Java Programming Masterclass covering Java 11 & Java 17

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Learn Java In This Course And Become a Computer Programmer

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Taught by
Tim Buchalka


Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 93 mentions • top 50 shown below

r/learnjava • post
44 points • MRK-01
Which one of these courses is better to learn in the next three months?

My new job will mostly use Java and im trying to learn it in the next three months.

  1. This course i about 80 hours long. It takes me forever just to get through a 30 hour udemy course so im afraid about that. Also do i even need to know Java that in depth?
  2. This one is only 17 hours long.

Do you think i should do 1 only, 2 only, or finish 2 and then go in-depth with 1 if possible? I have already bough both btw

r/learnprogramming • comment
5 points • faddypaddy34

This course saved my ass when I was learning Java for the first time. It should be less then $15 and is worth every penny.

r/java • comment
3 points • bmrk85

Imho this is pretty good, it helped me a lot

Edit: dont buy it for 150 usd, it usually gets 90% off or so, and you can pick it up for ~10 usd

r/WGU_CompSci • comment
3 points • Digitalman87

I used this one. I only did it though the OOP sections. Also, don't worry about doing all the exercises. Just understand how he is able to solve them.

r/learnjava • comment
6 points • LTFGamut
r/wallstreetbets • comment
2 points • Training-Space-8232

This is the one I learned Java from and it was amazingly good and fed it to you in bite sized pieces. You can find whatever programming language you want on there. That’s how I also learned C# and python

r/learnjava • post
2 points • zivaviv55
Ideas for projects?

I’ve completed the java masterclass course on udemy :

And wanted to get from you guys some ideas for project I can build to practice what I’ve learnt. Thanks!

r/Romania • post
2 points • joskar14
Internship programare Java doar cu un curs - obiectiv realist? [Serios]

Salutare! As vrea sa ma adresez celor care lucrati in domeniul programare software.

Am 34 ani, facultate si experienta de munca in domenii fara nicio legatura cu IT-ul (Studii europene), dar din interes personal am inceput in urma cu 2 luni un curs de programare Java pt incepatori. Cursul este acesta: si include atat teorie, cat si exercitii de scris cod. Momentan sunt la sectiunea 8, deci am acoperit notiunile de baza, control flow statements, si principiile OOP. Imi place foarte mult pana acum, dar inainte de a mai investi timp si efort, vreau sa va intreb:

Este realista asteptarea ca peste inca 2 luni in acelasi ritm (as avea circa 70% parcurs din continutul cursului) sa pot obtine un internship in domeniu? Sau dimpotriva, nu se poate lucra doar cu Java, ci ar trebui sa stiu multe alte lucruri / tehnologii pe care nu le dobandesc din acest curs?

Sunt constient ca este un domeniu extrem de vast si complex, si ca e necesara multa experienta de scris cod pana sa devin cu adevarat util, dar realistic am sanse sa incep, sa ma ia cineva la un internship doar cu ceea ce acopera cursul? Geografic sunt in zona de vest a tarii.

Multumesc mult, apreciez orice parere!

r/AskProgramming • comment
1 points • hzsmith89

I’ve taken some of the “In 28 Minutes” courses and they’re pretty good but if you want to take a full fledge master course in Java, I would recommend Tim Buchalka’s course. This course is crazy in depth and you will learn everything you need to know about Java. The downside is it’s insanely long but you will definitely know how to program in Java with the best of them

r/mcgill • comment
1 points • Healthy_Violinist522

I'd recommend finding an online Java course such as this (you can find free ones). If you like books, there are many books that will help you learn Java. But I came here to say, when you run into troubles, hop onto the CSUS Helpdesk Discord which is open 10am-5pm, Monday through Friday, and they'll help you out.

Whatever you learn in class, try to implement similar ideas in your IDE. Once you cover more material, you can make more advanced programs that utilize OOP principles, etc.. It is definitely in your best interest to be familiar with the programming language as this will allow you to complete assignments faster and focus on the broader concepts in the course.

r/serbia • comment
1 points • Brankoo95

Ocu biti dobar programator ako mi ovo bude neka da kazem osnova?

r/javahelp • comment
1 points • ElectionFront3199

I´m looking for a study parter as well! I´m learning Java Core in Udemy using IntelliJ IDE and solving some challenges in HackerRank. However, the Jetbrain´s academy looks good

r/learnjava • comment
1 points • Ghordrin

There's a few:

Is a very good one to start with. It teaches you the basics all the way to JavaFX and design patterns.

