Accelerated JavaScript Training

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Take a deep dive into JavaScript, a Must-Know Language in Web Development, with a Hands-on, Example-driven Approach

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Taught by
Maximilian Schwarzmüller

Reddit Posts and Comments

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r/webdev • comment
1 points • RH_Demiurge

Manipulating the DOM is the majority of what the framework will do for you.

You need to learn javascript logical operators, conditionals, loops, functions, arrays, classes, objects etc.

I'd suggest taking this course:

and skip anything in the chapter about manipulating the DOM that you already know.

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • captain_k_nuckles

Sorry you have to deal with such a shitty teacher. And yes, language barriers can make things more challenging, especially when the person who is supposed to be teaching isn't able to explain things correctly. Also, don't feel bad about not understanding everything. It took me some time to really get a good understanding of what was going on with all of the code I wrote.

My recommendation to help you learn is when you come across something you don't fully understand, take you time to step through the code and see whats going on. A good way to do this, as long as you don't need anything that's node specific, like imports, is to use the developer tools in what ever browser your using. Like in chrome, you can press F12, not sure if it's different on mac, there is a sources tab, in there there's another panel with tabs, one of the tabs is snippets, you can click new snippet and it will make a new document, you can write and test code here, there's a run button or ctrl+enter to run. This would be a good place to practice loops and other things.

I've wrote down the code, and added some comments to try to explain some things going on, i hope it helps.

// Import the fs module which will allow us to acces the file system to do
// things like read, create and write to files
var fs = require('fs')

// Store the process arguments in another variable
var terminalText = precess.argv
// terminalText[0]: node process
// terminalText[1]: node script executed
// terminalText[2]: file name to save document as
// terminalText[3]: html body's background color
// terminalText[4]: contents of the HTML body

// Create a variable the holds the title of the HTML document
var htmlTitle = 'A WebPage Generated by JavaScript'

// create a variable that holds the style for the html body element
// which uses one of the passed arguments when the script was executed
// to set the body's background color
var htmlStyle = `
    background-color: ${terminalText[3]};

// create a variable that stores the html from
// the arguments
var htmlBody = terminalText[4]
// create a variable that holds the file name to save the document as
var htmlFileName = terminalText[2]

// Build out the html inserting the values of the variables in to the
// html template
// set the title, which is whats displayed on the tab
// pass the css style in to the styles tag
// and set the html body
var html = `
<!doctype html>

<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta name="description" content="The HTML5 Herald>"
        <meta name="author" content="SitePoint">

        <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css?v=1.0">




// check to see if a document file name was set
// htmlFileName == '' checks for an empty string
// htmlFileName == undefined checks to see if the variable was set
// || is how to say "or" so it's like saying
// if htmlFileName is an empty string or if htmlFileName has not been set
// then log the error and return; which would stop the rest of the 
// code from being executed in this instance.
// So as long as one of these is true, the code within the if statement will be executed
if (htmlFileName == '' || htmlFileName == undefined) {
        'You are missing a file name, cannot continue. Error: 302834u032'

// Here a variable is created which concatinates the file name and the file extension
// however it is not used in the rest of the code. I believe your teacher was
// doing this to show you that you can create the variiable ahead of time
// but didn't do a good job explaining it in his comment, and can see this being confusing
// since he doesn't show what it would look like using this method compared to the one
// below
var fullFileName = htmlFileName + '.html'
// which would look like
//  fs.writeFileSync(fullFileName, html, 'utf8')

// fs is the file system module we imported at the begnining of the script
// writeFileSync is a method which creates and writes to a file
// writeFileSync take 3 paramaters
// 1: the filename, which needs to include the extension type
// 2: the actual data to write to  the file
// 3: options, which we are telling the module to use the uft8 encoding format

// this is the other way to execute the method, instead of concatinating the file name and extension
// ahead of time, just pass it in to the method//
fs.writeFileSync(htmlFileName + '.html', html, 'utf8')
console.log('Generation of HTML file has been completed. Check your folder!')

For resources, I'll try to dig around for some more later but these might be able to help, some of the youtube ones might

Academind - these guys also post stuff on udemy, they have one accelerated javascript training - its 109.99 right now, but they normally drop and can get down to like $10

coding tech

funfun function

dev tips

the coding train

learn code academy

a lot of these might not be super intro, but even just watching can help. I would recommend watching, and following along with some of the coding train videos, He has some that are java and javascript, but using a library called p5/p5js. which isn't really what your doing, but he does a good going through things slowly and explaining whats going on, and it can help you understand how things are working.

I can tell you that it's going to take time, and your going to have to put in a lot of time to get everything, but it does pay off in the end. and don't worry about forgetting things. I started coding back in 2011 and to this day I still have to look things up, like converting a string to lower case, I always freaking write string.toLowercase, but it's string.toLowerCase, capital C, but I'll be like what did i do wrong, google, and go oh, i'm an idiot.

Also, while I was writing all this out, I was watching this video and I'd say check it out and I totally agree with her. just experiment with shit and have fun.