Decoding AP Computer Science A

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Ace AP Computer Science A and get an Introduction to Java

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Taught by
Moksh Jawa

Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 5 mentions • top 5 shown below

r/APStudents • comment
2 points • leond7226
r/teenagers • comment
1 points • eding42
r/APStudents • comment
1 points • redmastle

Here's a free Udemy Course that's free about the AP Exam, idk much about it but seems to have good reviews and I'm seeing people talking good about it.

There's tons of free material online, see what you think of it. I know many people found it easy (last year so can't really compare to a normal year's exam lol), especially if you have experience in programming. I didn't really study much, but again last year's exam was only FRQ so I don't really know how hard the normal exam actually is.

Probably look more for open source resources rather than proprietary books first, you can definitely find all of the information about Java and the exam itself (I just discovered codingbat has exercises just for the AP Exam!). Besides the theory stuff, just play around doing algorithms and such and getting used to Java syntax and structure, best way to learn for the FRQ part itself. Good luck, you can do it!

r/APStudents • comment
1 points • Negative-Pause-6579

This was all I needed to secure a 5. Good luck!

r/APStudents • comment
1 points • FTTN10

If you intend on self-studying AP Computer Science Principles, the main resource I can direct you towards is Khan Academy (which is completely free!! includes videos and practice exercises), because I haven't actually taken this course and so have no idea what else would be helpful. Maybe Barron's or Princeton Review's books?

If you intend on self-studying AP Computer Science A, however, I do have resources! Khan Academy doesn't have this course, unfortunately, but there is an extremely helpful website here! CSAwesome is accurate, up-to-date, used by many APCSA teachers, and is pretty much the best resource for APCSA that I know of. Barron's and Princeton Review's Review books would most likely help here, but they do cost money. I've also been told Udemy offers a free course here, but I've never taken this so this would mostly be exploration on your end. Further advice from my end would be to practice your knowledge of Java at least a little bit every day (while the APSCP test uses pseudocode, APCSA demands its students learn Java) and to use tests from past years to help you study effectively (CollegeBoard releases its past year FRQs here). CSAwesome includes MCQ practice problems but you can probably find more through Google.

Good Luck!!!

(relinking the links in full just in case):