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • Shujaa94

> The point is that my primary wish would be to get into app development, so i though beginning with java would be better?

Yeah you got the right idea, here's a good course on Java

From there you either go straight into Android development or learn Kotlin and get into Android development.

r/csun • comment
1 points • CxYahooo

Probably do this course then decide if comp sci is for you I did like 1/4 of it and it REALLY helped me when I was new to comp sci

r/javahelp • comment
1 points • __helix__

The $10-12 udemy video training is what we use for our interns, as one of the learning components. (Never pay full price for these things)

r/UWMadison • comment
1 points • TheGreatUsername

I took my intro coding course in Python (301 when it was still a thing) and introduced myself to Java and OOP over the summer using the Java Programming Masterclass by Tim Buchalka on Udemy.

While I mostly used it to learn the syntax since I already knew procedural logic, it does start from scratch, so it's a great course even if you've never programmed before.

r/StopGaming • comment
1 points • bigduckjerry

I just realized you said Java no javascript lol. Here's one for Java although I haven't personally taken this class but from what I hear it's really good.

r/financialindependence • comment
3 points • CrunchySushi

A lot of the top posts here boil down to accepting your current situation or not comparing yourself to others. But the truth of the matter is that the health care industry isn't paying as much as they should (which is wack) and tech pays a lot better. Income is important and it affects someones quality of life.

If you want to switch to the tech field, it is possible. Not only are more tech companies moving away from requiring a degree, you can find resources online to be self taught. I can give you the resources if you'd like:

Here’s the first course I'd recommend:
I would do all the sections up until “Java Collections”. Hold off on doing that section until later. I’d also do the “Basic Input & Output” section only up through the “Writing content” section, and then skip the rest. Finally, do the “Regular Expressions” section.
When you’re done, also do this course: You need to do all sections because technical interviews are heavily focused on these topics. When you’re through, you can go back and do that “Java Collections” section from the previous link, if you want more practice.

Of course tech isn't for everyone, so no pressure to necessarily go this route if it doesn't make you happy. I just want to offer the option. Entry level salaries can be anywhere from $80k-$280k.

I know the whole humble brag FIRE stories can be annoying and mentally taxing. Still there is value in salary transparency and when people can see that one industry is paying significantly more than another, they can move into that industry instead. That's really probably how things should work.

r/WGU_CompSci • comment
1 points • YouRedditHereFirst

It’s the “Java Programming Masterclass for Software Developers” from Tim Buchalka. It covers everything for Java, not just what you need for Software 1&2. The first half of the course covers the project for Software 1 and the second half covers Software 2.

I would also recommend going to GitHub and searching the WGU course number for your projects. You will see a bunch of submissions from previous students and their completed projects. You should download them and see how their project works so you get an idea of what you need to do for yours. Breaking apart their code to figure out how it worked really helped me out.

r/WGU_CompSci • comment
1 points • BigBadBlowfish

I’m starting 1/1 and have all gen eds + Calc transferred as well. I’ve been working through the Java Masterclass course on Udemy to prepare for Software I/II and work on my programming skills in general.

r/learnjava • comment
1 points • Stoic-12-JK

I found a course on Udemy, I'm not sure if you are familiar with that site or the courses they offer. Anyway, it seems like a good place to start. I can share the link, let me know upon completing it if that would be enough or not. It's called "Java Programming Masterclass covering Java 11 & Java 17" below is the link you can view the course content there and maybe share your feedback.

r/javahelp • comment
1 points • totoro27

I've found this course to be helpful: Java Programming Masterclass for Software Developers

r/ItalyInformatica • comment
1 points • luke99776

Regione Lazio, ma è scaduto da qualche giorno, purtroppo l'ho scoperto tardi. A questo punto stavo pensando di imparare da autodidatta con un corso di Java comprato su Udemy qualche mese fa.

Il corso è il seguente

Non avendo altri modi, al momento, per imparare e non potendo iscrivermi a informatica il prossimo anno per ragioni economiche, questa sarebbe la mia unica possibilità.

