The Modern Javascript Bootcamp Course (2022)

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The most up-to-date JS resource online

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Taught by
Colt Steele


Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 54 mentions • top 43 shown below

r/india • post
116 points • fuckyallmat
Skill up! Udemy courses are on discount sale and other few free courses from Harvard, Yale, MIT, etc

Note: This is not a promotion for Udemy. If you have always wanted to learn that new skill or upgrade existing skills but did not have the time or opportunity. Well now is the time. Various courses are on discounted sale on Udemy. I bought a spanish course since I always wanted to learn spanish and have been learning the basics on and off since 2009 I guess. I am at a beginner level.

Anyway, lots of new courses to learn are available. Personally since I am a web developer, I can recommend a few web development related courses.

Udemy Web Development Bootcamp -

Modern JavaScript bootcamp course -

This is the spanish course I am learning -

This is a free course on android app development -

These are some free courses from Top Universities in the world like Harvard,MIT,Yale, etc-

This is your chance. Today. Go grab it. Whatever you wanna learn. Whatever you wanna do. Take control in your own hands. GYOW!


Edit : u/spacejesus01 provided link to 64 more free courses from Harvard, here is the link -

r/learnprogramming • comment
2 points • GoosesAreWild

Hey u/Famatic, I am I think a couple of weeks behind you and know EXACTLY what you're feeling! I blasted through the HTML and CSS courses on FreeCodeCamp and thought that their JS lessons would be just as straightforward, but likewise, ended up just looking at the solutions after little effort, felt bad about it and figured I was probably wasting my time and not learning anything.

To echo other comments, the Odin Project got my momentum back up, but also found a lot of the reading quite dense. So am now splitting my time between the Odin Project, which has fun actual building projects and this Udemy tutorial by Colt Steele which is great - makes sitting through learning new stuff and being in 'receive' mode a lot more manageable.

Keep us posted as I think a lot of people will identify with the feeling you've described!

r/learnjavascript • comment
2 points • GhostGo

For JS since you already know programming I would do this course.

Watch the basics on x2 speed and note the syntax.

r/learnprogramming • comment
6 points • al3d

CS50 is a great place to start. I'd also recommend the Mimo app if you want to learn on the go, their lessons are snack-sized so they're perfect when you get a break or have to go use the bathroom. If you wanna start with web development, I'd highly recommend any course from Stephen Grider on Udemy. He's super thorough and takes the time to explain everything before writing any code. Here's his JS course: Udemy Tip: Never pay full price for any course, they're always on discount, and don't waste your money on courses from this guy:

r/GoogleAppsScript • comment
3 points • inglandation

I'd start with a standard JS course. If you like video courses you can try a Udemy course. I like Colt Steele's courses, he's a great instructor:

Once you understand the basics, I'd recommend watching the tutorials on this channel:

You don't need to finish Colt Steele's course before you can start watching those, there is some overlap but I think that starting with a proper JS course is better than jumping straight into a GAS course.

r/ProgrammingBuddies • comment
1 points • itsjustacouch

Hello. I am doing a Javascript course on Udemy right now and would love to connect with others learning Javascript. I am a few weeks into a course (, anyone is welcome to let me know if you are interested in connecting. My goal is to work on this a couple hours per day, focusing on quickly becoming employable. Available here or on Discord at Walker#1801

r/webdev • comment
1 points • realrashad

Yes, I’m looking to become a frontend developer. I’ve completed the JavaScript section of freecodecamp, but I don’t feel like I learned anything other than the basic syntax of the language.

I just started the JavaScript course that was recommend on this forum.

Thank you for the advice!!

