Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Programming
Below are the top discussions from Reddit that mention this online Udemy course.
A practical programming course for office workers, academics, and administrators who want to improve their productivity
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Taught by
Al Sweigart
Reddit Posts and Comments
0 posts • 312 mentions • top 50 shown below
4628 points • AlSweigart
"Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" Udemy course is free to sign up for with code NOV2019FREE
Udemy has changed their coupon policies, and I'm now only allowed to make 3 coupon codes each month with several restrictions. I'll no longer be able to make free coupon codes with arbitrary restrictions. Instead I can:
- Make free codes that are only good for 3 days for an unlimited number of people (NOV2019FREE lasts until November 7, 2019 11:05 AM PST)
- Make codes that make the course cheap (but not cheaper than what Udemy offers, allowing them to undercut me) for unlimited people that lasts for 30 days. (I've made a code NOV2019 for this.)
There's two other options, but they're less than ideal: free but only 10 people can use it, or lowest price but it's only good for a few days instead of a month. I can only make 3 codes a month, so I can't just generate new codes every few days.
If you're reading this post after the NOV2019FREE code, you can use the NOV2019 code to get the course for about $14. I plan on making new free codes for the first three days of each month. You can probably guess what next month's free code will be.
To head off any questions:
- If you don't have time to take the course now, that's fine. Signing up gives you lifetime access so you can work on it at your own pace.
- This Udemy course covers the same content as the book, which you can read for free online at
- The 2nd edition of Automate the Boring Stuff with Python will be posted on the website in mid-November. It gets released on the 12th, and I'll need a couple days to format it to HTML and make it look nice.
- I do plan on updating the Udemy course for the second edition, but it'll take a while because I have other book projects I'm working on. Expect that update to happen in mid- or late-2020.
- It's totally fine to start on the first edition and then read the second edition later. I'll be writing a blog post to guide first edition readers to the parts of the second edition they should read.
- I wrote a blog post to cover what's new in the second edition
- I used to do free codes once or twice a year. The last time I did, I had an amazing 80,000 people sign up (so a dozen of them might have actually finished the course, if people are as good as I am about finishing the online courses I sign up for). Udemy's new policies mean I can't do this anymore. I find this to be a less than ideal situation. So I'm rolling out new codes each month. NOV2019FREE is the free code, and NOV2019 is the cheap code. I'll come out with new ones at the start of each month. (And yes, I'll probably write a script to automate this.)
367 points • LewyV
“Automate the boring stuff with Python” is free for a limited time!
One of the highest rated courses, and it’s free for a limited time.
If it’s not automatically applied, use code FEB2021FREE
185 points • kolo3321
Curso gratis de automatizacion con Python
Por lo que leo en el sub está lleno de gente que quiere aprender a progarmar, u otra que quiere cambiar de carrera, o algunos que saben un poco. Cuestion que hay un código de promocion que te regala este curso de 50 dolares en udemy.
El curso es Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Programming y lo pueden obtener gratis aca
Es importante el codigo del final del curso que es el que lo hace gratis. Ojala le sirva a alguno.
59 points • TestedOnAnimals
uDemy has their Python training course, "Automate the Boring Stuff" on for free right now.
Link to the course website. Yes, I'm aware this sounds like a scam, but if it is I've been scammed as well. Figured it'd be helpful for those that might want to pad out their resumes for internships and whatnot.
58 points • MatteForsk
105 points • ElMapacheTevez
PSA: Para los que quieren aprender Python
El libro que tanto recomiendan en el sub "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Programming" esta gratis en Udemy! Aprovechen
42 points • automatedmystuff
For some reason, I'm having troubling messaging both of you guys, perhaps due to the new account. I guess I'll just post it here.
It's Automate the Boring Stuff With Python. The creator is a Redditer who almost always puts the course on sale. From what I've seen, he also seems pretty anti-work.
85 points • SorKolapso
Curso automate the boring stuff with python grátis da udemy
Segue o link
Grátis é legal. Um beijo.
18 points • Chichipio
PSA: Automate the boring stuff with python esta gratis en udemy:
16 points • mister_clark
The automate the boring stuff course is free until the 7th with code JUN2020FREE so worth picking up anyways. code=JUN2020FREE
16 points • dorko96
I'm currently going through Automate the Boring Stuff! Just wanna add that there's a Udemy course by the writer for a deeply discounted price. (link)
14 points • Flint777
Udemy Automate the boring stuff Python Free
It's back! CODE: JAN2020FREE
12 points • Enolim
On udemy.
11 points • blevlabs
What goal would you like to achieve? Web dev, robotics, game dev, etc. If you want to do general programming, try out Python. this course is a great introduction, and if its too expensive rn its frequently on sale. You can PM if you have any more questions!
