Build Web Apps with Vue JS 3 & Firebase

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Learn Vue JS 3 & Firebase by creating & deploying dynamic web apps (including Authentication)

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Taught by
The Net Ninja (Shaun Pelling)

Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 9 mentions • top 9 shown below

r/vuejs • comment
15 points • kurkurzz

Net Ninja, if not the best, he's one of the best. He post some of the vue course on youtube, you can take a look first and then buy the course.

r/learnprogramming • comment
2 points • TheObeseAnorexic

Hope you enjoy it!

r/vuejs • comment
1 points • Tumbleweed_Code

Im not sure, cuz im also new, but ive used it with ref so far. It's Worked really nice.
This example is from a course im taking -

Build Web Apps with Vue JS 3 & Firebase

the async function with the await gives us time to wait for the server before we handle the data.
The imported useLogin composable, handles a tryCatch that tries to authenticate the login at the server.



<form u/submit.prevent="handleSubmit">

<input type="email" required placeholder="email" v-model="email">

<input type="password" required placeholder="password" v-model="password">

<div class="error">{{ error }}</div>

<button>Log in</button>





import { ref } from 'vue'

import useLogin from '../composables/useLogin'

export default {

setup(props, context) {

// refs

const email = ref('')

const password = ref('')

const { error, login } = useLogin()

const handleSubmit = async () => {

await login(email.value, password.value)

if (!error.value) {




return { email, password, handleSubmit, error }




r/vuejs • comment
1 points • Pixelreddit

The Net Ninja (Shaun Pelling) has a great course on Vue 3 and Firebase at

r/vuejs • comment
1 points • Lleweraf

I totally regret enrolling a 1 year subscription on Vue Mastery. It's incomplete, and they upload a single video every week so it kinda ruins the momentum. I don't want to wait 1 - 2 months just to complete a single topic.

Although I love Max's Udemy course. I highly recommend you checking out Net Ninja's course (Vue 3 + Firebase). You might want to check out his youtube channel as well, he has TONS of free tutorials.

r/vuejs • comment
1 points • msf42

The Udemy course "Build Web Apps with VueJS & Firebase" by Shaun Pelling is good.

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • ahmaddynugroho

This is the resource I use to learn JS (in Chronological order):
1. Modern JavaScript (from Novice to Ninja)
2. Build Web Apps with Vue JS 2 & Firebase
3. Node.js Crash Course Tutorial (I'm not finished yet)

1. It's all from the same guy who has a youtube channel called "The Net Ninja"
2. I recommend him because the way he teach is to-the-point, simple, and comprehensive

r/crestron • comment
1 points • jeffderek

I used the following.

HTML and CSS -

Javascript -

Vue -

I highly recommend learning a webapp framework for working on Crestron panels. I did two systems in Vanilla JS, before moving on to React and then Vue, and I feel pretty confident in saying that you shouldn't do that. The webapp frameworks are designed for exactly what we do as Crestron programmers, and while you can replicate it in Vanilla, I don't believe you should.

Personally I recommend Vue, because the learning curve on it is so easy. React is more powerful I'm sure, but Vue does everything I've asked it to so far and it's very readable and learnable.

Also I highly recommend the Crestron Discord server (in the sidebar), it's a great resource for learning how to use HTML on Crestron panels. Just be prepared for the fact that the first thing we're all going to say is that we don't know how to use the CH5 elements, because we've pretty much all given up on them and figured out better ways to do it.

r/softwaredevelopment • comment
1 points • Rusty-Swashplate

Hard to say what works for you since I don't know you, your way of learning or your experience you have.

My opinion: Doing a AWS certification is a good goal: it confirms that you know that stuff reasonably well. If you don't learn for passing the exam but for the knowledge you can get, which means experimenting and doing a lot of hands-on exercises, you'll learn a lot about AWS. Same applies for GCP. The knowledge is very transferable as the concept is the same, so pick AWS or GCP exams.

For learning a programming language (Python, but if you are into mobile apps, then Flutter might be more fun), there's plenty courses in Udemy, e.g. the popular Flutter course). I did it and I can recommend it.

If you take all those courses as a starting point to use this knowledge to do something with it, that's all you need IMHO. Create your own app. Run a back-end on AWS for your mobile app. If you lack ideas, get ideas from courses like this.

I'd say the only thing you really need beside some learning material, which is plentiful, is the willingness to spend time with this: test it, use it, try to understand it and not just copy&paste, experiment. And then use the knowledge for the next steps so you don't forget it all again quickly.

That works for me and while a class will force me to do this, as long as I want to do it, I don't need a class. I just have to make sure to set myself a goal and then stick to it. Might work for you.