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • ashanev

I haven't taken this particular course, but I enjoy Stephen Grider's courses on udemy. This is a basic bootcamp Javascript course on sale for $12.99 for the next few hours (udemy courses go on sale like every other week so just check in later if the sale price is gone):

edit: and there are a TON of FREE resources online, on people's websites, on youtube, etc. Personally I feel $13 is a small price to pay for a more structured experience, but don't feel like it's necessary or your only option.

r/codingbootcamp • comment
1 points • Material-Landscape28

>Colte Steele javascript course on udemy

the colt steele course seems to be 109 dollars? Is it this one?


r/ethdev • comment
1 points • 0xBC84

I'd advise to jump into something quick, fun and easy and find out if you enjoy programming. JavaScript is a very forgiving language for beginners and will take you from zero to competent a couple of months.

I think the best way to learn is by doing, so if I was starting programming all over again, I'd try to build something like a web UI or a CLI application.

Anything from Stephen Grider on Udemy will be perfect for you. I've taken numerous courses from him and I couldn't recommend him enough. A course like this one will teach you some fundamental programming concepts such as conditionals, loops, variables, etc.

Solidity looks very much like a subset or JavaScript, so taking on Solidity will be a lot easier for you once you're comfortable with JS and you have built a couple of projects.

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • mythic_hypercurve

Normally if you're not already on Udemy you can get it cheap or if you're already a user keep an eye on it as they have very frequent sales.

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • Quarnivorr

If you can catch it on sale from Udemy, I would say that javascript series from Colt Steele which is also a cult favorite. I find this course has actually been helpful in learning Javascript

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • Xleo010

Stephen Grider and Colt Steele's course on Udemy

r/LambdaSchool • comment
1 points • career_donkey

r/learnprogramming • comment

You can try this Udemy course but The Odin Project is highly recommended for a good reason. Not many tutorials out there will take you through all the way from installing a VM with Linux & learning command line to building a facebook copy-cat. They also have a discord in which you can get feedback for your code and get opportunities to contribute to their github.

Doing their projects alongside their Udemy course isn't a bad idea too as a benchmark for your progress.

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • jcarpenter09

I find that I mesh well with Colts teaching style.

r/webdev • comment
1 points • mrorange29

The HTML/CSS/JS Bootcamp link looks to direct to a JS specific course. Is there a similar course for HTML/CSS that's recommended?

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • crystalblue99

He has a new one. listening to it right now

r/webdev • post
16 points • notcaffeinefree
Monthly Getting Started / Web Dev Career Thread

Due to a growing influx of questions on this topic, it has been decided to commit a monthly thread dedicated to this topic to reduce the number of repeat posts on this topic. These types of posts will no longer be allowed in the main thread.

Many of these questions are also addressed in the sub FAQ or may have been asked in previous monthly career threads.

Subs dedicated to these types of questions include r/cscareerquestions/ for general and opened ended career questions and r/learnprogramming/ for early learning questions.

A general recommendation of topics to learn to become industry ready include:

HTML/CSS/JS Bootcamp

Version control


Front End Frameworks (React/Vue/Etc)


Testing (Unit and Integration)

Common Design Patterns (free ebook)

You will also need a portfolio of work with 4-5 personal projects you built, and a resume/CV to apply for work.

Plan for 6-12 months of self study and project production for your portfolio before applying for work.

r/learnjavascript • comment
11 points • 5256000minutes

If you want to make apps, learning Node.js (and Express) is a really good idea. Node is the 'backend' for JavaScript. An oversimplification of what that means is: a backend allows you to add a database so that you can persist data. So, like, you can make an app that people sign into and it saves the username and password and and whatever info they put in. (If you're making a to-do list app, this is how a user could save their to-do lists for example.) You can't really make an app without a backend, just a simple website.

I'm a big fan of FreeCodeCamp and it looks like they have a Node/Express course for free.


React is a nice web framework to learn if you're making complex apps, but it's not as necessary as learning Node/Express so I'd start with that. React is essentially a fancy way to organize the JavaScript that goes into your HTML pages. So when you're using lots and lots of JS, React is really great. I love it! But it's not a necessary part of having a working webapp.