Secondo voi è infattibile? Sono disposto a fare il possibile per imparare da autostrada. Grazie in anticipo a chi vorrà rispondermi.

r/learnjava • comment
1 points • Malavyi

r/java • comment
1 points • _Hulk_Hoagie

The last tip of advice I would give, is use resources out there on the net to learn. I don't think I realized you said you did not know the Java language yet. In that case you really should dive into a good class for it. My suggestion is spend $10 on this:

r/croatia • comment
1 points • -terminatorovkurac-

r/learnjava • comment
1 points • Ashutosh_Samal9 If you can buy and want to dedicate some time. This course is perfect. Tbh reading books will only make things complicated. Try learning from videos. If you don't have time or money search cs106a on YouTube. I'm in second year CS, learning java. If you want you can message me.

r/programiranje • comment
1 points • Savan0203

Odlicno za sad, pratim ovaj JAVA kurs sa udemy-ia samo sto sam skinuo sa torenta al dobro to je to :D

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • sashslingingslasher

I've been learning programming on and off for years now, but I rarely make it far enough to feel any confidence at all. This class is by far the best. it's a huge class. I'm only about 15% into, but I've never felt more confident in my abilities. Tim is a really good teacher and gives a lot of examples which I really need. I can go on, but I really recommend trying it

Yeah, you have to buy it, but it's "on sale" now for $15. I put it in quotes because it's always on sale. I think I paid $12. I think it's better than any of the free resources I've used- codecademy, free code camp, textbooks, YouTube, etc... It's honestly even better than the c++ intro class I took in college.

Keep an eye on udemy in general. Their "automate.... something... something python" class was just free, and Tim buchalka has a C++ class, and a deeper dive into databases that I plan on taking too. I'm seriously impressed.

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • abbadon420

I'd also recommend Tim Buchalka's java course on udemy. It covers pretty much all of java. Sorry for the long link, am on mobile:

r/java • comment
3 points • caduweb

An excellent introduction I guess the (free) Udacity course on introduction-to-operating-systems--ud923. Such topic, concurrency and parallelism, is not specific to Java, and it is helpful to understand the primary abstractions before deep into the language mechanisms.

After that, I would suggest this Udemy course on Java link, if you already know some basics of the language, you can skip to the concurrency section.

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • z_z1

I found this one useful:

Although it has grown considerably to 80 hours now.

r/learnjava • comment
1 points • JohnnyBandito

I'd check out Udemy Java Complete Course by Tim. The dude did a great job and keep it constantly up to date. He doesn't let it age and keeps up with the latest java lts

r/learnjava • comment
1 points • vektor321

My system: 1. Make random project from Udemy/youtube 2. Make Udemy course from scratch 3. Upgrad project from tutorial/course 4. Read book(s) 5. Code own project.

You can reorder points 3,4,5. I didn't make this course but it looks good. Should have all what You could need.

And I'm just junior. You don't need to listen me.

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • vasu1996

You can post links from phone too. like this for example.

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • semidecided

>I'd also recommend Tim Buchalka's java course on udemy. It covers pretty much all of java.

Hyperlinks are easy on mobile too.

r/learnjava • comment
1 points • another_gokulol

udemy has some great content imo. i recommend doing this one

r/Romania • comment
1 points • Vlad1791

Probabil zici de asta si mie mi se pare foarte bun. Il gasesti si pe torrent daca nu vrei sa il platesti.

r/javahelp • comment
2 points • MiseryInItsOwnWay

You've probably forgotten a lot more than you think. I would suggest a complete java course.

You can skip some parts like JavaFX for sure (unless your new job is exactly javaFX).

You can also decide to skip some of the beginner parts, but i would advise against it. Since you have never developed professionally, you've probably developed some minor bad patterns in java code and have stuck to them during your college projects. Listening to the basics again now that you are older could set you up on the right track again.

r/Udemy • comment
2 points • sandiego34


I bought this course and I wanna download resources.

r/WGU_CompSci • comment
2 points • wen__moon

Probably not a bad idea.

I'm about 80 CUs into the program and the community of students and their feedback is by far the most fruitful resource in determining what to focus on per course/etc..You are 100% right about that.

I've read that this course is a pretty solid for c482 and picking up Java in general:

I'll likely lean on that resource instead of getting bogged down with whatever ucertify or zybooks has in store for me ;)

r/learnprogramming • comment
2 points • woodsyWoman118

The program I took was mainly focused on JavaScript and React. This directly helped me build Lightning Components, as they use JavaScript and a react-like component structure. Visual force pages also tend to use JavaScript, so it was helpful there too, but I know those are pretty much obsolete now. Otherwise, the programming fundamentals I learned in the program helped me get a better understanding of Apex. It did take some extra learning just to wrap my hear around the Apex syntax (I'd say that a course that focuses on Java would be a great way to start with that, since they are very similar). But once I started learning the building blocks, it became a lot easier to look at an APEX class and understand what was going on so I could debug them, and eventually write my own.

