The Complete 2021 Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart

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Officially created in collaboration with the Google Flutter team

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Taught by
Dr. Angela Yu

Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 69 mentions • top 50 shown below

r/Flutter • post
13 points • WolfWarrior0405
Any job hunting tip for... an entry level flutter developer?

A bit about myself, I'm a college student doing Computer Science and I'm in a money deficit on my upcoming undergrad years at CSU Long Beach with room and tuition. I have a little bit of Flutter experience, I'm 90% done with a UDEMY course on Flutter: so basically I know how to design UI, call web API, use GPS location, etc but i dont know how to use Firebase yet or save data with SQL. I know this is a bit too much to ask consider my novice skill level, but is there any freelancing jobs site or anyway for me to make some side money with my (limited) skill with flutter?

r/FlutterDev • comment
4 points • 10eleven12
r/flutterhelp • comment
3 points • David_Owens

Angela Yu's course is really good. It says 2021 now, but I don't know if she's updated it for the newer Flutter and Dart versions.

The Complete 2021 Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart

r/FlutterDev • comment
7 points • emililililily

I started from a similar background. (Had some minor python experience as well.)

I started by taking Angela Yu's Flutter course but I wouldn't recommend it. I felt like I was learning a lot during the course but I also felt completely lost after completing the course. (Plus, it looks like she hasn't been keeping the course up to date.)

Then I took Maximilian's Flutter Course and it felt a lot more complete and comprehensive. I was very satisfied with that course but it's not as easy to follow. Angela's course is objectively worse content-wise but its presentation is much better.

Then I moved on to more general non-Dart/Flutter specific programming concepts.

Max's Flutter course is probably the best $10 I've ever spent but I'm not sure if I would have been able to keep up if I was going into it with only HTML/CSS experience.

Sorry if that's more confusing than helpful but I thought I'd throw my two cents in seeing how I came in with such a similar background.

r/flutterhelp • comment
3 points • zjdaniels1985

Angela Yu on Udemy, 2021 Flutter Development Course. She is a great instructor. Course is slightly I mean very slightly outdated with recent updates to the Flutter library and Androidx but all her courses still compile without really any issue.

r/FlutterDev • comment
2 points • TeriBrown1

Here you can look at the syllabus. Don't buy it right now, it's not on sale.


r/FlutterDev • comment
2 points • Hiwa_47

r/Flutter • comment
2 points • carlstep333

try this

the course is delivered Angela Yu of The App Brewery team.

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • CodeTinkerer

Well, I'm looking at a video course

and the intro says one reason to use Flutter (over Android specific or Iphone specific code) is that it can be used on both phones and on many form factors. So that might be a plus.

You should be able to find free things as well.

The video course above is by Angela Yu who is highly rated (but not free). Stephen Grider also has a Udemy course and he's highly rated, but both video series is like $17. So you might find other resources for Flutter (I don't know that these things cover a lot of Dart, but some do both).

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • ShawnMilo

Look around and use your judgement.

I bought this course and like it. My wife is taking it now. I shouldn't be more than around $20 (the price changes frequently). It's a little bit out of date, so you'll have to figure out a little bit on your own.

It should easily be doable in 2-3 months, depending on how comfortable you are. I'm able to zip through lessons, but my wife (a non-programmer) has to ask me questions and do some three or four times. So, if you have questions, let me know.

Disclaimer: I'm not really a Flutter guy and I haven't finished the course yet. But I've been coding for over 20 years doing back-end development.

r/FlutterDev • comment
1 points • sutikshna24

I strongly recommend this flutter course to anyone new in sw development

r/FlutterDev • comment
1 points • lbarqueira

To begin with (even for advanced beginner) I suggest the course from Angela Yu at Then, practice, practice, practice.

r/flutterhelp • comment
1 points • mattmaddux

That’s their projection, at least. We’ll see what happens.

There’s lots of good Flutter tutorials, but they’ll only take you so deep and you’ll want to scour YouTube for specifics once you’re done.

I used this one, and while I like her a lot and I think it got me the fundamentals, there’s a fair bit in there that will be very slow if you’re already a programmer.

r/androiddev • comment
1 points • Stem3576

For this reason I have switched to the flutter framework. It makes the design super simple and dart has been very easy to learn. I completed the angela yu udemy course and now I dont have to spend so much time creating xml views and get to focus on the functionality of the app. Aside for the design being simple, it is also cross platform if you wanted to post the app in both stores.

r/FlutterDev • comment
1 points • satvikpendem

The App Brewery free course is the first 10 hours or so of this longer one on Udemy. This one is paid though of course.

r/FlutterDev • comment
1 points • rezatvs

This one:

r/Flutter • comment
1 points • Cnkcv

The udemy course I'm taking has a section specifically on incorporating firebase that I'm finding very helpful, is this what you're after? Or a different database?

r/FlutterDev • comment
1 points • jrheisler


That's the one I did. Like I said, it was great, but I wish there was a follow on course. Deeper into databases, state management, ... I'd gladly pay for it.

r/mexico • comment
1 points • ARCADDER

Tengo 26 años, en la carrera sólo vimos cosas relacionadas a arte y mercadotecnia, aprendí C++ sobre la marcha en mi tiempo libre para varios proyectos de videjuegos que nunca acabé. También de mocoso hacía páginas web en HTML y CSS, no es lo mismo que programar, pero creo que me hizo un colchón enorme al tratar de programar por mi cuenta.

