/100-days-of-code/

r/learnpython • comment
1 points • Neo_isTheOne

Hi, good day to all.

Can someone attest to how good is this Python bootcamp course by tutor named Dr. Angela Yu? Link : https://www.udemy.com/course/100-days-of-code/

Is that course too complex for an absolute beginner?

r/learnpython • comment
1 points • chunguslungus123

Thank you for this source, if you dont mind looking it up https://www.udemy.com/course/100-days-of-code/ What do you think about this though, from an outside perspective it looks like a Well structurtude course, do you think it would be hard for a beginner?

r/learnpython • comment
1 points • Frickinfrockers

100 days of code on Udemy. https://www.udemy.com/course/100-days-of-code/

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • StephenSpielbergo

I'm pretty new to coding, but I'm working my way through 100 Days of Coding which is all Python. It's geared very much to beginners, so much that I sometimes wish the instructor would get more technical in her explanations. But looking ahead in the lessons it also seems to go very in depth and it involves non-stop practice in applying the lessons.

r/Python • comment
1 points • homed1po


I felt a similar way you do, so I enrolled in this Udemy course which contains many “relevant” projects to work on including games, apps, automation tools, and websites. The instructor is one of the best I’ve seen. I like this method of learning because there is more real feedback versus just reading through a book (I tried that method as well). This course also allowed me to reuse a lot of the code I wrote in the course to repurpose or build upon for other interesting apps. If your Udemy account is new, you can get the course for 10-20 dollars. Udemy also has frequent flash sales.

r/LearnToCode • comment
1 points • seanyboygloryboy

Refund the course, and buy this one instead. ⬇️


⬆️ Fantastic course 👍

r/Python • comment
1 points • b_19_


Not a bad place to start

r/learnpython • comment
1 points • hinzinho

Do this one. It shows you step by step as a beginner. Around $15.


r/CompTIA • comment
1 points • beeswaxntyoursinc

I was browsing for a python course on there and found this one https://www.udemy.com/course/100-days-of-code/

All of her courses are highly rated and the user comments sold me. I have not taken the course yet though

r/indonesia • comment
1 points • RecoverExcellent7304

Latihan tiap hari, saran saya coba course 100 days of code