Stephen Grider makes awesome courses so you could check those out too. He has one called Node with React: Fullstack Web Development, and a bunch of others. You'd probably do best with either or

His Interview Bootcamp was sooooo useful to me when I was studying for interviews- he explains things very well and doesn't make you feel stupid for not already knowing it, like some teachers do.

r/webdev • post
12 points • AutoModerator
Monthly Getting Started / Web Dev Career Thread

Due to a growing influx of questions on this topic, it has been decided to commit a monthly thread dedicated to this topic to reduce the number of repeat posts on this topic. These types of posts will no longer be allowed in the main thread.

Many of these questions are also addressed in the sub FAQ or may have been asked in previous monthly career threads.

Subs dedicated to these types of questions include r/cscareerquestions/ for general and opened ended career questions and r/learnprogramming/ for early learning questions.

A general recommendation of topics to learn to become industry ready include:

HTML/CSS/JS Bootcamp

Version control


Front End Frameworks (React/Vue/Etc)


Testing (Unit and Integration)

Common Design Patterns (free ebook)

You will also need a portfolio of work with 4-5 personal projects you built, and a resume/CV to apply for work.

Plan for 6-12 months of self study and project production for your portfolio before applying for work.

r/UniversityOfLondonCS • comment
3 points • antenarock

There is a slack workspace with more than 3400 students with channels for every module. It's managed by UoL and only for current students. You'll receive the invitation a couple of weeks before the term starts.


If you want to prepare beforehand I would go with math.


Check this link for CM:


ITP1 and ITP2 is all about JS, if you have time and $10 dollars to spare, check this course:

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • vinylemulator

I struggled with javascript for a long time after coming from Python.

I found Colt Steele's Modern Javascript Bootcamp course on Udemy really really useful (

It's fictional RRP is £200, I see it advertised at £60 and the new user cost is £14. Well worth it in my view.

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • slowreactin

If you are confident in your skills then I would start building simple toys, tools, apps in vanilla JavaScript.

I would highly recommend taking a course from an expert senior developer to get a solid understanding of JavaScript Stephen Grider JavaScript boot camp

If you are entirely new to web development then I would take a course that covers it from the ground up. I recommend Colt Steele Web Dev Boot Camp

Both courses will get you up and running with JavaScript; however Stephen’s will skip the HTML, CSS, DOM stuff that is very important to know.

If you are already comfortable with CSS, HTML, and how to manipulate the DOM, then I would take Stephen’s course as he is the better instructor and goes deep into every topic he covers.

After you are done with that, start building your own projects and get out of your comfort zone to learn more.

Edit: By the way don’t pay $120 for the courses. Wait until they go on sale or find a promo code through GoogleFU.

r/webdev • comment
1 points • -Kudo


I was gonna take Jonas' The Complete JavaScript Course 2020: Build Real Projects!, but then stumbled upon this sub and found Colt's and Stephen's The Modern Javascript Bootcamp Course (2020). Should I take this instead ? The e-commerce project does look exciting.

Does it really matter ? As a beginner, I wanna avoid the paralysis-by-analysis trap. There's also Andrew Mead's Modern Bootcamp. All three seem to have excellent ratings.

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • Do-mi-nic

Colt have a new JS course , quite relevant.

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • bluemonkey10

I took an Elixir course by Stephen Grider on udemy and found him to be an excellent teacher with great explanations for learning the syntax and concepts of a new language. I'd check his JS course, and maybe his ES6 course as well.

Don't be afraid to code along, or practice what you've learned, it helps retain everything. I like to use stuff like or

Complete JS course

ES6 Javascript

Best of luck!

r/learnprogramming • post
2 points • WeNeedDeadSpace4
Could really use some advice on where to start

Hi all,

Bit of context before I go further, I'm 30 years old, graduated with an hons degree in software development around 2-3 years ago now and have done literally zilch with it. I suffered with extreme mental health issues, still do to some extent. I taught myself a lot of the coursework, and luckily had a very understanding group of lecturers on my side. I managed to scrape a 2:2, but in hindsight, that's a fantastic result considering I learnt solo, and skipped easily 98% of classes.