Actualmente estoy tomando un curso de Flutter para desarrollo de apps, entre otras cosas. Suena mediocre pero el curso de Udemy impartido por Angela Yu es una biblia actualizada a la punta del software. Creo que este tipo de cursos ayudan mucho más que ir a una universidad donde te dan una embarradita de todo y toda la información es la que se utilizaba hace media década.

r/FlutterDev • comment
1 points • Macaato

It is a great course for the basics. I can’t speak too much on everything she goes over because I can’t remember tbh. Her course won’t necessarily set you up to do EVERYTHING you need but it will set you up to become comfortable enough with Flutter/Dart to make your own basic apps and incorporate other, perhaps more complex, functions that you research. Here is the link to the curriculum if you want to research further

r/FlutterDev • comment
1 points • zintjr

Angela Yu's course is great for beginners - good luck!

r/FlutterDev • comment
1 points • tda233066

This course was co-created by Google and Angela is probably one of the best teachers our there....

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • megazver

I though the App Brewery Flutter course was much better. I recommend it.

r/FlutterDev • comment
1 points • EmTeeAge

I bought this course for the same reason as you - to learn Flutter & Dart. I'm not a programmer, but I have some IT background. The course says that you don't need any programming knowledge to complete the course, however I strongly recommend having a grasp of certain concepts beforehand.

I don't consider myself a very smart person, and after a couple of hours into the course, I felt lost and didn't really knew what I was doing. I decided to take a step back and found another course:

What I really like about the second course is a slower pace and more comprehensible explanations for beginners in my opinion. This may be both an advantage and disadvantage at the same time - depending on how good you are at understanding new complex concepts.

I eventually plan on going back to the course you are suggesting after finishing the second one. Considering that you can get both for around 20$, it's up to you to decide (I obviously don't know how much programming background you have, so yeah.. that's it)

r/Flutter • comment
1 points • ltfysl

If you have never worked with Flutter before, I would recommend this course. here

In my opinion, the best starting point for Flutter

r/flutterhelp • comment
1 points • zukocodes

Not sure if you started, but Angela Yu's course is by far the best course for anyone new to flutter.

r/flutterhelp • comment
1 points • shangod1210

If you can spare a few bucks I would recommend Angela Yu's Flutter Bootcamp on Udemy

r/Flutter • comment
1 points • GrowCanadian

I found the London App Brewery course on udemy to be worth the $12

r/FlutterDev • comment
1 points • raywalz

Yeah, I’m almost finished with the free part and I’m going to definitely buy the full course once I’m done. If anyone else interested is reading this, here is the full course:

r/FlutterDev • comment
2 points • D-Ring86

I can highly recommend this udemy course:

Goes from simple single screen display with no interactions all the way to a chat app. Having some programming experience will make it easier but not required, she explains simple things like variable types in skippable lessons.

r/CodingHelp • comment
2 points • saintshing

Flutter can be used to make apps for both ios and android.

This intro course(first 10 hr of the full course) is free. It is same as the highly rated course on udemy, co-developed by google. See if you can follow the intro course. Like others said, this may be a bit hard for beginners who have never coded before.

Also google "flutter music player", you can find some tutorials on youtube.

r/dartlang • comment
2 points • SolGuy

>There is an excellent course on udemy by appbrewery

r/FlutterDev • comment
2 points • Hotel_Arrakis
r/dartlang • comment
1 points • danielbeernink

Try this course. It is mainly focussed on developments regarding flutter, however, it also learns you how to used Dart. Additionally, at first I follow the dart language tour before I began on the bootcamp development course... It is not free, but costs around €10.

r/FlutterDev • comment
1 points • jamawg

Udemy Dr Angela You. I forget the title, but it's the most highly rated Flutter course, and rightfully so.

Costs $10 to 15, but expect to spend a few weeks on it. I can't recommend it highly enough.

Ok, it's

I also love courses from Max Schwarzmueller. I haven't tried his but the rest of his stuff is great.

Both are excellent tutors. But you must do the exercises to get the benefit

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • Strange_Apple

Flutter is pretty good - if you're going to take a flutter course I would recommend

It covers the basic elements well.