Because my course didn't focus on Java, I've been supplementing that using Udemy courses. If you already understand the basics of programming, you might even be able to start here:

And this one that I'm taking now is really filling in the APEX blanks:

I hope this helps! Glad to hear you're building onto your current Salesforce knowledge. It's such a great skill to have! Its the best career move I ever made 😃

r/studentsph • comment
2 points • 386unsettledMesses

Java MOOC by the University of Helsinki

Tim Buchalka's Udemy Java Course (you can find this for free if you search deep enough ahaha)

r/programare • comment
9 points • PatriotuNo1

PBinfo pe partea de a rezolva probleme sincer e o petarda. Trebuie sa rezolvi fix cum iti preda in material, nu poti folosi algoritmi diferiti sau in alta metoda spre deosebire de alte platforme.

Leetcode e mult prea greu pentru cineva care e de la 0.

Cauta cele mai highly rated cursuri de pe udemy. La cibernetica nu se face cine stie ce programare ca sa nu mai vorbim de algoritmica sau structuri de date deci nu trb sa inveti OZN uri.

Iti pot da niste cursuri care sunt cele mai bune de pe udemy


Algoritmica si DS in Java:



Am fosti colegi care au terminat la cibernetica si nu au invatat mare lucru acolo ci mai mult singuri. Invata singura, nu te baza pe profesori si invata in engleza nu din tutoriale din romana.

In cursurile de mai sus ai pe parcurs exercitii si daca vrei platforma ok incearca Hackerrank.

P.S : Cursurile de mai sus sunt puse si pe Filelist.

r/UKPersonalFinance • comment
1 points • belfast91

This is a decent refresher. I know it can be painfully boring sitting doing tutorials all day but it’s worth it.

If you are using spring this one is decent

Honestly the tutorials don’t do much for me until I’ve been thrown into the deep end used the technologies for about 6 months. They mostly serve to clean up any gaps in my knowledge

r/cs1a • comment
1 points • zslari

I've been following this online class/tutorial on Udemy for the last month or so that I've found really helpful:

Udemy in general is pretty great, for about $10 dollars you can find really comprehensive video courses on basically anything. I've taken a Python class on there before that includes lots of assignments and projects as well. Look for highly rated classes with a lot of reviews to get the most for your money.

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • Atrops

I can understand, I've done similar things to myself. It really comes down your motivation. Looking stuff up online is extremely helpful. No matter how experienced you are, you an bet you are going to run into a situation that you're not sure how to implement and will need to look something up online.


Instead of simply copy/pasting your way through it though, take the time to dissect the code and understand what's its doing. Then next time you find yourself in a similar situation, you will have an idea about how to implement it.


If you are serious about wanted to learn to code, there are plenty of ways you can do it online without spending money, or spending a little money. I'm a self-taught developer and learned everything I know online. I recently decided to get my degree in it because options where I am are limited, and it's hard to find a job without a degree. I'm still working through to get my associates, and am actually taking my first "official" programming class this summer. That being said, I did land a entry level position for a company a couple months ago and seem to be holding my own so far.

My saving grace for online courses was on Udemy by a guy named Tim Buchalka. He has many different language courses that he teaches on there, and they are all really affordable. The one that I took, and still have a little bit left to finish on, is this one:


I'd recommend that course to anyone who was interested in learning Java. No matter what happens and what you decide, I wish you the best man!

r/javahelp • comment
1 points • Mihaita191

This is without any doubt the best java course on the internet! It helped me to land a job as a junior java developer, after a 4 year career as an Financial Auditor. In march, I'll celebrate 2 years as a software developer.

Good luck!


PS: if it's not around max 15 euros, wait a few days as udemy has "offers" all year round. Don't pay 200 euros or something for it if that's the price now...

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • Tamiyo22

Tim Buchalka's Java Programming Masterclass for Software Developers is on a whole other level though, which challenge problems built into the course, and a super-responsive teaching assistant on the forums giving feedback on your code. Its unlike any Udemy course I have experienced before. If you're interested in anything he's teaching its worth it.