Here's the thing, when I'm working on a project I get obsessed with it, or rather, when I was working on one, as I've not programmed much recently. An example being the final project in my degree. I built an Android app using Java, connected it to a MongoDB database, built a RESTFUL API, used Node and Express, and I built an admin website for the app. The scale of it was crazy, but tons of fun. It's something I want to continue working on, and just don't feel like I'm capable anymore, not to mention I feel completely out of touch with anything tech related.

Apologies for the long-winded post, but I felt some sort of background would help. I'm looking for advice on a few things, if possible, such as:

- Good places for exercises? Are these places recognised by your average employer or just for fun?

- What languages are worth learning currently? I'm a massive gamer, but I'm realistic enough to know it's a tough field. I'm happy messing around in Unity for a bit of a hobby but I'm leaning towards Web Dev and Android Dev for a career, as that's what I enjoyed at University. I aced my personal project and my Android class, just to back that up.

- I've considered emailing employers and asking for a chance to intern, or shadow developers in my own time if they can't afford to take me on. Has anyone done something similar? What was your experience?

- Lastly, I think, would anyone be able to skim the courses below and tell me if they're worth buying? I have a friend who swears by the instructors, and the materials seem to be suitable. Would these be considered at least intermediate level?

Angela's Web Dev Bootcamp

Colt Steele Web Dev Bootcamp

Colt Steele Python 3

Colt Steele Complete Javascript


Forgot to add, thank you to everyone who takes the time to read this and help out!

r/webdev • comment
1 points • stepp1k

Hi Everyone, just want some advice on how to proceed.

A while ago I purchased this course but couldn't finish it back then and dropped at half way even though I liked how this course was organized.

Now I decided to give Web development another chance and loaded to complete one on Udemy.

Can someone please advice, is it worth buying new course from Colt (like how he explained things) HTML/CSS/JS Bootcamp or I can continue with the old course? Is old one still relevant enough?

Thanks in advance!

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • ArtlessFlapDragon

Try to stand back and take a breath. I was/still am in the same situation as you.

I was studying with Angela Yu's Web Developer Bootcamp on Udemy and completely lost it when we reached the JS section. I decided to pause my Bootcamp study and branch out to a dedicated Javascript course. Initially I started with The Modern Javascript Bootcamp with Colt Steele, this course wasn't for me as I found that, for me, the course didn't explain why we did this and why we did that and there was little interaction. I switched courses and tried The Complete Javascript Course: From Zero to Expert! with Jonas Schmedtmann and found this course to far better in terms of understandability and coding interactivity. I am nowhere near finishing this course but I can definitely recommend it so far...

r/webdev • comment
1 points • RangerCoder

2 other popular teachers on Udemy (Colt Steele, Stephen Grider) released their own Javascript course that you can find here:

This is for total beginners and they don't have accent, also remember you can change the play speed of the videos

Another option is the one of Wes Bos that also got released around the same time, it's shorter but people seem to really love that one:

Hope that helps!

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • hditano
r/nursing • comment
1 points • she_dev_

I made the transition to web development from nursing. Took me about a year of full time self study. I recommend taking a look at r/learnprogramming. Here’s my list of resources I’ve shared with others who were curious about the self taught route


-This is a list of resources someone put together. It hasn’t been updated in a few years but I think there are still some awesome resources on here.

-Check out r/learnprogramming They have a lot of resources on their side bar and offer a lot of help. I’d also consider joining other subreddits based around what your learning (javascript, react, ruby, etc.)

‘The Odin Project’ I would 100% recommend starting here!! The Odin Project is completely free. They have tracks for Fullstack Ruby and Fullstack JavaScript. I only recently learned about them while trying to learn Ruby. They utilize free resources that are online and really teach you how to setup your own environment. I didn’t start with this course so I can’t speak to how easy or challenging it might be for a beginner. It could definitely be done along side Colt’s web developer bootcamp for more video guided help. There’s also a Discord App server that’s pretty active if you get stuck and need help.