Although keep in mind changing what you learn so quickly could just hinder what you were trying to do in the first place. It might be worth finishing off the JS course as it will be more likely to land you a job with JS skills as flutter isn't used that much right now but it is growing.

r/startups • comment
1 points • king-louis-rds

It's doable (I did it) but it depends a lot on whether you have an affinity for programmatic thinking. And there will be a LOT of hours to put in also. There is no shortcut.

I learned Flutter to build a mobile app for iOs and Android with one code base, to develop an idea I had. Flutter is a great tool to work with.

This is one of the best beginner courses out there, highly recommended to get started and see if you enjoy the coding process :

r/flutterhelp • comment
2 points • terap30

I'm a Flutter developer since the early release of flutter, in my opinion start with Dart first (It's going to take you a month if 2h or more is invested per day, and it's quit easy); after that start learning Flutter (which is going to take you 2 months or more depending on the time and concentration given)

The best ressources are:


Flutter: 1)


r/FlutterDev • comment
1 points • DoPeopleEvenLookHere

So IMO the best advice, is pick a simple app idea and just fucking make it. This course should be enough to start and from there learn what you need when you have a problem you don't know how to solve.

Shameless plug time: I'm starting a blog/video series on building a podcast app from start to finish using flutter. It can be found here though it will take a while since I have a ton of other things on the go.

r/FlutterDev • comment
1 points • BigMammoth9627

I would recommend dr. Angela Or Maximilian Scharzmuller:

r/Flutter • comment
1 points • cyberspark15
r/FlutterDev • comment
1 points • adals
r/OSUOnlineCS • comment
1 points • Ban_The_DH

I am completely on the other end of the spectrum. If you want to learn flutter the class is good (although the Udemy class I took before it started was better). If you want to learn what makes mobile apps useful and usable, this class is definitely lacking. If you actually want to learn flutter I would recommend this $12 Udemy class ( instead of $2K for CS492

r/FlutterDev • comment
1 points • sandgeof

I can recommend this course , I think you might find this helpful. All the best

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • VMX

This is the one, although Google is giving away the first 10 hours for free here. I had never done any courses from Angela Yu but damn, she's probably the best online instructor I've seen so far. Very gentle learning curve, very well structured lessons and clear but concise explanations.

>Flutter would be a great way to make something I could actually use without having to buy a mac or a new phone.

Hmm you can try, but I believe if you want to develop for iOS, you still need a Mac. I think there's no way to try the apps on your iPhone from a Windows PC, and I believe the iPhone emulator is only available from a Mac as well. Maybe there's a way to do it by booting MacOS inside a VM or something like that? Not sure.

You could still test the apps on an Android emulator though.

r/androiddev • comment
1 points • ibiza2miami_

That's the whole reason I'm getting into it. Just bear in mind I have ZERO IT, coding experience. Should I learn JS first? or just start with this? and what about this course? someone said I should start here

r/FlutterDev • comment
1 points • RunPeeApp

The Complete 2021 Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart by Dr. Angela Yu.


My wife took this course to learn app development from scratch. She'd never built an app before taking this course. Within 6 months she was helping me (I've been a dev for years) work on my Flutter app: RunPee. Now she's building her own app and working part-time as a contractor to help build another app.

Angela will teach you a lot more than just the coding basics. She'll teach you how to think like a developer and get the most out of your skills.

Plus, it's just a pleasure to listen to her talk.

r/Flutter • comment
1 points • LTID

I learned from Angela Yu. She explains everything from scratch as if you know nothing about developing. The course is currently only $10 as a St. Patty's special. I would take advantage! This is was my first course with her and it was amazing and I am currently taking her iOS13 & Swift 5 course.

I know I didn't answer your questions, but if you do plan on learning, her course made me feel like a flutter pro!

r/dartlang • comment
3 points • mca62511

I really want to make something for people like you, because I agree, the vast majority of materials out there are either poor quality, old, or they just assume that you already have programming experience.

That having been said, I think that this Dart Academy Boot Camp web app is an easy way to dive into syntax basics.

From there, you could do start doing Exercism coding challenges.

Unfortunately, I don't know of any good OOP Dart tutorials for absolute beginners off the top of my head. However, OOP is a design pattern. It is language agnostic for the most part. After knowing the principles of OOP, it is really easy to apply them to other languages. And the syntax of languages when it comes to OOP are usually quite similar.

If you can't find a good for-aboslute-beginners tutorial for OOP in Dart, then I do recommend you look at some tutorials from other languages. I think Laracasts' tutorials on OOP in PHP are extremely beginner friendly.

Alternatively, I think in Angela's Flutter course she does quick lessons on some basic concepts necessary to understand to work with Flutter geared at absolute beginners. She does spend some time on OOP fi I remember correctly.

r/Flutter • comment
1 points • MyracleDesign

I participated in the Flutter Bootcamp 2020. It was perfect for a beginner, especially if you have no touching points with Flutter what so ever.

The core concepts will be explained of Dart and Flutter like classes, futures and streams. Additionally, there is a short section about State Management.

One downside is there is no testing involved.