Learn C++ for Game Development

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Learn the basics of C++ to prepare you for game development programming

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Taught by
Stephen Ulibarri

Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 11 mentions • top 8 shown below

r/unrealengine • comment
7 points • Noaurda

Stephen ulibarri on udemy. I hate udemy with a passion but Stephen's courses are amazing! They're usually on sale for 20$ or so. Dont pay the full price

c++ for beginners

r/Cplusplus • comment
6 points • topman20000

The gameDev course is really great.

But I wouldn’t start with that one if you just want to learn the very basics of C++. Instead I would recommend this course. The reason for this is that this particular course is a good segue into the game development angle, but it doesn’t jump right into unreal engine or require you to set up VS code. Instead it focuses on applying the principles exclusively in visual studio community. The reason I prefer this is because when you are developing with unreal engine, the structure of each of the C++ files and classes relies on different libraries, And when you are instantiating classes, you are basically working with inheritance right off the bat, which is why most people who work with unreal engine prefer to use blueprint scripting, rather than C++ scripting. It’s just easier than having to go through the whole reflection/garbage collection ordeal

Outside of unreal engine, C++ is a language that tends to have several branches of applications, and while you might have a root in game dev, it depends on the application you want to use it for. This is because C++ is made up of its own native libraries as well as several third-party libraries for development in different applications.

If you were to use it for operations in OCR or data science or web dev, it might be a little bit superfluous, given the fact that languages like python have much more concise coding for their applications.

If you want to get into GUI and desktop app development. You might look into resources for studying QT Creator/Designer. It’s a really Great resource for developing desktop applications because it is essentially a C++ IDE with a visual design form that allows you to visually set up slots and signals for each of your Wiget/Window classes, making the workflow a lot smoother.

If you are using it for computational mathematics, C++ has a library dedicated to math operations and algorithms. Once you learn the basics, you can include that library in your code to derive such classes.

If you were thinking of getting into operations which require multithreading, Udemy has courses on those

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • Freezman13

I really liked this udemy course. He does both whiteboard lectures and hands on programming. You can click through some of the video previews to get a sense of how he speaks - he's fairly eloquent and has a good voice.

Downsides are that it's not free, but it is almost 13h worth of lectures. Another thing is that it's aimed at beginers so if you already know python then you won't exactly need explanations of different data types and other general transferable topics.

r/gamedev • comment
2 points • Remmib

I'm new as well, but after researching on my own on here and talking to my game dev friend, I decided to learn C++ and Unreal Engine 4.

I did a C++ basics course on Udemy and am now working on a C++ with UE4 tutorial, this tutorial is really good. I'm like 10 hours in so far.

r/unrealengine • comment
1 points • ngrafx

This course was very informative and I really recommend it. You need to be already comfortable with c++ as it's intended to teach you the unreal api, not the language itself.


I you need more cpp training the same instructor has a learn cpp for unreal course, not sure what it's worth though as I haven't taken it.


r/unrealengine • comment
1 points • LumberingTroll

I got this course (for $10 on sale, which happens often) and it was really good! https://www.udemy.com/course/learn-cpp-for-ue4-unit-1/ It covers all aspects of C++ from a lecture and demonstration point of view, very thorough, he has two other courses as well that build on this, the next one is about using C++ in UE4 specifically, and the one after that is about Blueprint. I have all of them, and they are great.

r/gamedev • comment
2 points • DumeArts

I'm self-taught.
Four years ago I decided to start learning game development and 3D.
I have been a Graphic Designer and Web Developer for almost 20 years, and I always taught myself, so I thought I could learn Game Development in the same way.
Because I knew Actionscript when I was designing websites in Flash, it was easy for me to learn C# and Unity.
A year ago I published my first video game that was a financial failure (you can learn more in my postmortem: https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/hnf07r/crumbling_world_postmortem_the_story_of_a_failure/fxe5ia8/?context=3)

Five months ago I decided to switch to Unreal, so I keep learning everyday...
I used Udemy and mostly YouTube to learn everything I know.
I probably invest at least 20-30h per week in learning, and I switch programming and art frequently when I feel I need a break.

If you want to start I would recommend to start with Unreal, you can make games with Blueprints, you don't need to code, but you need to know the foundation of programming. If you are interested on that this an awesome course to learn that foundation: https://www.udemy.com/course/learn-cpp-for-ue4-unit-1/learn/lecture/11007068?start=0#overview

I hope it helps!

r/unrealengine • comment
1 points • Grimdakka

If you're interested in C++ and don't mind spending a bit of money, check out Steven Ulibarri's excellent courses on Udemy:



Tom Looman also does a great course on multiplayer using C++:


Avoid the gamedev.tv ones. Their Unreal courses are out of date and kind of weird/low quality. They're great for Unity, but not really for Unreal.

For those who don't know how Udemy works, never buy anything at full price, it'll be discounted down to about $10-15 within a week or two.