-Colt Steele ‘The Web Developer Bootcamp’ on Udemy This is the course that I got started with (and the only course I fully completed before getting my job), it’s a bit out of date but I’d say most of the content is still pretty relevant. I personally really like learning a bit more about how the web works and learning to build websites from the ground up. If you don’t need so much explanation  there might be better first options. UPDATE: I think this one has been updated recently….

-This is Colt’s new course on Udemy I believe this one is more focused strictly on JavaScript. It’s very new, so more concepts like ES6 (newer syntax for JavaScript) Full disclosure, while I own this course I have not really gotten into it yet but I like Colt’s teaching style so I thought I’ll eventually give it a try (right?! haha).

Udemy usually has sales for $10 - I wouldn’t really spend more than that on a course there

-Wes Bos has a lot of great courses. They’re more geared toward “I want to learn this topic”, rather than really helping start you from the beginning. They’re definitely pricey if he isn’t having a sale (he has them a few times a year) but he’s another great teacher.

Syntax Podcast - it’s by 2 full stack developers who are self taught (Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski). If you’re really into going the web route it’s a great listen, they’re really never too technical so even early on I learned a lot from them.

- completely free, has a ton of courses. I personally didn’t like working in their code simulator environment but it’s a great starting place

r/salesforce • comment
1 points • OhMyParticle

Hey! I've posted some of this before, but its an ongoing journey for me as well so I can atleast tell you where I got started. Will probably send more detail than you wanted so feel free to ignore the wall of text and just check out the links lol.
The absolute #1 thing I would recommend to anyone starting salesforce development is to learn Java. I know it seems couterintuitive since Salesforce has Apex and "why wouldn't I just learn that?". The easiest reasoning is that the content out there specifically for Apex training for brand new developers is pretty weak, and you'll find most "Apex" tutorials expect you to have a background in some programming. Additionally, Apex is basically just Java with some salesforce specific built in libraries and tweaks. Helsinki Universities MOOC is the best single course i've taken for learning Object Oriented Programming principles, and is written for students with no background in programming.

If you go through MOOC (or atleast the 1st part and decide you want to start involving salesforce) David Liu is a Salesforce guy at google who started really trying to teach apex to very new developers, and much of his content is directed specifically at admins trying to break into the dev space. Apex Academy is in my opinion the best introduction content to apex.
LWC/Aura & Frontend development work from my experience takes longer to get really comfortable with (but maybe thats just me). You might start confused about exactly what the difference between Aura & LWC is, but the easiest way to explain it at this stage is Aura was a web framework salesforce built that was somewhat unique and weird to learn. In 2017 Salesforce released the LWC framework which is built to align with more standard web component practices (really it was built to make developers start being able to get started on salesforce faster). The future of Salesforce frontend development is on Lightning Web Components, so personally I would focus your effort there.

This course will pop up on sale for $12 every couple weeks on udemy (honestly you can probably google a udemy code and something will pop up). I've wasted an absurd amount of time and money on poor Javascript tutorials. This is the best content I've consumed and I'm a huge fan of Stephen Griders' work for teaching development.

Last but not least, Trailhead is obviously a great supplement but in my experience its very easy to get lost learning surface level info via trailhead if you're fresh into computer programming as a whole. i have like 400 or some badges in trailhead and at some point it stopped being about learning and became me just wanting to get more badges, and I wasted a lot of time.


Its a great journey and I hope you find any of this useful!

I could say more but I think this is already too much text. If you have any questions please shoot me a message because I'd be happy to help in any way I can, I've wasted a lot of time navigating online resources and would love to help save you some time.

r/RandomKindness • post
2 points • opeodedeyi
[request] can someone please buy be some courses on Udemy?

