The Advanced Concepts (2022 Update)

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Learn modern advanced JavaScript practices and be in the top 10% of JavaScript developers

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Taught by
Andrei Neagoie


Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 10 mentions • top 10 shown below

r/learnprogramming • comment
3 points • Sudo-Voxel


Is a amazing course, And teaches you

(Have not used myself, my friends offer glowing reviews of it though)


Javascript Engine

Javascript Runtime

Interpreter, Compiler, JIT Compiler

Writing Optimized Code

Call Stack + Memory Heap

Stack Overflow + Memory Leaks

Garbage Collection


ES6, ES7, ES8, ES9 features

Single-Threaded Model

Execution Context

Lexical Environment

Scope Chain


Function Invocation

Function Scope vs Block Scope

Dynamic vs Lexical Scope

this - call(), apply(), bind()


Context vs Scope

Static vs Dynamically Typed

Primitive Types

Pass by Reference vs Pass by Value

Type Coercion

Arrays, Functions, Objects


Prototypal Inheritance

Class Inheritance


Higher-Order Functions

Functions vs Objects

Scheme + Java in JavaScript

OOP (Object Oriented Programming)

Private vs Public properties

Functional Programming


Imperative vs Declarative code

Composition vs Inheritance


Partial Application

Pure Functions

Referential Transparency



Error Handling

Asynchronous JavaScript

Callbacks, Promises, Async/Await

Event Loop + Callback Queue

Task Queue + Microtask Queue

Concurrency + Parallelism

Modules in Javascript

r/developersIndia • comment
1 points • runsterr

This course is amazing if you want to know the concepts indepth,

r/salesforce • comment
2 points • CrGoSu

If he has a development background surely he's used to learning on his own. Why does he need specifically 1:1s? They are plenty of resources out there to learn javascript, and for free!

This is an Ok course for advanced javascript

EDIT: Also, is this "for a friend" thing for real or sarcasm (i.e it's actually you)?

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • kerabatsos

I can't recommend this one enough: It's one of the best, most thorough tutorials for intermediate js developers to get and reinforce larger concepts, but also zeros in on specific problems and use-cases. Love it.

r/learnprogramming • post
11 points • Yarduza
Learning Paths Series: Javascript

I'm starting a little series of good learning resources that I encountered. Each article will be dedicated to certain technology and divided into 4 categories:

  1. General - resources that should accompany you through the whole learning process.
  2. Beginner - Your entry point. The first stages into that world.
  3. Intermediate
  4. Advanced

There are many resources out there. This is an opinionated list of selected ones, meaning, these are resources I deem as good or important for learning, and I hope most of you would be able to learn better using this guide.

Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with any of the resources and am not about to receive any type of compensation for including any of them here. This is an objective guide.


  1. The Coding Train - YouTube Channel, good to follow, he touches many topics and is fun to watch as well as educational and informative.
  2. CodeSandbox - Online IDE for Rapid Web Development
  3. JSFiddle - Code Playground
  4. awesome-javascript - A collection of awesome browser-side JavaScript libraries, resources, and shiny things. You can find neat gems here.
  5. r/learnjavascript - you know what it is
  6. r/javascript - this too...
  7. Modern JavaScript Tutorial: - simple, but detailed explanations with examples and tasks
  8. Stack Overflow Javascript - Stack Overflow forum javascript tag
  9. CodePen - An online code editor, learning environment, and community
  10. WebStorm - An IDE by JetBrains. The one I personally use.



Both courses are good entry point courses. You can choose one or do both if you wish to practice more.

  1. The Complete JavaScript Course 2020: Build Real Projects! - A Udemy Course
  2. Interactivity with JavaScript - A Coursera Course



Various coding games and challenges can be played and practiced at the beginner stage as well. It depends on your level of programming maturity. It's not a must resource but a nice addition. If you come from another language you would probably want to check it at the beginner stage of Javascript. If this is your first language, you might wish to develop some programming maturity first.

  1. JavaScript: The Advanced Concepts - Udemy Course
  2. CodinGame - Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better. Practice what you learn.
  3. Programming JavaScript Applications - A great book with a deep dive.
  4. JavaScript (ES2015+) Enlightenment - In depth JS tutorials.



