Mindfulness Practitioner Diploma (Level I, II, III & Master)

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Discover mindfulness, an ancient wisdom-based discipline that leads to profound self-awareness and personal development

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Taught by
Kain Ramsay


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r/NoFap • comment
2 points • annssassy

I'll suggest you something which i used to battle and defeat depression and multiple addictions from my life.

A year ago I had a nasty break up. I still remember the lonely, painful and empty nights I went through at that time. I smoked 2+ packets of cigarettes and constantly searched for ways to get over my pain. Your situation is a lot worse, but mine wasn't very good either.

See when we are faced with an inconvenience or a bad moment, we instantly reside towards easy ways to get a dopamine rush to overcome that horrible feeling. The dopamine hit is usually artificial, and it only helps us in the short-term. After a certain period of time passes, the bad feeling returns with higher intensity. In that case, we require a larger hit of dopamine of battle the stronger enemy. That's why in your case when PMO failed you went towards strippers and a one night stand.

Now get this, an injury must be healed from the inside, not outside. First of all I suggest you talking to someone. It can be a friend or a professional counselor, just let it out by talking. The second option is, which i personally used and prefer over anything, is meditation and mindfulness. I know what you're thinking, just trust me with this. I took a course on udemy which i luckily found, and surprisingly after a handful of lessons I started feeling depression slip away from my life and I gained more clarity. Furthermore, the whole course taught me ways to actually get dopamine in the purest from, not artificially. Now i can proudly say, while thanking that course and instructor, that not only did i get better by myself but I'm also helping out other people fight depression and anxiety. I helped my dad quit smoking who smoked more than 2 packets a day, and I also opened a small centre to help people with addictions. That course provided me with a life I once dreamed of, and now whenever the thought of that girl comes who broke up with me, I smile. I smile because it no longer affects me, just like many other situations which previously used to break my mind.

Heal your injury from the inside. Don't confine towards addictions and easy ways to get ober pain, because these addictions and short cuts are the ones that actually never lets your pain die in the first place. I pray for you that you get better in life. Whatever happened with you was unfortunate, but you need to get back on trackor else you'll end up living a very sad and pitiful life. Take responsibility for your emotional health right now, either by visiting a psychologist or taking that course, and I guarantee you that you will see results which will not only be effective in the short term but also in the long run. May God be with you.

This is the course I mentioned above: course

r/DecidingToBeBetter • comment
1 points • bot_bot_bot

Spend the $13 or whatever it is and give this a try:

[Mindfulness course] (https://www.udemy.com/course/mindfulness-training-course-online-mindfulness-practitioner/?utm_source=adwords-learn&utm_medium=udemyads&utm_campaign=NEW-AW-PROS-PROF-ROW-DSA-1-EN-EURO_.ci__._sl_ENG.vi_PROF.sd_All.la_EN.&utm_content=deal4584&utm_term=.ag_60674389331.ad_372960832010.de_m.dm__._pl__._ti_dsa-849065987007.li_1012430.pd__.&gclid=CjwKCAjwtajrBRBVEiwA8w2Q8M4ayUb4SejsZAZK5r77wuQrcwndbuZW4agvERdayue6vhrWzGlB2BoCLBIQAvD_BwE)

It may seem silly or a bit pointless but I guarantee if you let yourself commit to it it will change your perspective significantly.
If that seems like too much work, then try this instead:


Givit a few weeks and I guarantee you'll notice a significant difference in your outlook.