I am learning some courses in order to better prepare for the future by building some startup websites that I believe will be successful.

I would need some help to get some of these courses (4 courses) which are sold on udemy, right now they are currently on sale which will be ending in 15 hours from now at 12 dollars for a course, with this sale, it is the cheapest I can get it for now and most convenient place I can get such content.

below are the links to the courses according to my scale of preference, that I need to learn:

I would be able to get the course if it is gifted to me on the platform, for that, you would need my email which is [email protected], and name which is Odedeyi Opeyemi.

r/argentina • comment
1 points • gustavsen

tiene un paso a paso bastante bueno.

en udemy hay cursos a 10/12usd (el precio de 200 es de mentira, suben y bajan todo el tiempo)

tips para elegir un curso en UDEMY:

  • horas de curso del mismo, están al mismo precio los de 4hs que uno de 50hs.

  • que no sea Indio, son una estafa esos cursos

  • fijate que otros cursos tiene el autor, hay muchos que hacen uno de 10hs y lola

  • fecha de actualización del curso, te da una idea si son buenos o no.

algunos de los catalogados buenos, sin preferencia personal en particular:





finalmente te sugiero que leas los temas que da este roadmap de conocimientos que necesitarias ir aprendiendo

r/Udemy • comment
1 points • vujik

I've learned some Python and C# on college but mainly basics, never went deep into them.
Now I'm doing WebDev Bootcamp (, and after I'm done with that I'll be moving to these two;

But since I'm planning to apply for a student positions at Nanobit, for content creator or app tester I would like to get some nice Unity course to learn at least some fundamentals of C# and Unity in game development. Knowledge of these two ain't crucial for those student jobs but is considered a bonus.

r/learnprogramming • comment
2 points • Riou_Atreides

Aaah fuck, if only your comment was on Cyber Week, I would've saved a lot of money. I'd spent upwards of 80.87 United States Dollar for like 10~ courses and 4 of them are for Full-Stack Web Development (The Web Developer Bootcamp by Colt Steele, The Complete Web Developer in 2020: Zero to Mastery by Andrei Neagoie,The Complete 2020 Web Development Bootcamp by Angela Yu,The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0 by Rob Percival, Codestars by Rob Percival) because despite going through a Full-Stack Web Development program, I feel my front-end is kinda shitty.

At least I bought some which are specific for JavaScript since the bootcamp I go through just teaches the surface level and these courses would help me supplement my understanding for JavaScript (The New Modern Javascript Bootcamp (2020) by Colt Steele, Stephen Grider, The Complete JavaScript Course 2020: Build Real Projects! by Jonas Schmedtmann, The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp by Andrew Mead, The Complete React Developer Course (w/ Hooks and Redux) by Andrew Mead, The Complete Node.js Developer Course (3rd Edition) by Andrew Mead).

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • therealdark

Not books or articles per se, but I'll leave this here just in case. Hope this helps.

I was in your position just over a year ago; ended up quitting my job and going to a coding Bootcamp ( which is the same as Thinkful).

Here's what I would do if I were to start over now:

  1. Go through a complete web dev course. (my personal choice).
  2. Take one (or two) JS course(s). I like this one from Colt and Stephen or this other one from Max.
  4. Go through fullstackopen (or the odin project? or app academy open? I dunno as I haven't tried these myself).
  5. BUILD MORE COMPLEX / HARDER PROJECTS. Get stuck, ask for help, get frustrated, solve the problem. Repeat

Fullstackopen is absolutely amazing and the quality of their content is on par with the coding bootcamp I attended. The only thing is the pre-requisite of javascript knowledge. Also, it is text based, so it might be right up your alley.