9 points • gustavsen
direct link without affiliated
7 points • thisguyisbarry
Waste imo. Better off finding a Udemy course or something if you can trust yourself to self learn: Automate the Boring Stuff is good:
7 points • TheColor0fMoney
> Automate The Boring Stuff
19 points • WongGendheng
I don’t like this article and I‘m happy to tell you why.
It claims to provide the „top resources“ to learn Python from scratch, but focuses purely on the Udemy platform (and affiliate links - gotta make that money from the hard work of listing 24 courses without added information). While there is nothing wrong with Udemy per sé, I find it disappointing that amazing FREE resources are not being mentioned at all. Neither does he mention Automate the boring stuff (its even on Udemy and still one of the better courses out there even in 2020...) nor Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python, a free edX course with MIT professors.
To me, the „author“ provides a mere list of affiliate links to courses, that I learn nothing about in his article. Why have they been selected? Why are they better to learn Python compared to the other 500+ Python for beginner courses?
4 points • Charan1973
Here’s new link
14 points • JayIT
Corey Schafer's Youtube series on Python is really good.
Do that, then follow up with Automate the Boring Stuff with Python. You can either buy the book or the Udemy course,
4 points • DesiContributor
Learn Python and build processes and bots to automate financial tasks. Use your experience in the finance space to automate most day to day processes and you're already at the top end of hires.
Here's a really good, free resource to learn Python from scratch, primarily how to automate manual tasks.
The video course is also heavily discounted most of the time.
3 points • Lunix638
Está también el the automating the boring stuff:
3 points • BrownFlushItDown
This is the link he sent.
Or you can find it and use that JUN2021FREE and it'll apply it if you don't want to click the link
3 points • papasfritas
3 points • BakedBen420
I’ve never coded in my life. Never developed anything in my life, besides developing a passion for crypto. So I’ve started my journey to learn. It’s only been a couple of weeks, but everyone starts somewhere. If you’re genuinely curious about something, no matter what it is, I highly encourage pursuing it.
For me, I’ve read that python is an extremely beginner friendly program to learn. So that what’s I’m working on learning. I’ll leave a link for the lessons I’m taking titled “automate the boring stuff with python”. It’s only $15 right now and it has exceptional reviews.
3 points • MagiaGlaciar cuándo vas a la cesta le agregas este cupón JUL2021FREE
3 points • ninnu
Suht noorest peale arvuti inimene, kuigi väga mingi kindlat spetsiifilist oskust pole, pigem siin-seal natukene näppinud. Harvard CS50 tegin mingi esimesed 3 või 4 loengut+koduül ära, Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Programming mingi 90% kunagi tehtud, Javascripti ja selle frameworke õrnalt käppinud, veel nooremana sai After Effects+Sony Vegasega mingeid "vingeid" frag moviesi tehtud, mingi Blenderis, mayas ja unrealis ringi tuuseldanud for fun..nagu ideeliselt taust oleks olemas, et selle peale minna. Kuigi ma nimetasin palju asju just, siis ma hindaks nende kõigi oskuse võrdlemisi madalaks ikka, sai lihtsalt mingil ajahetkel huvi pärast timmitud ja mingit pikemat väljundit pole olnud..aga samas jah, kui arvutis midagi tuksi keeran, siis selle lahendamine on küll alati fun olnud. Arch Linuxi installatsiooni sai ka masohistlikel eesmärkidel kunagi tehtud. Aga jah, printerite-arvutite ja kõige muu võimaliku parandaja rolli on mind lähedased pannud ja selle koha pealt tundub see suht loogiline samm edasi.
Aga rott nagu ma olen siis enamus tutorialid ja asjad olen piraatinud, seega isegi lõpetatud asjade kohta tunnistust pole ja kuna jätkuvalt ei tegelenud, siis õige oleks ikka öelda, et otseselt ei oska midagi.
Ehk nüüd jõuan ringiga selleni, et vaja mingid paberid-oskused muretseda, aga ilma medikamentideta ADHDga koolis(oleks vaja keskkool ka ära lõpetada, mingi 11.5 tehtud) ja tööl samaaegselt käia tundub mission impossible ja noh raha on elamiseks prioriteet hetkel ikkagi. Parim plaan mille peale ma olen suutnud tulla on see, et ma leian mingi töö, mida ma suudan pikemas perspektiivis niikaua taluda, et küllalt kõrvale panna ja siis ilma raha peale muretsemata kooli lõpetada.
6 points • my_password_is______
start with python 3
this online book is free
and the author has a course on udemy that he makes free the first week of every month
he often comes on here and gives the certificate code
2 points • sylvesteryiadom
Start here It’s free if you use the code SEP2020FREE
2 points • dctezla
I started learning about 2 weeks ago. I'm no expert, but I've learned enough to code a few algorithms, web scraping scripts and I'm starting to use some API's.
What I did was bought the Automate the Boring Stuff (I think it's currently free). After that course I just dove into projects, started coding and trying things I didn't know anything about. You'll have to do a lot of googling, but you'll be surprised with what you create.
