Data Structures and Algorithms
Deep Dive Using Java

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Learn about Arrays, Linked Lists, Trees, Hashtables, Stacks, Queues, Heaps, Sort algorithms and Search algorithms

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Taught by
Tim Buchalka


Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 12 mentions • top 11 shown below

r/DHExchange • post
5 points • Trevo525
[W] Data Structures and Algorithms: Deep Dive Using Java (Udemy course)

r/cscareerquestions • comment
2 points • choochooblooshit

Don't pay more than $13 It is helping me remember a lot of the stuff I forgot or didn't learn the first time.

r/learnjava • comment
1 points • JohnnyBandito

I have to agree here. Tim did a great job with the course. I am currently going through it and the Data Structures and Algorithms Using Java. I have previously studied Java and was working as a junior, but I am still rusty and found his course and challenges good practice.

r/financialindependence • comment
3 points • CrunchySushi

A lot of the top posts here boil down to accepting your current situation or not comparing yourself to others. But the truth of the matter is that the health care industry isn't paying as much as they should (which is wack) and tech pays a lot better. Income is important and it affects someones quality of life.

If you want to switch to the tech field, it is possible. Not only are more tech companies moving away from requiring a degree, you can find resources online to be self taught. I can give you the resources if you'd like:

Here’s the first course I'd recommend:
I would do all the sections up until “Java Collections”. Hold off on doing that section until later. I’d also do the “Basic Input & Output” section only up through the “Writing content” section, and then skip the rest. Finally, do the “Regular Expressions” section.
When you’re done, also do this course: You need to do all sections because technical interviews are heavily focused on these topics. When you’re through, you can go back and do that “Java Collections” section from the previous link, if you want more practice.

Of course tech isn't for everyone, so no pressure to necessarily go this route if it doesn't make you happy. I just want to offer the option. Entry level salaries can be anywhere from $80k-$280k.

I know the whole humble brag FIRE stories can be annoying and mentally taxing. Still there is value in salary transparency and when people can see that one industry is paying significantly more than another, they can move into that industry instead. That's really probably how things should work.

r/programare • comment
9 points • PatriotuNo1

PBinfo pe partea de a rezolva probleme sincer e o petarda. Trebuie sa rezolvi fix cum iti preda in material, nu poti folosi algoritmi diferiti sau in alta metoda spre deosebire de alte platforme.

Leetcode e mult prea greu pentru cineva care e de la 0.

Cauta cele mai highly rated cursuri de pe udemy. La cibernetica nu se face cine stie ce programare ca sa nu mai vorbim de algoritmica sau structuri de date deci nu trb sa inveti OZN uri.

Iti pot da niste cursuri care sunt cele mai bune de pe udemy


Algoritmica si DS in Java:



Am fosti colegi care au terminat la cibernetica si nu au invatat mare lucru acolo ci mai mult singuri. Invata singura, nu te baza pe profesori si invata in engleza nu din tutoriale din romana.

In cursurile de mai sus ai pe parcurs exercitii si daca vrei platforma ok incearca Hackerrank.

P.S : Cursurile de mai sus sunt puse si pe Filelist.

r/learnjava • comment
1 points • itayk1551

from here I study the basics this course is NOT the best but it covers a lot, I covered subjects of this course with youtube (when I didn't understand ).

so the best course I did by far is Data Structures and Algorithms: Deep Dive Using Java

r/argentina • comment
2 points • rakaze

Podrias seguir con otro curso de Tim Buchalka (porque supongo que el "Java Programming Masterclass" que hiciste vos es el de Tim) , sobre Estructuras de datos y algoritmos:

Despues de eso podes (o no) aprender patrones de diseño (que no son especificos a un lenguaje, pero algunos lenguajes se benefician de algunos patrones en particular)

Para algunas explicaciones de que son cada uno (esto esta en PHP pero no es tan dificil de entender):

Ejemplos en Java:

Y tambien en la misma pagina hay algunos principios que pueden ser utiles de seguir (o no):

Opcionalmente podes usar una combinacion de los libros "Head First Design Patterns" (la edicion de 2014 que usa Java 8) y "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software" (es viejito el libro pero esta bastante bien, los ejemplos estan en C++ y Smalltalk).

Para Algoritmos y (algunas) estructuras de datos podes usar "Algorithms" de Robert Sedgewick.

Library Genesis es tu amiga para cuando necesitas encontrar libros facilmente.

Buena suerte con el laburo, ojala viviera en BsAs para encontrar un trabajo porque aca (en Mendoza) no encuentro nada.

r/learnjava • comment
1 points • ___catalyst___

Here are two:




Coursera also has some if you search on "Algorithms" after logging in. I am not sure if they are paid or free, though. They are most likely free unless you want a certificate of completion.

r/programare • comment
1 points • Klussux

m-am apucat de asta dupa ce l-am terminat, mi se pare foarte ok, m-am gandit sa continui cu asta

Eu zic ca daca o sa le termin pe astea, as avea o baza solida pentru un eventual interviu tehnic la anul. Problema e ca nu prea gasesc internship-uri in preioada asta.

r/WGU_CompSci • comment
1 points • Tamiyo22

I first went and tried WGU academy, and I got a taste for how WGU runs. I used to be pretty good at math, but haven't touched it in roughly 10 years. WGU academy's pre-calculus course/book is set up for someone who already knows the material. My husband, a former math/science textbook editor and math major, agrees with me. I had to rely on him and udemy to get through the course because I actually wanted to learn.

I was told that most WGU classes are laid out like that and decided to move forward the route.

Course Order for to WGU


Definitely do CS50.


Transfer Agreement to WGU

Take the classes and learn more on the side. I highly recommend these courses as additional learning. I used to program in Javascript, but since going back to school I have been learning Java and I love it. My Java skills and my ability to pick up python quickly got me a virtual internship this Summer.

Some of the courses are very well done, and some you will have to reach for outside resources to complete your learning, much like WGU, but with a bit more guidance.

Additional recommended learning

Tim Buchalkas Java Masterclass

Tim Buchalkas Python Masterclass

Tim Buckalkas data-structures-and-algorithms using-java/