Javascript Essentials
Below are the top discussions from Reddit that mention this online Udemy course.
Learn how Javascript works, some basic API's and finally create a mini project
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Taught by
Lawrence Turton
Reddit Posts and Comments
0 posts • 6 mentions • top 3 shown below
1 points • kolo3321
Si sabes ingles te recomiendo este curso: Es gratis y si bien es de javascript, explica todos los conceptos basicos de la programacion.
1 points • hooj
Sure, I would check out one of the free udemy courses as well as the free code camp tutorials.
However, there are plenty of free courses out there (, and it doesn't hurt to check multiple out -- on one hand, it will help solidify concepts that you have seen in other courses, and two, things that diverge from course to course help you cover gaps in your learning. And again, if you end up with questions (even if they're more on the job seeking side), feel free to reach out and I'll answer as I can.
1 points • BM_Electro
Check out this course it explains the basics pretty good.
Also here is a website that explains any thing you might not understand with examples and tests
You can just search for anything in the website for example "arrays" and a page will come up with all details