Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginners - Hands-on

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Learn Kubernetes in simple, easy and fun way with hands-on coding exercises

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Taught by
Mumshad Mannambeth


Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 9 mentions • top 8 shown below

r/kubernetes • comment
7 points • Tacos_Royale

I would strongly recommend this short introduction course; https://www.udemy.com/course/learn-kubernetes/

It's a very gentle introduction with a tiny bit of hands on that will help you get started and understand wtf is going on under the hood.

r/kubernetes • comment
1 points • chriske86

I think you should learn kubernetes basics before anything else. It is a huge system, and you have to understand the basic concepts of it. If you try to figure out yourself, probably some bad practices will burn into your head and it will be much harder to erase them then learn the basics first.

Here is a really good course for beginners for examole: https://www.udemy.com/course/learn-kubernetes/

And the answer for your question: you should create services for your pods, and you will be able to reach your pods with the name of those services.

r/kubernetes • comment
1 points • nsteblay
r/kubernetes • comment
1 points • nex2null


His whole series on Kubernetes is legit.

r/kubernetes • comment
2 points • tokugero

There's no "best learning resource" since everyone learns differently, but maybe these resources will help you get started. If your company is already using k8s, there's a high possibility that they've abstracted all this work for you already and all you need to do is merge to main; see if they have any remnant training materials lying around from which the existing devs benefited.

It kind of depends on how deep you want to go, or what your specific role entails (Are you deploying? Developing your CIs? Testing in local clusters?)

That being said, here's a few resources that I regularly recommend and where I think they might fit for you:

Hand guided course by KodeKloud, I took their CKA + Test course and was a huge fan but it definitely is more in the weeds with infrastructure level stuff that you probably don't care about. This version, however, will give you an idea on local development and simple application development.


This is a more self-lead method that may benefit you in the role directly, minikube has been a really nice low-effort setup for clusters that you can jump right into and interact with. Set this up with addons like "dashboard" and "ingress" to get yourself up and running immediately


Here's an official guide on getting started with it on your local system:


If you're looking for some "goals" to know that you've reached a good starting place, set up an nginx deployment + service + ingress and see if you can view the "nginx welcome" page. If you can get that far, then you've got a great starting place for branching into more advanced concepts that really depend on what functions your team fills in the ecosystem.

r/kubernetes • comment
1 points • jgsnap

I am certified as CKAD and started learning with https://www.udemy.com/course/learn-kubernetes/ I felt it was fundamentally very strong course with exercises. You always get deals on the course for 9.99$ or 450 INR.

r/kubernetes • comment
1 points • exmachinalibertas

So I went to find some of the ones I took, so I could post my recommendations, and it turns out they were all for niche things after I had kind of learned the ins and outs. (Like for example an Istio course.) So my advice for finding one is to just google and read forums and reviews and see which ones people think were good. I'm currently taking a CKA course which is decent, and the guy who runs that also runs a beginner's course, but that might be too easy/beginner for you, since you seem to know the basics at least and are more at an intermediate level.

One generalized course I took and can recommend is this one but my issue with it is that it uses AWS for node hosting and it mixes a lot of AWS-specific things with general K8s stuff, so if you're not very familiar with AWS and K8s already, sometimes it can be confusing. But if you've used AWS and know K8s a bit already like you do, you probably won't have the same trouble I did differentiating between the AWS stuff and the K8s parts. Other than mixing AWS and K8s it was a good course. But again, I'm not sure if it would be beneficial to you. It's more hands-on of managing stuff, and I feel like you want more of an in-depth guide to the K8s resources (e.g. services vs deployments vs replicasets), and this course doesn't really go in depth into all that.

So I guess I'm back to recommending just googling and researching what courses others recommend. I'm sorry for saying "go look at udemy" and then not having a good suggestion for you.

r/homelab • comment
1 points • Mr_Tuffaha

its great I am still kinda new to it but i have built some small thingsI used this course to learn



and i want to do this next:


the kubernetes-the-hard-way tutorials is advised by many online and there are versions for gke or aws, i am using the virtualbox version beacuse i want to learn about setting it up bare metal way

ps: I highly recommend checking out docker first if you dont know about it