30 Days To The Life You Deserve!

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An ADHDer Psychotherapist takes you on an ADHD Makeover Journey to build your perfect career, relationships, & life

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Taught by
Prof Alina Kislenko

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r/bujo • comment
1 points • CrBr

Procrastination is not laziness. It is usually caused by S.T.R.E.S.S. Steps (not breaking them small enough), Thinking (negative thoughts), Research (more data, sometimes clear definition of the assignment, sometimes information needed to do), Emotions, Sensory issues, Self-care (need for). (More details here, more details here, wait for sale, class is worth $18, not $100.

Often working through that list shows me something I didn't know. I'm procrastinating on baking breakfast muffins because they we're too crumbly last time and I don't want to have to clean my car again. Next step is research why muffins are too crumbly. Or put on light short sleeve shirt before washing dishes so I don't overheat.

Don't try to eat the frog first. It works for some people, but for many people it waste the entire day. we stress ourselves out because we have to do the big thing, and all that stress prevents us from doing anything else. It was a common question for new members of my ADHD support group. I try it, just like the book says, and it doesn't work. The leader asked how many of us had tried it and found it didn't work. Every hand went up, every time. We all agreed the advice was wrong.

Start with the easiest thing on your list. That might be self care. It might be one of those simple silly quick things that you always put off because there are more important things.

Be careful not to add too much to your list and then feel disappointed you didn't do it.

I sometimes make two lists. One is things I really want to do today, short enough I can reasonably do them all, and the other is just to get things out of my head. Sometimes my short list says do one of. I want to do accounting or email, and doing one of them is reasonable, but I can't do both today. I don't have to decide which until the last minute, and doing either one lets me cross out the line.

I sometimes write down the time right before getting up to do it. Then I record the time I'm ready to do the next thing. That way I know how much energy something really uses. Mopping the floor takes an hour. I can do it in 30 if I really try, but then it's harder to put my book down after lunch and I end the day earlier. That extra 30 minutes creeps in somewhere. It also shows me some things don't take nearly as long as I thought. I can unload and reload the dishwasher in 5 minutes, while my morning tea is steeping. I used to stall because I thought it was a big long scary task.

I give everything on my list an energy estimate, and add it up. 4 points is doable, 6 to 8 is wonderful, 10 a day for more than two days will burn me out for the rest of the week.

r/ADHD • comment
1 points • FlipDetector

You can reach it on the link on the teacher's profile, namely this one: ADHD: 30 Days To The Life You Deserve!
Don't buy full price, udemy always have some discount let me see if I can get a direct link:
Anyways check out the Preview