Data Analysis with Pandas and Python
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Analyze data quickly and easily with Python's powerful pandas library
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Taught by
Boris Paskhaver
Reddit Posts and Comments
0 posts • 19 mentions • top 13 shown below
21 points • _J0hn_
I did this whole course, it's really well worth it. A lot of stuff is directly related to a lot of analysis you'd do in GIS. The geopandas library further extends functionality to spatial data.
3 points • soil_nerd
When you buy a course, do you have access forever? Or does your access to it expire?
Also, for those curious:
1 points • ReformedSaladDodger
Find something your interested in (in the real world) and then analyse the hell out of it based on what you know now.
You'll get stuck and reach your limits of understanding.
Read around those limits, grow your understand and repeat.
As to what to read, where to find out, that's highly personal and different approaches suit different people. A good, solid, structured approach could be found following something like Harvards free CS50x or MIT600.1x - they are solid introductions to Computer Science concepts, both use Python (although Harvard starts with C), they will might challenge you but they give a great foundation what a random YouTube Pandas tutorial won't. There are followup courses, Harvards are great, on a variety of other CS topics including Machine Learning, Data Science, Games etc.
If you're serious about a career in Data Science, you can get 'credit' for these courses on your academic record, although they then do charge.
I did both then I was getting back into development as a refresher - if you had to pick one, I'd start with Harvard's.
I'd start there personally.
Alternative are the structured courses available on the likes of Udemy. £10 (wait for a sale, they happen often) gets you 60 hours of curated, structured courses. They will get you up to speed doing 'data science' quicker, but you won't understand so much of the how - that might not be important to you, in which case, this might be a great option. I did this one when I wanted to learn about Pandas, it worked well for me.
Then there's the wild west that is YouTube / Blogs etc. A lot of great material but as you've found there are 100's of different 'views' and you have to sort the good from the bad yourself.
1 points • silent_johnn
> I just find that everything that you get recommended is not totally useful for someone that is just starting and has no previous experience programming.
Any specific examples? You literally have to learn the basics and syntax, there is no way around that. It's going to feel slow and pointless and a waste of time until everything 'clicks'.
> I don’t really know where to go from [the basics]
If you know the basics, then the next step is learn what you're interested in or what you think will help you in your career. Python/programming is so broad, but I found the Data Analysis with Pandas course to be the key to me bringing everything together and actually using python day-to-day to accomplish things at work.
From there I was able to branch off into geopandas and using python APIs from various websites.
1 points • cyvaquero
Sure, here's the link. I'm about 30% through it and the instructor is easy to understand and doesn't rush through. There is an assumption of knowing Python basics, although he does spend a about 20 minutes doing a basics refresh. Also, there is no file scripting, all of the lessons and exercises are done in jupyter notebooks.
1 points • badhoneybad
Udemy is a great source of information for either learning SQL or Python languages.
Quick hint for Udemy: They seem to do sales every week or fortnight where you can get the courses for '90% off' (as if anyone pays full price...) Courses after discount are only $10 - $30 for 20+ hrs of info, which is ridiculous value for what you learn.
Good news is SQL and Python are completely free to install and run.
Here is a good python course I once used:
For SQL I am sure there are great ones on the platform, but as I have used it for the past 6 years I haven't needed lessons.
1 points • verdifer
If you are using Python in work I recommend going to Udemy and picking up Boris Paskhaver Pandas course.
1 points • Contango_4eva
"You're never too old to be the person you were always meant to be", one of my favorite quotes.
I started my career in public health getting a Masters. After 3 years I got tired of working in a nonprofit where low pay, internal politics, small raises were common.
Fast forward 20+ years and 10+ jobs, I "think" I may finally found the job I really like. The key is to not stop learning. Also to have multiple resumes tailored for each job role you're considering for yourself. From my MS degree, I've been a business analyst, data scientist, market researcher, product manager, and currently a presales engineer for SaaS.
I think I'll stay in this area or maybe not. Keep your options open, it's a skills-based rather than experience based economy in tech.
If you're struggling to learn Python, I would recommend focusing on the pandas library. I took this course and it was great:
1 points • globeranker
I have enjoyed using DataCamp but it can be a bit too easy. This course on Udemy is what got me good at pandas: .
1 points • rebulrouser
This guy does a nice job with a pandas crash course:
If you find you enjoy pandas, there is a guy on Udemy that has the best course I've seen on pandas:
Have fun and make lots of money in the market!
1 points • Oberschicht
>Pandas/Python: 1. 2. These are my two recommendations.
Are those for complete beginners or should you complete a basic Python course first?
1 points • thecyber_guy
I am sorry. I didn't read the question properly. Heres a good one I wouldn't recommend books because the most of them are out of date.
1 points • DavidJason54321
Pandas/Python: 1. 2. These are my two recommendations.
I would probably do the first one. Then whenever you try to do something in excel at work you go through the effort of doing it in python first. This helped me learn. Once you finish the first video you'll know enough vocabulary to google stuff.
The second course covers more broad topics that could be useful.
For SQL. I started with this tutorial: This tutorial, like a lot of SQL tutorials are focused on managing a database for applications. But really for data analysis you need to know filters, logical operators, math operations, insert. Knowing primary keys and foreign keys are not that useful in data analytics.
Going through the tutorial will help you learn everything you need to know though.