If you strictly want a book rcommendation; You Don't Know JS. Pretty dry read, but goes super in-depth and you'll pick up things you won't find in online courses.

r/TrueOffMyChest • comment
1 points • hellscaper

A lot of this will go over your head if you have zero experience, but don't be discouraged:

I can only speak for my own experience, but taking some local community college classes helped a MASSIVE amount, since you begin learning the fundamentals of programming vs. just diving into a programming language. Mind you, some people can and do just jump directly into a book like "Head First Python" and come out the other side with a good understanding of how it works. I am not that type of person lol

The program I enrolled in has changed since then (it was a 2-year certificate program, not AS or BS), but the first language you might learn is Python. It's a very easy language to pick up, and pretty powerful in the right hands. Personally, I find the language fun and easy to write in, but it's not my preference. I went with JavaScript since I enjoy working on the 'backend', then researched what roles/languages/technologies were in demand at the time to get an idea of where I wanted to land. If you're curious, there's always yearly 'state of software development' infographics/interactive sites to see where the industry is. You can generally just search google for 'state of software development [year]' or something similar and you'll see a lot of results saying mostly the same thing :D


But all that was after having learned the following in school:

  • C
  • C++
  • C#
  • Python
  • Data Structures
  • super, SUPER important and difficult
  • I've seen it called a weed out class, I agree with that. I took it twice.
  • Depending on where you interview, you will most likely come across a whiteboard/shared screen technical interview that will have at least one question related to a data structure.
  • I've really only been asked to explain and implement data structures for larger companies (FAANG companies mostly)
  • Databases
  • Also important to understand since that's most likely where you'll store/retrieve data

The thing is, I've never used any of those languages since leaving school. Well, a little bit of Python for a contract, but it was short lived. What you eventually learn in the real world, though, is that a specific language isn't as important as knowing at least the fundamentals of how to think and build like a programmer. You can generally transition the fundamentals into any programming language, you just have to learn the syntax and the way it's used specific to that language.

Lastly, if you're going to go the autodidact route ($10 resume word! Try fitting polyglot somewhere in there too for street cred), I can vouch for this guy:

  • Stephen Grider on Udemy

I have every single course this guy has put out, and I have been able to increase my own salary and position a great deal because of his courses. He has some basic courses, data structures courses, Backend/Frontend specific courses, all the things you would want to learn about the current technologies being used in production.

Good luck, though! It's a very rewarding road if you're into solving difficult problems, building applications that many people will use, or want to start a company of your own. Don't let the wunderkind kids discourage you either, you'll have years of experience in the real world that you can share with them that will help them grow and that you can transition into a managerial or lead role, if you so desire.

r/learnjavascript • comment
2 points • atthesummit

*Imp: I am not affiliated with Udemy or any of the instructors, I have just created this plan for my friend to get the first job


  • Its \~300 hours of content so it should take around 3-6 months, including practice
  • It covers web technologies, in depth JavaScript, Frontend framework like Reactjs & its ecosystem, backend tecnologies like Nodejs & its ecosystem, some other important tools & technologies, TypeScript, interview preparation & resume writing
  • It covers at least 4 major projects


  1. Introduction to Web Technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Nodejs, etc) (34 hours)


2)  In depth JavaScript (Your main programming language) (52 hours)


3) Advanced CSS (llayouts & animation) (28 hours)

4) Everything about - Reactjs & its ecosystem (Frontend Framework) (39 hours)


5) Everything about - Nodejs and MongoDB  & their ecosystem (Backend Technologies) (42 hours)


6)  Some other important stuff (Performance, Security, Testing, Other Tools & Technologies) (35 hours)


7) More in-trend programming language based on JavaScript - TypeScript (the current standard) (25 hours)


8) Interview Preparaion (Basic) (13 hours)


9) Interview Preparation (advanced + LeetCode) (22 hours)


10) Resume writing, LinkedIn, Job Searching, etc (7 hours)


\~ 300 hours of course content

let me know what you think


ps: This is shared in good faith, there is no affiliation links or I am not going to get a single penny if you take any of the courses :)

This is for those who are comfortable with learning on Udemy

I created a comprehensive all inclusive plan, so thought about sharing it to whom who can really benefit from it