  1. Learning Javascript Design Patterns - Free Online book
  2. Project Euler - A website dedicated to the fascinating world of mathematics and programming. High-level riddles.


Some advice:

Couple Javascript with CSS + HTML so you'll be able to start playing with it and see nice results. Do a quick scan of some HTML tags and CSS, just enough to be able to build small things.

Practicing is super important, start practicing at the beginner stage. The coding game challenges can be approached then, and if it's too much for you, then practice on what you learned. Tweak it, tune it, play with the material, and don't be afraid to break stuff.

Devote the needed time! There are no shortcuts. There's no magic. I'm not a believer in super-learning or fast-reading. Make sure you know how to implement before jumping to the next topic.

Distribute your learning and practice across the weak. 1 hour every day is better than 10 hours every Sunday.


Good luck to all the Javascript learners.

r/Frontend • comment
1 points • _BeAsYouAre_

The 50 Projects in 50 Days is a good hands on tutorial but it's not with that that you'll become proficient in JS.

For those who want to dive deep into the language the best tutorial I found out there and that I strongly recommend is the book series from Kyle Simpson You Don't Know JS. Those are the books that made me understand the beauty of JS like scope, closures, how the compiler works and so on. He's also an instructor at FrontEndMasters if you're interested.

Another one worth looking into is the one from Andrei Neagoie on Udemy JavaScript Advanced Concepts.

Have fun!

r/cscareerquestions • comment
1 points • Casanova_de_Seingalt

Same, currently studying a few udemy courses to refresh my memory as I'm starting to prepare for a job switch. Here's a couple that I'm looking into:

Master the Coding Interview: Data Structures + Algorithms

Data Structures and Algorithms Bootcamp

Advanced JavaScript Concepts

r/learnjavascript • comment
0 points • suprabha-supi

I am using this course, its really awesome:


Also, I have created few articles, maybe it helps to understand few concept:

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • ProgrammingWithPax

A well rounded intro which will get you 80% to mastery:

Advanced deep-dive into every part of JS, the other 20%:

You can pick up these courses for about $15 each when they are on sale (once a month).


If you're looking for free resources:

r/digitalnomad • comment
1 points • lmneozoo

Warning, long post.

No, there are more jobs for JavaScript so I suggest starting there. Learning multiple languages and changing in the beginning is the worst thing that you can do. You need to master one to become employable - to be proficient in a skill they say 1000-1200 hours of will get you there10,000 hours to master aka 4-5 years of full time work.

As for curriculum, I suggest following the freecodecamp curriculum, and supplement it with udemy courses.
Here are my recommendations assuming you have never written a line of code in your life. Below is essentially enough to get started as a full stack developer.
The Web Developer Bootcamp (start and complete after you finish responsive webdesign section on freecodecamp)
Will get you off the ground with the basics of HTML CSS and JS.

The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp (2019) (start in parallel with Javascript Algorithms And Data Structures section):
Will dive deeper into JavaScript - Be sure to do all the exercises on your own. It's important to learn how to search and solve problems on your own.

At this point, I suggest signing up for Codewars to practice solving coding challenges.

Begin Front End Libraries section on freecodecamp and work through until you complete react.

The Modern React Bootcamp (Hooks, Context, NextJS, Router) (Complete after you complete the react section on freecodecamp):
Will give you a strong introduction to react.

Complete the rest of the front end section

Complete React Developer in 2019 (w/ Redux, Hooks, GraphQL) (complete once front end section is completed)

Begin and complete the JSON and ajax under Data Visualization section on freecodecamp...unless you want, the other points are not too necessary here.


At this point you should be able to build something on your own with the help of google. Build a personal site, blog, or what ever else interest you. This is about 3 months in working 40 hours a week. I just started learning firebase (product from google), and its pretty simple to host react apps there so take a look at that service.

Also at this point, you can begin diving deeper into JavaScript itself (spend half of your time building your own projects, and half of your time continuing to learn. Be sure to implement new things that you learn into your programming.)

At this point, you should be 4-5 months in working full time. Keep making your own projects, begin to put a portfolio together. If you've made it this far, you are almost employable. Expand your knowledge of the command line, and if you're interested in full stack take a look at the microservices section and nodejs (good course for node: The Complete Node.js Developer Course (3rd Edition)