Angular (Full App) with Angular Material, Angularfire & NgRx

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Use Angular, Angular Material, Angularfire (+ Firebase with Firestore) and NgRx to build a real Angular App

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Academind by Maximilian Schwarzmüller


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r/angular • comment
1 points • jamawg

I am upvoting your question, as it is a good one.

BUT, is less than US $15 for the course really going to break the bank? Yes, I know that it might seem a waste, to pay just for the exercises, given that you already have the course, but, you do seem to want them, so ... is it worth the cost of a few beers?

FWIW, I have tried a few Udemy Angular Courses, and found nothing to come close to Max's. IIRC, it has a solid 24 hours of video, which translates, for me, to 48 hours, including coding - for only $15 !!!!

Also, IIRC, it is the highest rated Angular course, and has over 500k users (think of the money he must have made - and he deserves ever penny of it).

So, my advice is to either ask your uni for the code, or shell out of your own pocket.

I am currently just finishing off this course, and it is still just fine with Angular 12. Next up is his Angular Material course (rather than using Bootstrap).

Btw, if you ever need a Flutter/Dart course, you can't beat Dr Angela Yu's course. Top rated in its topic, and rightly so, it puts the code on GitHub, which it would have been nice of Max to do.

She teaches so well, with the same methodical approach that, although I have been coding Python for over 10 years, I have bought her 100 Days of Code - The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2021, and have no doubt that I will learn from it.

r/Angular2 • comment
2 points • einstruzende

I went on a crash course in the summer of 2018, and I started with introduction that is on can start here:


If you don't mind spending $11, then check out this:

It's buy a guy named Maximilian Schwarzmüller, and while I did not take this particular course, I have taken other courses of his and he is very good.

Outside of that, lots and lots of youtube searches for specific things you have questions on. General learning of RxJs is a bonus. If you find yourself using promises with modern Angular, then you're probably doing it wrong.

To be honest though, Angular has a fairly steep curve to be productive in it. You don't really do things "any way you want", as Angular is designed to be opinionated on how you structure an app. Things will seem weird at first.

Also, if you are not familiar with modern web dev, than I actually think learning nodejs (I have taken the udemy course from Max and recommend it). Most of these frameworks use node tooling so if you have the time, I think I'd say learn the basics of NodeJs, then learn the basics of RxJs, then go Angular. That's what I would say is a bottom up approach, which I prefer over top down.

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • Bread_Sheep

Hello, Andrew! Thank you for your question.

I think this is really dependent on how you learn. Are you a visual learner? Are you someone who retains information by reading and comprehending? Are you someone who likes to follow along a tutorial and then convert that into something you can call your own?

When I first started trying to learn on my own, I went to as many youtube tutorials as I could to learn to basics of the language.

I really like how Derek presents information in a way that I can relate to what I was learning in school. You say you're learning C++, so you must be learning about variables, conditions, arrays, loops, etc.. And that's exactly how he presents the information. You'll be able to learn the syntax as well as connect the concepts to what you're learning in school. If you have a homework assignment, do it in C++ and javascript, you'd be surprised at how much you can do in different languages!

Since I've got a lot of the basics down, I look for tutorial videos online that teach you how to create something, like an app that is similar to instagram, or whatever I'm interested in trying to learn. And then I have something to reference when I'm making what I initially set out to do. Such as courses on Udemy

I think that you're going in a great direction of going to school and then trying to learn some on your own.

As you grow as a web developer, you'll learn javascript, and then you'll start branching into different areas depending on what you want to make. There are things that build off of javascript, such as Angular 2+, Vue.JS, react, and more. These are modern-day "Frameworks" that make advanced concepts easier for us to use. Do you really want to spend years creating your own server to send and handle HTTP requests? Of course you don't, and you shouldn't. Node.JS provides a built in function that you can use to create server on your port of choice! As you dive deeper into programming, you'll find things like this all over the place, and you should be taking advantage of these things as much as you can!

So, to end this.. Find what you enjoy doing. It's key to successful progression and learning, and find what works for you. Work hard everyday, and you'll be successful no matter which path you take.