JavaScript - The Complete Guide 2022 (Beginner + Advanced)

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Modern JavaScript from the beginning - all the way up to JS expert level

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Taught by
Academind by Maximilian Schwarzmüller


Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 41 mentions • top 32 shown below

r/WGU_CompSci • comment
3 points • Matty_22

This guy does fantastic Udemy courses. I’ve taken his React and Angular courses and can vouch.

r/webdev • comment
1 points • aerovize

In my experience taking courses that focus on one subject at a time have better value. The courses on Udemy that try to teach everything in one course are very vague on a lot of topics and jump you into libraries before you completely understand JavaScript or CSS. This guy has the best content in my opinion. He has courses on everything.

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • Shty_Dev
r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • GoofBoy

If you keep an eye on when Udemy has a sale again or if you have never signed up for a course with them, this was well worth the $13.99 or whatever it cost, as the level of detail he goes into is fantastic, and it covers pretty much everything you will ever run into with JS.

Good Luck.

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • esamcoding

i joined and i can tell you it is very good and save you alot f time.

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • maxahd

If you are just starting i would recommend a video course by Maximilian Schwarzmüller.

Javascript course

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • sm1215

I can't vouch for this course personally, but I've followed the instructor through his Angular course and it was really helpful. He explains things thoroughly and it helped me a great deal. This course is on sale for like 10$ and includes a ton of video content. The instructor and assistants help you through any setup or course questions through a forum. Highly recommend, but check it out for yourself too:

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • ShadowMasterKing

I love max courses. Example

r/developersIndia • comment
1 points • popat_mohamed

jquery is outdated now.

Rather focus on ES6 javscript (plain new version) and frameworks like react and vuejs.

I would suggest an online bootcamp or even udemy course.

I have learned a lot using this 50hr javascript course :

r/AskBalkans • comment
1 points • tanateo

You are welcomed. Also:

Has my stamp of approval. Dont be cheap pay the 12$, one of best courses... and add the course to your CV.

r/learnjavascript • comment
2 points • the_only_redditor


r/programare • comment
9 points • PatriotuNo1

PBinfo pe partea de a rezolva probleme sincer e o petarda. Trebuie sa rezolvi fix cum iti preda in material, nu poti folosi algoritmi diferiti sau in alta metoda spre deosebire de alte platforme.

Leetcode e mult prea greu pentru cineva care e de la 0.

Cauta cele mai highly rated cursuri de pe udemy. La cibernetica nu se face cine stie ce programare ca sa nu mai vorbim de algoritmica sau structuri de date deci nu trb sa inveti OZN uri.

Iti pot da niste cursuri care sunt cele mai bune de pe udemy


Algoritmica si DS in Java:



Am fosti colegi care au terminat la cibernetica si nu au invatat mare lucru acolo ci mai mult singuri. Invata singura, nu te baza pe profesori si invata in engleza nu din tutoriale din romana.

In cursurile de mai sus ai pe parcurs exercitii si daca vrei platforma ok incearca Hackerrank.

P.S : Cursurile de mai sus sunt puse si pe Filelist.

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • ahugwastelepathy

I recommend you this course

I started it with already previous knowledge but that is also proof that Max's style is really easy to follow and makes every point very clear.

r/learnprogramming • comment
5 points • jpm8288

My answer is below, and here is the link to the original thread (

Looking back, I would say that TOP was worth starting if you don't know if coding is for you. At the time, I was building a business, and wanted to code my own website. Now that I have been through the entirety of TOP, all the udemy courses, and built a number of websites, I would only recommend TOP as a way to see if you are interested in coding, and I would say to only do the fundamentals section.

I say this because the udemy courses by Maximilian Schwarzmüller are all complete guides. This means he shows you all the things you can do with CSS, Javascript, React, and MongoDB. He also explains the history of each language and why it was developed in a particular way. This won't seem so important as a beginner, but if you code on other people's projects that are older, you will understand what the past programmer was doing and be able to optimize what he or she was doing.

The biggest problems I think all beginner programmers have when learning on their own is knowing when you know enough, and if you are learning efficiently. Going through TOP, you think that they taught you everything or at least enough about a programming language, but I felt as if I had to keep looking up basic things. And in all honesty, their sections on React and MongoDB were terrible at the time I took the course, and they don't look that much better now that I took another look at the curriculum.

