Kubernetes Certified Application Developer (CKAD) with Tests

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Learn concepts and practice for the Kubernetes Certification with hands-on labs right in your browser - DevOps - CKAD

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Taught by
Mumshad Mannambeth


Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 21 mentions • top 16 shown below

r/kubernetes • comment
1 points • ieatbeet

There's amazing udemy course for CKAD: https://www.udemy.com/course/certified-kubernetes-application-developer/

r/kubernetes • comment
1 points • kkweon

it is covered in this course https://www.udemy.com/course/certified-kubernetes-application-developer/ i highly recommend

r/OSUOnlineCS • comment
1 points • LGBT_Beauregard

Get this: https://www.udemy.com/course/certified-kubernetes-application-developer/. They give you an actual cluster to work through exercises and a lot of scenarios to work through. Definitely worth the 10 bucks.

r/dataengineering • comment
1 points • toenailburglar

When I'm onboarding new engineers, I always recommend they go through the udemy CKAD course, this basically teaches you everything you need to know to be a usefull engineer on the team that relies on kubernetes. Also, the CKAD cert is very legit.

I really liked the way this guy set up the course with hands on excercises in a test environment. BTW i have no affiliation with this guy.


r/kubernetes • comment
5 points • tynin42

Almost everyone suggests these. Mumshad Mannambeth does a great job of explaining things and you have access to a lot of labs to practice.



r/kubernetes • comment
2 points • piyushsaurabh



These two courses on Udemy are awesome. They helped me to pass CKA and CKAD certification. They include all the theories in detail along with the hands on. I strongly recommend both the courses for deep understanding of Kubernetes

r/sysadmin • comment
1 points • Righteous_Dude

For anyone who wants to learn Kubernetes, I recommend this CKA course, at Udemy, by M.M. of KodeKloud.

I see there's also this CKAD course by the same instructor, for those more interested in the developer aspects.

r/kubernetes • comment
1 points • czerniga_it

"Kubernetes Certified Application Developer (CKAD) with Tests" prepared by Mumshad Mannambeth is fully covering CKAD after this changes: https://www.udemy.com/course/certified-kubernetes-application-developer/


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r/kubernetes • comment
1 points • CentipedeBroadway

Personally, I went through the Linux Academy CKA course, which I would NOT recommend. It was too much PowerPoint and was basically a rehash of the docs.

Since I was a bit underwhelmed by the LA course, I supplemented it with lots of self-study, which mostly consisted of reading the official docs and going through all the tasks that corresponded to the points in the exam curriculum. There are several sites/blogs out there that help with that mapping. For example:


A few of my coworkers went through the Udemy CKAD course and they highly recommended it. Supposedly it is well taught and lots of hands on labs. It looks like it’s only $12 now:


They also have a CKA course too.

r/kubernetes • comment
2 points • dspeck

If you want something to use locally, I used https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/ while studying for CKAD. You can run `kind create cluster` and you'll have a local Kubernetes in Docker cluster in a few minutes.

If you're looking for a course to follow, https://www.udemy.com/course/certified-kubernetes-application-developer/ is highly recommended by most of us. This course also provides a Kubernetes environment for you to use.

r/devops • comment
1 points • UltraFalling

Mumshad Mannambeth’s courses on Udemy for CKAD and CKA preparation have been very useful. This is the CKAD course. https://www.udemy.com/course/certified-kubernetes-application-developer/. It's probably the most useful. There's also the CKA one: https://www.udemy.com/course/certified-kubernetes-administrator-with-practice-tests/. With a lot of k8s in the cloud, most of the details in CKA aren't as relevant since it's cloud managed, but still interesting.

Also: kind, it's a way to run local k8s clusters in docker and is really lightweight and fun. It's good to test out concepts or just play around in k8s https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/

r/devops • comment
1 points • doshimar

Be careful what you wish for , I put a post a few months ago saying senior members of the team didn't let me work with k8s , manager has left and now Im in charge of our eks stuff and teaching the other DevOps guys ( more ops ) . Super hectic .

What ramped me up quite fast was : Cloud-guru Kubernetes deep dive (https://acloud.guru/learn/kubernetes-deep-dive) Udemy : CKAD (https://www.udemy.com/course/certified-kubernetes-application-developer/) Katacoda : ( probs the best one ) https://www.katacoda.com/courses/kubernetes

Cool things to try for eks : 1)Setup multi tenancy flux for automatic manifest deployments ( also can set it up to pull and employ new images it's really good ) 2) setup fluentd and push logs to cloudwatch / splunk etc . 3) look at istio

The ckad cert is quite good bit hard though .

r/kubernetes • comment
1 points • sirkarthik

I wrote another post on this titled, "CKAD Exam Preparation Checklist" (https://blog.codonomics.com/2019/09/ckad-exam-preparation-checklist.html) where I have mentioned a video course titled, "Kubernetes Certified Application Developer (CKAD) with Tests" by Mumshad Munnambeth in Udemy. He did a really great job in explaining the otherwise complex concepts in brain-friendly way. I took that course and it helped me really well.

r/ExperiencedDevs • comment
1 points • TurtleNamedMyrtle

Learning Kubernetes (K8s) for me was about getting pissed off enough at Bezos for all the money he was making off of me lol. I wanted to have my own little infrastructure that I control but without having to babysit it. I tried Docker Swarm, which was nice but wasn’t translating into professional-grade cluster experience. I found a project called Open FAAS that let me deploy my own Lambda/serverless. It ran on K8s. So, I followed a few tutorials on K3s (a lightweight version of K8s for the pi) and deployed it with K3sup. The OpenFAAS project, K8s, and Docker are written in Golang, so I learned some of that with A Tour Of Go. After branching out into the K8s world for a bit, I decided to get my Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD). I took this Udemy course and passed the test on the first go. You’ll learn just about everything you’ll need to know about K8s from that experience.

r/homelab • comment
1 points • Mr_Tuffaha

its great I am still kinda new to it but i have built some small thingsI used this course to learn



and i want to do this next:


the kubernetes-the-hard-way tutorials is advised by many online and there are versions for gke or aws, i am using the virtualbox version beacuse i want to learn about setting it up bare metal way

ps: I highly recommend checking out docker first if you dont know about it