Learning to Learn [Efficient Learning]
Zero to Mastery

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Improve memory & productivity using the skills of the world's top performers and learning strategies proven by research

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Taught by
Andrei Neagoie


Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 5 mentions • top 4 shown below

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • Frostyler

Andrei Neagoie has a great course called "learning to learn" that is supposed to help with exactly what you're asking. It is currently $20 though. If you don't mind paying for it I highly recommend it. Learning to Learn

r/GetStudying • comment
1 points • Rugby8724

if I remember correctly the part of the brain stimulated when learning is the same part that is stimulated when you're in pain. This is part of the reason people don't like studying.
I 100% suggest you take this course learning to learn on udemy. I'm not sure what price will show up, but you can find coupons for udemy online to bring the price down to like $10.
This course really helped me learn now to study properly, and realize studying is not easy for most people. You really need to have a consistent study plan to help fight the days when you want to do anything but study.

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • JordanLesich

For sure.

When I took it, I was training to be sommelier. I was in the middle of my advanced WSET course, where we start to introduce blind tastings with the theory. I ended up acing the theory and blind tastings. The wine trust paid for my course.

However, as I'm discovering now, not everything stays with you forever. I've held onto certain habits while forgetting others. I took Learning How to Learn four or five years ago, and I'm due for a refresher. But overall, the ROI is definitely significant. They also have a book if you learn better that way. Haven't tried it myself.


And I found this yesterday


Haven't tried the course, but he references their book in the first lecture, and I can tell by the curriculum that there's a lot of overlap. Also, all of his students are developers, so it must be in some way (however small) catered to developers.

r/webdev • comment
1 points • RedditEthereum

I'm an unemployed 38 year old marketer wanting to switch to webdev.

  • I have a weak immune system and stay indoors most of the time;
  • I have 6 months of cushion money, to use that time wisely;
  • I took a Coursera Python course in 2013 (?) and remember the basics;
  • I know HTML and CSS as I had to edit WordPress sites frequently.

I put together a learning path, your feedback is appreciated:


Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3 - Jonas Schmedtmann

Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grid, Animations and More- Jonas Schmedtmann


Modern JavaScript From The Beginning - Brad Traversy

Javascript framework

The Complete Node.js Developer Course (3rd Edition) - Andrew Mead, Rob Percival

Complete React Developer in 2020 (w/ Redux, Hooks, GraphQL) - Andrei Neagoie, Yihua Zhang

Bonus (follow along)

The Complete Web Developer in 2020: Zero to Mastery - Andrei Neagoie

Learning to Learn [Efficient Learning]: Zero to Mastery - Andrei Neagoie