After completing the Udemy courses, and taking good notes, I found that I had a better grasp of the fundamentals and only needed to look up things that are complex problems. In most cases, I could always just reference my notes since it mirrored the complete guide. Also, another reason to do the complete guide is that you can't always program what is in your head if you don't know all the options in your language of choice. This, for me, was the single biggest reason why I recommend the complete guide udemy courses. The alternative is to spend a lot of time learning things in a piecemeal fashion which is very very inefficient because you might be learning to do something while skipping over some very fundamental coding knowledge.

Whether you plan to work for yourself, or find employment after studying, I would recommend you do the foundations course in TOP to find out if you are interested in coding. If you are interested, I would skip the rest of TOP and purchase the following MERN stack products from Maximilian Schwarzmüller once they are on sale for $15 - $20 on udemy:

The last thing I wanted to say is that I recommend the MERN stack, as opposed to learning RUBY in your case, is that the job market cares a lot more about the MERN stack and not so much about rails. Even if you were planning to strike out on your own I would recommend the MERN stack because there are so many other developers using it that any problem you will likely run into will have likely been answered somewhere in some fashion.

I hope I have given a sufficient answer to your question. I don't know if the free fullstack course covers everything, but I found it to be a major pain when there were gaps in my knowledge as a developer. If you follow the courses above, you won't have any fundamental knowledge gaps and will likely be ahead of other beginner developers.

Edit: if I didnt emphasize it enough, take VERY GOOD notes when taking these courses. I took notes based on every section of each video linked above because each video shows you something new. There is too much to memorize, and it can be a pain to look through past videos when all you need is a refresher from your notes. Trust me on this one.

Also, TOP and this video series will take equivalent amounts of time to complete and master, but this udemy series leaves you better prepared for interviews, real world work, and personal business projects.

r/argentina • comment
1 points • gustavsen

digital house olvidate, el contenido es anticuado y carisimo al pedo, lo evalue mucho en su momento (tenemos 50% con ellos x el trabajo)

ni asi me convenia porque no enseñan un pomo de cosas modernas.

Coder House lei muchas reviews tipo que los profes eran cualquiera y los cambiaban a la mitad y cosas asi.

Acamica a menos que entres becado no vale la pena, y para aplicar a la beca tenes que ser mujer, lgbt y pelo rosa minimo, siendo hombre no te van a dejar hacerlo ni pagando.

De cursos pagos locales te recomiendo que veas Educacion IT y EANT.

que si necesitas una explicacion de algo te pueden aclarar alguna duda, igual ningun lado que estudies, fullstack ponele, vas a salir con un gran nivel.

data science esta de moda, pero a menos que tengas una EXCELENTE base en matematica y estadistica, TODOS son vende humo esos cursos.

te doy mi consejo.

anda por freecodecamp, por el simple motivo que es gratuito, tiene la contra que esta en ingles y que si tenes dudas no te ayuda nadie, pero bueno, te aviso que ser desarrollador es asi, hay que saber buscar las soluciones solo.

sino dominas ingles (entenderlo, leerlo) empeza por ahi, es algo mas que necesario.

ya te dijeron de los cursos de Coursera de algoritmos, tb son gratuitos y estan buenos, IBM tiene dos carreras de ciencia de datos si es lo que te interesa

en EDX tambien hay cursos gratis y en un par de plataformas mas tambien.

si queres pagar, en UDEMY hay varios, fijate mucho la cantidad de horas que tiene, la cantidad de suscriptores y cuando fue la ultima vez que lo actualizo.

hui a todo lo que sea dado por un hindu o similar y a los cursos cortos, la mayoria son 100% scam

y siempre compralos cuando esten a 9/11 usd.

te puedo aconsejar:

para fullstack, da lo basico y estan buenos.

pd: los cursos siempre estan al alcance de un click... http(barrabarradospuntos)1337x(punto)to

y despues le resto es practicar como un infeliz, los cursos solos son una base, sino seguis es lo mismo que nada, no importa que lo hayas pagado o sea gratuito.

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • Mariciano I have not done this one, but I have taken his Angular course and it's probably one of the best on that topic that there is on the internet, he always keeps his courses up to date.

r/indiasocial • comment
1 points • Cheris_P
r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • MassW0rks

If you wanted to PM me your email address, I can gift you the udemy courses that jump started my (very new) web development career.