Like I said I started 2 weeks ago, I thought it took a genius to code. But it's so much easier than you think. My best advice would be to stick with it, it's easy to quit when working through the course. But believe me it is so much fun when you're done it. All my friends are complaining about being bored during this quarantine, but I haven't had a dull moment lol.
2 points • FermatsLastAccount
If you're interest in learning, try out this course.
No math or programming background needed. Some knowledge of higher level math can be required for programming, but it depends on the field. It's definitely not a blanket requirement.
2 points • FrankZappasXylophone
Automate the Boring Stuff from No Starch Press might be helpful. It has video courses on Udemy.
2 points • i_am_in_the_store evo papas posla jos jednom sto je trazio
Pokusaj da kucas samo Automate boring things with python udemy course for free - mozda ti tako izadje da ga uzmes.
Ako ne uspijes tako skini sa torrenta samo ga trazi na
Takodje imas i knjigu koja se isto zove ako ti je tako lakse da ucis ili samo dodatno da imas. (Besplatna je na sajtu njegovom, a lako mozes da nadjes pdf da skines negdje drugo)
2 points • 1337InfoSec
Hijacking this post to say that if you want to learn scripting, there is no better beginner than the "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" Udemy course.
Al's offering the course free today, if you claim it you get to keep it permanently in your Udemy account. Multiple coworkers learned to code, automate, and script using the Udemy version of this course
8 points • rompdeck
As a noob myself, I can understand what you are looking for. It would be great if we can follow along a pro is making an application (any type of app) step by step. So, we can follow along and then on our own add some extra functions.
Its kinda overwhelming to actually do something with your "code knowledge" as writing code is there, but making it into a useful app that you can use for your problems is the challenge. I too am trying to make an app for a problem I have.
I would suggest you look at Automate the boring stuff, its a books that takes you through the step by step process of making very small apps (too small, i feel). For me more than the book, the video helped me. I came to know (not sure of the source), that a python course if given for free and I just signed up as I was learning the first course via FreeCodeCamp. I am not excited about making a website.
Give it a try.
2 points • TechsInTheCity
Today is the last day to get the Udemy course Automate the Boring Stuff with Python free:
2 points • mobilecheese
Automate the boring stuff is probably the only thing I'd pay for. The real question is: what do you know already? Any previous programming experience? Do you know what you want to be able to do with python? You can do a lot.
2 points • talking-bears6345
FUCK IT HERE'S THE LINK: Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Programming Course | Udemy
2 points • Dardoleon
Automate the boring stuff with python. free with this coupon, thanks to the author who posts them each month.
5 points • m4dm4d
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python on Udemy is free in June. The good news is we are in June! So it could be a good starting point for anyone that wants to try courses on Udemy and get an idea of how this thing works.
Link for those interested:
4 points • Schemik
To answer some common questions:
O'Reilly is one of the most reputable publishers in the field.
These books aren't necessarily suited to get started with programming. (In that case, I recommend first going through the free Automate the Boring Stuff with Python book or course which is often free too, as Al Sweigart regularly posts discount codes.) They're rather for junior developers looking to advance, developers switching to Java from another stack, or as a reference.
Repeats from previous bundles: the usual 97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know, and also Technology Strategy Patterns, Java in a Nutshell and Real-World Software Development... and a few more (Java 8 Lambdas, Java Threads, Think Java, previous edition of Learning Java and Java Cookbok) were in an older Java bundle that I missed.
1 points • GuteNachtJohanna
Thanks so much for doing this! I can't wait to take your course. Unfortunately the code here comes back with this message: "The coupon code entered is not valid for this course. Perhaps you used the wrong coupon code?"
I'm not sure exactly on the timing of eligibility but thought it was the first days of the month. Is there another way I can try it? (I'm using this website)
1 points • C4sp3r4
No es pregunta pero bueno. El curso Automate the Boring Stuff en Udemy esta gratis hasta el 4 de agosto. Link
1 points • aikilink
I sent you a PM. Also, there's probably around 24 hours left on this free coupon code for Automate the Boring Stuff on Udemy. At checkout use code NOV2019FREE
1 points • use_a_name-pass_word
I strongly recommend you do the automate the boring stuff course on Udemy it's free to sign up until may 7th
He has quite a few ideas for what you can do with it python. Even if you don't have repetitive stuff, you probably have manual things that you do that python could assist you with. you probably do stuff with excel or a computer in general, one of my colleagues wrote a short python script that just scrolled to the bottom of the page and clicked a button each time to load the next. He went away for 10 mins came back and the job was done. Just simple things like that, it doesn't even have to be work, some people write scripts to update them when a website change its content.
1 points • TazDingoYes
The Automate the Boring Stuff Python course might still be free on Udemy if you're lucky, if not, it goes free at the start of each month. It's a good course to start out with. I also like using Edabit alongside it.