HTML & CSS by Brad Traversy (~20 hours)


JavaScript - The Complete Developer Guide 2020 by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (~40 hours)

r/webdev • comment
1 points • mexican_restaurant

Here’s a couple links to what I mentioned.



r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • slowreactin

I’m not trying to discourage you at all, but this code is a mess. However, do not let this experience defeat you, it just means you have more to learn and need to practice some more.

For starters, you bounce between var and let and do not have much consistency in your coding style. The formatting is also quite bad and causes your code to be very difficult to read. There are also console.log()s in your code, not sure if this is production, but if it is those should not be there.

There are hardcoded values in the first for loop and you skip over the 0th index with the i + 1 statement so why start the loop at 0? You could easily read past whatever you are reading / visiting with that kind of logic.

You are also using == instead of ===, this can cause a lot of bugs that are hard to track down. Pretend == doesn’t exist.

There’s an overuse of !0 which is confusing.

More hardcoded values with no intuitive explanation.

I would also pull out all of the styling and make use of CSS in JS, that would eliminate a lot of the junk in the code.

A lot of confusing things in your code. Like what is “dataArray[3].temp” and why are we seeing if it’s undefined? (Use of == again).

This code is all over the place.

Again, it’s OKAY, we all write bad code when we are starting out and heck, I still write bad code every day. Don’t be discouraged.

Is there anyone at your workplace you can reach out to and possibly get them to walk you through what can be done?

Aside from that, you ARE an intern and you ARE working on code for a company and that is more than a lot of people can say.

Don’t give up and here are some resources I recommend checking out:

Eloquent JavaScript

JavaScript Clean Code

Learn JavaScript

Good luck and don’t ever stop trying!

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • Gigusx

Andrew Mead's course has been hands down the best one available so far.

But, Maximilian Schwarzmuller just released his own Javascript course. I don't have a reason to test it out but it would be the only one I'd consider besides Andrew's.


- (Andrew)

- (Max)

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • squarebox27

Check out freeCodeCamp and The Odin Project
Both are good resources to get started.

I'm currently learning Javascript on freecodecamp, also you can buy JS course on udemy. I'm doing this course on Udemy -

Happy learning!

r/webdev • comment
1 points • RangerCoder

Find it here: (not a ref link, don't do that!)

Unlike the others, you mention this one is completely updated! It's really good and around the same time this was posted 2 other popular teachers on Udemy (Colt Steele, Stephen Grider) released their own Javascript course that you can find here:

I highly recommend you refund that other dated ones and get one of the ones above!
Another option is the one of Wes Bos that also got released around the same time, it's shorter but people seem to really love that one:

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • StrongLikeBull503

Hey! You sound like me.

I started at from near zero at 30, studied off and on while I had full time employment, then quit to study full time after I knew I was going to change careers.

I started with the FreeCodeCamp Responsive Websites certification. Finished that pretty easily because I had previous HTML/CSS experience, but named tags, accessibility, media queries, flexbox/grid, transforms, css variables... all of this was completely new to me. I limped through that and was kind of taken aback at how little I actually knew about HTML and CSS.

After that I did a ton of free sample HTML & CSS code-alongs with Brad Traversy and Coding Addict. Worked with SASS a bit, learned Emmet shortcuts, got scared of JavaScript again, got doubly scared of JQuery, but continued on. I did about 10 of those basic projects before I felt like I had a grasp on Flexbox designs, and general CSS best practices.

That's about the time that I quit my full time job to study full time. That was 3 months ago. Since that time I saw that Brad gives out his Udemy courses for peanuts on his website with a Udemy code, so I bought Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass), Modern JavaScript From The Beginning, 50 Projects in 50 Days - HTML, CSS, & JavaScript, and several others that I have yet to touch. Each was about $15 or so with the code on his website.

JavaScript still scared me so I basically re-started my HTML and CSS journey and I'm glad I did. I learned really quickly that just because you know something, and actually because you know something you should listen to someone else talk about it every once and a while. Everyone's brain thinks in different ways/approaches are informed with their unique experiences, and thus we build things in different ways. I learned a lot from the way he discussed the different tags, history of their usage, best practices, and cool use cases that I had never seen before. JavaScript still scared me, but eventually I got used to seeing basic DOM selectors, click events, common Jquery code blocks for smooth scrolling, very brief intros to variable types, data types, scope, conditional statements, etc... Enough that I would be like "Oh hey, I don't know what that means but I've seen it before." Level of detail.

After I finished that (I was forcing myself to finish things because I have a tendency to stop at like 70% and find the next shiny object) I moved onto JavaScript. I quickly learned that I was in over my head and I didn't understand this shit at all. I muddled my way through about half of it before I had to quit because I was just coding along and listening while not understanding anything. After that I bought Eloquent JavaScript, and started Free Code Camp's 'JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures' Certificate, I also splurged and bought membership and would start there. I would basically jump between each and do a little every day. I studied probably a solid 10-14 hours a day for two months jumping between resources, and when I was bored I would plug a JS topic I didn't really understand that well into YouTube and do a code along displaying a use case of that feature. Took forever, but eventually I got to the point where I pretty solidly understood all the topics covered.

Somewhere around the start of this month I stumbled upon Maximilian Schwarzmüller searching Udemy for people who solidly knew Vue. I had seen a few examples of the code in various YouTube tutorials and was enamored with how awesome the language looked so I kind of nebulously decided that would be the framework I learned when the time comes. After seeing how expensive his individual courses were I went looking on his website to see if he had any discount codes and found that he keeps all of his courses behind a $19 a month paywall if you don't want to buy them individually, so now I am working through his JavaScript - The Complete Guide 2021 (Beginner + Advanced) and I am in awe of how little I actually knew about JavaScript. Max is the most in-depth teacher I have ever seen when it comes to JavaScript. Most people will describe a common method, it's most common use case, and then show a use case. Max will dissect every moving part, show the most common use cases as well as some creative edge cases, and then dive into meta concepts like it's relation to the concept of clean code, performance (something you almost never see discussed when learning basic JavaScript), and related history associated with use (eg DOM selection and traversing then and now.)

The full course is 52 hours, but you'll need a lot more to actually digest the content. Everything is presented very plainly, with visual aids, and the opportunity to code along, but I have found that often times I need to stop and read MDN/Watch YouTube videos/Try things myself for a while before I feel confident enough in it to continue working. What's crazy is he dives super deep into things like the Chrome window and document, V8, and working with DevTools before you do much of anything and I learned a lot about things that had been skipped over in other tutorials there. I'm only about 35% of the way through it at the moment, but I'm pretty committed to finishing it before I start working on his Vue courses. I feel pretty confident now when looking at code that I know what it does before running it, I'm very used to fixing errors and think in data structures when approaching problems. I am far from learning how to do everything, but you don't need to know everything. You just need to have a good understanding of the rules, how the pieces fit together, and how the syntax rules shape and change your code (and what your code is being compiled into when using es6+ sugar.)

Right now I'm working through CodeAcademy's Full Stack Engineer career path ($200 a year), ($80 for 5 years accesss), and Academind (Max's website, $19/month).

If I were to start again to get where I am now I think this is what I would do:

  • Free Code Camp's Responsive Webdev Cert
  • Free Code Camp's Javascript Cert

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • pixelburner

If you don't mind learning Javascript and React, you might try looking into React Native. Not only will you learn to be proficient at mobile development, but you'll have a leg up on web development as well. If you don't mind spending a few bucks, there are a few really good courses on Udemy I would suggest, that will have you building projects from start to finish:




That said, there are other options if you don't want to invest that much time into it. Flutter does seem to be a pretty cool alternative, as well as Ionic. The same instructor also offers courses in those technologies as well but I've never taken them myself.



As you may notice, all those courses are instructed by Maximilian Schwarzmüller. IMHO, his courses are some of the easiest to follow, and he does a really good job of explaining the nuts and bolts of everything he's teaching you. He has a somewhat strong accent though, which some people find hard to follow - but personally I like it because it forces me to pay closer attention.

Any way you cut it, though - have patience and just have fun with it. If you get frustrated about something or have questions, definitely post questions here or on the Udemy forums. Lot's of helpful people, even the instructors themselves.

PS: Pretty much every course on Udemy goes on sale for a super low price at some point, very often. If you find a course that you want to take that is very expensive, add it to your wishlist and check back every few days and it will probably be much cheaper (for example, a course that is normally $125 could be marked down to $10)

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • therealdark

Not books or articles per se, but I'll leave this here just in case. Hope this helps.

I was in your position just over a year ago; ended up quitting my job and going to a coding Bootcamp ( which is the same as Thinkful).

Here's what I would do if I were to start over now:

  1. Go through a complete web dev course. (my personal choice).
  2. Take one (or two) JS course(s). I like this one from Colt and Stephen or this other one from Max.
  4. Go through fullstackopen (or the odin project? or app academy open? I dunno as I haven't tried these myself).
  5. BUILD MORE COMPLEX / HARDER PROJECTS. Get stuck, ask for help, get frustrated, solve the problem. Repeat

Fullstackopen is absolutely amazing and the quality of their content is on par with the coding bootcamp I attended. The only thing is the pre-requisite of javascript knowledge. Also, it is text based, so it might be right up your alley.

If you strictly want a book rcommendation; You Don't Know JS. Pretty dry read, but goes super in-depth and you'll pick up things you won't find in online courses.

r/Cordoba • comment
1 points • lsauchelli

Si te ofrecen "HTML, CSS y Java" ya de entrada sabés que quien lo hizo no sabe la diferencia entre Javascript y Java (son dos cosas totalmente diferentes).

A un entrevistador que busque juniors poco le importa si hiciste una tecnicatura en programación o un curso en teclab o ceicos o lo que sea. Lo único que le importa es que sepas las nociones básicas del puesto que buscan llenar. Es decir, si vas para un puesto backend, tenés que saber manejar una base de datos (MySQL, SQL Server o Mongo, generalmente), un lenguaje de programación de backend (lo más buscado actualmente es Node.JS, pero también hay algo de PHP y .Net) y una noción sobre metodologías ágiles.

Si querés meterte en el rubro de programación web, te recomiendo hacer cursos de Udemy o similares. Lo importante es que te pongas las pilas, estudies y practiques lo aprendido:

Javascript desde 0 (Lo ponen en oferta a 10-12 dólares seguido):

Node Básico (gratis, pero hace falta algo de conocimientos de Javascript):

MySQL (gratis, en youtube):

Para metodologías ágiles hay un montón de videos en youtube, así que te dejo nomás la guía de Scrum:

Hay muchos más, algunos que enseñan todo. Lo único que te digo es que te fijes en las reseñas porque muchos son 'una cagada'. También los hay en español si buscas bien.

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • ProgrammingWithPax

A well rounded intro which will get you 80% to mastery:

Advanced deep-dive into every part of JS, the other 20%:

You can pick up these courses for about $15 each when they are on sale (once a month).


If you're looking for free resources:

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • helping083 - probably the best

freecodecamp - one of the best, also check their youtube channel

also and his youtube channel
also and his course about react


r/hungary • comment
2 points • eiszauber

Kicsit szét vagyok esve, de itt van amit gondolok ( fontos, hogy ez csak az én véleményem, de mivel végigmentem rajta, gondoltam releváns ) Tehát a következő modulokat fogják neked tanítani:

  • HTML ismeretek: Szerintem ez ingyenesen is elérhető és alapvetően nem egy nehéz témakör, viszonylag mélyen belemennek, a témakörök alapján pár google kereséssel végigolvasod:
  • CSS ismeretek: Jonas kurzusát én végigcsináltam háromszor és szerintem nagyon jó: Advanced CSS and SASS J
  • JavaScript ismeretek: Ezt nem vettem meg, de a lényeg, hogy kb bármelyik nagyobb Udemy tanár jóra értékelt kurzusa elég, hogy megértsd mi történik. Az a fontos, hogy ne vegyél olyat, ami túl sokat igér, meg olyat se ami túl keveset. Érted :D
    Ajánlom még mellé a oldalt.
  • Az SCSS preprocesszor: A fentebb linkelt Advanced CSS and SASS kurzus magába foglalja. Nem gondolom, hogy egy saját modult érdemelne. De érdemes mondjuk ezt értelmezni:
  • A Bootstrap 4 CSS keretrendszer: én kifejezetten utálom, mert előre elkészített komponenseket ad. A kezdők meg imádják, mert könnyen eshetsz abba a hibába, hogy van némi közöd a stylinghoz :) Helyette ajánlom: - Persze találsz majd ezer embert aki meg ezt utálja.
  • Az Angular keretrendszer: Szerintem ez az egyik legérdekesebb kérdés, hogy melyik frameworkkel kezd. A végén amúgy rájössz, hogy tökmindegy mit használsz, mert a végeredménynek kb ugyannak kellene lennie, és ha jó vagy JS-ben akkor jó vagy bármelyik JS frameworkben. Én személy szerint React-ot és Vue-t használok. Ha ajánlanom kellene valamit, akkor tuti a Vue-t ajánlanám, mert egyszerű, nem nőtt akkorára mint a React, és szépen elkülönül a templating a javascript meg a styling.
    Stephen Grindernek bármennyire is pornós neve van, a React kurzusa anno rengeteget segített, itt a Vue kurzusa, ami valszeg legalább olyan jó:
    Egyébként látom, hogy belemennek a Typescriptben is a képzésen, ami nagyon fasza, mert elég alap lett minden melóhoz, és nagy fegyvertényező lehet. Mindenesetre én lehet nem oktatnám teljesen kezdőknek - mondván, a JS-t kell megtanulni faszán.
  • Google Firebase és FireSore: ez egy érdekes rész. Személy szerint az a véleményem, hogy egyik cloud based NoSQL adatbázis sem egy komoly dolog. De biztosan be tudná valaki bizonyítani, hogy tévedek. Az egész Firebase és társai csak egy API, ami lényegében Javascript. Amit ha rendesen megtanulsz, akkor anélkül is érteni fogod, hogy meg kéne tanulnod az Firebase-t.
    Itt a legfontosabb a CRUD, ha csinálsz egy "ES6 CRUD tutorial" keresést, akkor biztos vagyok benne, hogy kismillió oktatóanyagot találsz a neten.

Ajánlom még: - megéri a drágább előfizetés! - ez a könyv meg meglepően fasza, és viszonylag gyorsan nagy lépéselőnyre teszel szert vele - Ezt nagyon szerettem, mert tételesen végig lehet menni a témákon, amiket érintened kell.


De összességében az véleményem, hogy ez a képzés lehet fasza, és amit te itt veszel 500+ ezer forintért az az idő és a mentori segítség. Idő, mert nyilván gyorsabban megérti az ember egy iskolában, mentori segítséget meg nem kell magyaráznom. Ellenben ez nagyban függ az oktatás minőségétől, és az oktatók hozzáállásától. Minden más viszonylag olcsón, vagy ingyen fent van a neten. Ellenben érdemes végiggondolni, hogy mennyivel leszel előrébb, hogyha náluk végzel? Miért kerül ez fele annyiba, mint a többi? Lehet csak azért, mert frontend only? Lehet.
Amiket ajánlottam ne vedd szentírásnak, és kicsit kaotikus, mert gyorsan gépeltem. Mindenesetre már fentebb is linkeltek pár Udemy kurzust amik jók lehetnek, de a frontendmasterssel is jól járhatsz.

Nemtudom, ennyi, kérdezz még

r/CodingHelp • comment
2 points • DeveloprX

Javascript is tied closely with HTML and CSS because of its ability to manipulate the DOM, so you should understand the basics of it.

The road map:
Vanilla JS - don't try frameworks yet!

  • Datatypes
  • Functions
  • Conditionals
  • Loops
  • OOP

DOM Manipulation & Events


Fetch API & JSON

ES6+ Features:

  • Arrow functions
  • Promises
  • Async/Await
  • Destructing
  • Template strings

Then you can start experimenting with React/Vue/Angular (frontend), though more knowledge about CSS is needed + JSX, and Node.js (backend).

Congratulations if you get this far, you can now...
Work with AI & chat bots with Tensorflow.
Mobile web devlopment with React Native.


The Complete JavaScript Course 2020: Build Real Projects! on ~~£174.99~~ £11.99
Jonas teaches you the theory of what you're writing as well as allow you to build practical examples.

JavaScript - The Complete Guide 2020 (Beginner + Advanced) on ~~£174.99~~ £11.99
Extensive tutorial that will teach you everything. +Brownie point: I like Max's voice.

Modern JavaScript (from Novice to Ninja) on ~~£74.99~~ £9.99

Note: never pay full price for Udemy courses! £31/monthly or £191.88/yearly (+20% off yearly, with a promo code, reduces it to £12.78/month)
It has detailed, aesthetically pleasing lessons in a hosted environment, which makes JS easy to start.


JavaScript Tutorial For Beginners by codeSTACKr a taste of almost everything in JS, including ES6 , in 1 hour. Check his JS playlist for more in-depth info and new topics.

JavaScript Course for Beginners 2020 - Learn JavaScript from Scratch! by Academind
this's a part of Max's course for free, enjoy. Doesn't cover ES6.

JavaScript Tutorials for Beginners doesn't include ES6 but throws in a bit theory which most tutorials don't have.

I'm also working on my own course, so stay tuned. for debugging; even professionals rely on this lmao.

There's a lot to learn but don't be discouraged!

Your journey of education never stops, stay up to date with the latest JavaScript tutorials: