Modern JavaScript From The Beginning

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Learn and build projects with pure JavaScript (No frameworks or libraries)

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Taught by
Brad Traversy

Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 35 mentions • top 27 shown below

r/learnjavascript • comment
5 points • Faather42

Free Code Camp. Traversy Media YouTube.

Paid: There will probably be a holloween sale to make it $10 in October.

r/learnjavascript • comment
17 points • not_a_gumby

Haha, wow, that same video was actually what got me into Javascript, which eventually led me to where I am now, creating full stack apps with React and NextJS. It's been about 2 years.

So here's the path I took. I wanted to learn JS after watching that video so I went to Udemy and bought a $10 course called modern Javascript from the beginning. It was pretty great but a little over my head. As soon as the first project rolled around, creating a book list application, I knew that I would need to go back and learn HTML/CSS first because I was completely lost on that side. So I put JS on hold for a few months and then did HTML/CSS from the beginning.

It took me 2 months to finish HTML/CSS course at about 1 hour a day, and after that I went back to the JS course and finished it in about 3-4 months.

After that, I felt I had a nice introduction to web dev, but was still totally a baby when It came to making things, so I did a few easy projects on my own to solidify my knowledge, and eventually stumbled across this course which was useful for learning more vanilla JS in practical applications. I did select projects from there and it helped but didn't do all 20 projects.

So in the process of doing that 20 project course, I actually went pretty deep on one of the projects, I believe it was the one using Meal DB. I created search and filter functionality and even different pages and everything, but after a while I started to realize how slow it was making projects with Vanilla JS. Over time I realized that people don't actually make full scale web apps using vanilla JS at least not professionally (though it can be done) - and was introduced to the React framework after this realization. I watched a lot of youtube about it and slowly started to see what React was about and later on (maybe 6-8 months after finishing that first JS course) I took this course for React and was thoroughly impressed. I learned a ton in this course, and I think it's a must for new React devs. This course changed my life.

In about 2 months, I had finished that React course, and then I was at a crossroads. Because up until this point I wasn't sure how far I wanted to go with web dev. It started as me watching a single JS video so that I could add a skill to my resume but the more I went with it the more I loved creating web applications. React was a total game changer, and suddenly I started to see how me, a solo developer, could create entire websites by myself. Suddenly I understood how people created such amazing portfolios and started to see that it was possible for me. So around this time I decided that I wanted to actually do several projects with React, develop a portfolio and Resume, and try to switch careers into it. I knew it would take a while, so I developed a plan while I worked from home during Covid and began spending like 3-4 hours a day working and learning this topic. This was around November of 2020, that I made this decision. It worked out for me well because I still got paid full time but also was learning what I wanted to learn at my own pace, which finally closed the door to the possibility of doing a bootcamp (which up to that point, I had been considering. Glad I didn't do it!)

Following that React course linked above, I did a solo project where I created a weatther application, and that took a few weeks. As Christmas/New Years of that year rolled around, I started to see that I had a new blind spot - backend and full stack. I had been messing around with React for months now but I had never used my own API, never created my own Database, etc, never created a server. And I started to see how easy it was to do that stuff. So I made a resolution to learn how to make a full stack React app, and a few weeks later I started this full stack react course (which I honestly wouldn't recommend, it was only ok) where I learned all about NodeJS and how to create a full stack application with Authentication and everything. That was eye opening and I learned so much, that after finishing it (about 3 months) I decided that I wanted to build one myself. Now we're in March 2021.

So started my longest solo project to date, which took about 4 months to fully build and deploy. This one was a doozie, I learned waaay more than I thought I would. That was only about 2 months ago that I finished that project (Early June).

Since then, Ive continued to mess around with Node and done some small projects, but I mostly have been learning NextJS, which I realized was valuable for how simple and easy it helped me to create full stack applications, and for how easy deployment was. For that large solo project, actually deploying was the hardest part.

So I took this course with Next JS which was so much fun. That took about 1 month and only 3 weeks ago, I started creating my Web Development portfolio using NextJS. And that's where I'm at now.

Anyway, it's long winded but I wanted to let you know my story and have a taste of the kind of time and patience it takes to develop skills with this. My advice is to figure out what you want out of Javascipt - do you want to just tinker with or do you want to use it to build full scale web applications? Because over time, my goals definitely shifted the more I learned about it, and now I'm actually building full scale apps, which is fun. I went into this thinking that JS by itself would be useful for my job, but it turns out that it really isn't. And to be honest, it's only so useful for building websites without a framework like React or Angular. The real power of Javascript, is using it with a framework to quickly build powerful reactive applications so I recommend you consider that before spending 6 months learning it.

Also, these course I've linked are just the ones I've used, not necessarily the best ones out there. The path I took was long, partly because I didn't know what to learn first, didn't know where I Wanted to take it. I think if I were to do it over, I would have spent way less time tinkering with vanilla JS and would have gotten into using a framework much sooner, because I could have probably cut out 8 months or so of learning time if I had done that.

So regardless of what you end up doing with Javascript, if you want to build websites, you'll need to learn HTML and CSS pretty well, so I'd start there and get the basics. Then work on building small simple web apps using JS where you're inserting and removing things from the DOM. After you've done 1 or 2 of those, start learning a framework like React, this will take a while and will feel weird at first but just stick with it. After you've gotten that exposure you should have a good idea if you want to continue learning this or not. Try a solo project something small and basic, and see if it makes sense. If it's fun just keep going!

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • OructV

This is such a comprehensive answer thank you so much! I already know most of what you wrote about HTML/CSS and half of the things you mentioned about JS. However, I don’t need to get to mastery, they will train me, heavily. That’s why I need to know my way around the language in general, that’s all.

Thank you very much again. I have purchased this course that another user suggested. MODERN JS

What do you think?

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • Neu_Ron

r/webdev • comment
3 points • Jmannm8400

I'd say that JavaScript is a good next step after learning and becoming comfortable with HTML and CSS. If you start learning JS and discover that you'd like to spend more time with HTML, CSS, or Sass, then you could always step away from JS for a while until you're ready to come back to it.

Traversy Media has a free JavaScript crash course video available on YouTube, as well as a full JavaScript course on Udemy, if you're interested.

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • 9ns1de_1ob

Then you should completely forget about learning a framework and just start to learn vanilla JS. If I had to crash course JS in 3 weeks I'd probably do a Udemy, like this one for instance Modern JS From the Beginning. And then do a ton of code wars to help build up your comfort level with solving game like problems in JS.

I hope you're a fast learner. Good luck, PM me if you have any questions along the way.

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • CocoMonkeyBank

I used this as a refresher and to fill in some gaps, highly recommended you look into it (wait til $10 sale). Given your knowledge, it'll start out a bit slow for you, but you'll build practical things along the way using everything you learn.

You mentioned understanding how the DOM works, but practicing using event triggers and actually querying and selecting elements is where the rubber meets the road in terms of building the frontend. The actual "when I click this button, it pushes a to-do object to storage from an input, creates a div to display to-do info and displays on site." So brush up on some of that, if still foggy.

r/learnjavascript • comment
2 points • decho

If you like video courses, there is one called "Modern JavaScript From The Beginning" by Brad Traversy who I respect a lot for his work and dedication.

The whole thing is 21 hours long, but of course you don't have to watch it all (neither did I). The cool part is that there are individual 5 to 25 minute long videos which cover almost all of the core concepts you need to know so you can only watch what you need, and learn by example. Object literals, template literals, array methods, async await, classes, promises, arrow functions - you're basically 10 minutes away from learning (or at the very least having a basic understanding) any of that.

And if you need to dive really deeply, you can always hit the individual MDN page/article or as already suggested which is a wonderful resource with plenty of examples and thorough explanations of itself.

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • zemation

I have been using the following two udemy courses. The first is Brad Traversy whom you'll see mentioned often here.

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • Kyism

I'm kinda stuck in the same boat.

I'm a jr at a busy web agency that allows us to use jquery because we usually build custom Wordpress sites and Wordpress uses jquery. The problem is I have been so busy the past year that I have not taken the time out to actually learn vanilla JS.. which I am doing now (using this course ) during this slow period of time my company has right now. It was recently announced that my company is moving in a direction of more headless CMS and begin using some other CMS as well other than WP, with this direction we will be pushing our tech stack to start to incorporate actual JS frameworks like React and Vue (some devs at my company are learning React and playing with it, some are using VUE already in projects). Here I am, the little jr who joined only knowing basic HTML, CSS and learned Jquery on the job is now trying to play catch up.

How fluent in Vanilla JS do you think I need to be in order to actually make good use of VUE? I have no idea how useful Vanilla JS even is nowadays but I know having atleast fundamental knowledge of how to use it IS needed which I do NOT HAVE. My goal for 2020 is to drop Jquery completely even though we are allowed to use it and start writing everything in Vanilla JS (within reason). But while I'm learning to drop Jquery I also need to start getting familiar with Vue as well.

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • mr_R_L_B

I started Brad Traversys "Modern JavaScript from the beginning" and it's really good and easy to follow. Definitely a good place to start, and definitely worth the money.

Course review:


r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • AndreThompson-Atlow

I HIGHLY suggest the Traversy Media course.



Don't spend more than $15 on it, it goes on sale all the time.

r/india • comment
2 points • Elegant_Perspective

Pretty much what /u/reddotname said. Let me share the courses that benefited me. - Master HTML-CSS and Master CSS-SASS. These two are more than enough to not only make you proficient in the two languages but also help build a web-dev mindset with live projects and tons of cool resources. Highly recommended.

Get a MODERN javascript course. I did this one but found it kind of boring. You can look for another one.

Want to master the core concepts of JS and how it works behind the scene?

That's it for the start. After the end of this, you should have an impressive portfolio and more than enough knowledge for an entry-level web dev.

Then, I suggest you do this:

It can be hard to follow at times, but it will REALLY up your game, transforming you from someone who knows a few languages to a full-blown web dev with all the modern tools.

r/crestron • comment
1 points • jeffderek

I used the following.

HTML and CSS -

Javascript -

Vue -

I highly recommend learning a webapp framework for working on Crestron panels. I did two systems in Vanilla JS, before moving on to React and then Vue, and I feel pretty confident in saying that you shouldn't do that. The webapp frameworks are designed for exactly what we do as Crestron programmers, and while you can replicate it in Vanilla, I don't believe you should.

Personally I recommend Vue, because the learning curve on it is so easy. React is more powerful I'm sure, but Vue does everything I've asked it to so far and it's very readable and learnable.

Also I highly recommend the Crestron Discord server (in the sidebar), it's a great resource for learning how to use HTML on Crestron panels. Just be prepared for the fact that the first thing we're all going to say is that we don't know how to use the CH5 elements, because we've pretty much all given up on them and figured out better ways to do it.

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • mwenger89

I just started learning Javascript myself. This is the course I am currently going through.

I am planning on going through this one next

I bought them both on sale for about $16 each. Wait for them to go on sale as it will save you a bunch of $$

r/Udemy • post
3 points • jack121013
Best Courses for a beginner

I have been checking around and have gotten some good suggestions in regards to what I should look into. To give some context, my main goal is to become proficient in web development and all the skills I will need to grow. I want to be able to run a Fantasy Football site and dipped my toes into it last fall, but hit a wall and didn't know where to turn. Obviously need to learn Java, also want to become good with machine learning as that can an asset in this field. Basically where do I start?

So far I've got

The Complete Junior to Senior Web Developer Roadmap (2021)
By Andrei Neagoie

The Complete Web Developer in 2021: Zero to Mastery
By Andrei Neagoie

The Web Developer Bootcamp 2021
By Colt Steele

Modern JavaScript From The Beginning
By Brad Traversy

r/WGU_CompSci • comment
1 points • fig_newton77

I honestly didn't care for CodeAcademy. I didn't like the structure at all. I tried pro for a bit and took the web dev path and felt like I didn't learn much. I learn a lot better by watching videos and then having an interactive lesson personally. Plus $150 is a lot if you are on the fence.

I would suggest Udemy. I have loved every class I bought there. I am picky about who I buy classes from though and always check reviews. Also, if the class is full price just put it in your wishlist and wait a couple days and it'll go on sale. I have yet to buy a class for over $20.

Here are a few I have taken that were amazing:




Machine Learning / Data Science

r/softwaredevelopment • comment
1 points • Jhorra

Well, you'll need to decide on a language to start with. Javascript is a great starting point, but I'm also linking a video that talks about 10 languages and what types of jobs/companies you can get with them.

Confession, I made this video. You don't have to watch it if you don't want. Based on a quick search, this looks like a decent javascript starting point:

Another good option would be python. It's probably easier to understand than Javascript, but javascript has the advantage that nearly every webdeveloper, regardless of language used, has to use javascript.

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • Snoo93815

I would recommend going through the Odin Project, starting with the Fundamentals course, which is an intro to JS, as well as HTML and CSS. Most importantly, it goes through the setup of a dev environment you will realistically use on a daily basis when you are building projects/working as a developer. You can even skip the HTML and CSS and get right into JS in the 'JavaScript Basics' section to get a feel for it at first (although those are fundamental skills worth your time that will probably be much easier and rewarding right out of the gate compared to JS). It's free, challenging, and far more practical for getting experience and applying what you learn. I tried and struggled with tutorial hell for over a year until I found out about it, and wish I knew it existed a year earlier:

To supplement it, I think Brad Traversy's courses are great and this one is focused on JavaScript and not overdone in terms of length: His YouTube channel, Traversy Media, also has a ton of great free content - crash courses, projects, etc. that you might want to check out first to see if you like his style. Web Dev Simplified and Dev Ed are also great channels to check out.

As for getting a job writing code, pick a course and stick to it, read the MDN docs, check out project tutorials and get ideas of what you can accomplish as you learn new concepts. After a couple months with the basics, start building out a portfolio with a few projects you really are passionate about and can solve problems in your daily life. With a few polished and meaningful projects, you can start applying for jobs. It might take a few hundred applications, but eventually, an opportunity will surface.

Best of luck!

PS. Don't be freaked out by the Udemy price showing $200, with a bit of Googling or patience, they are constantly 90 or 95% off.

r/csdojo • comment
1 points • Aditya0a

If you need certification you must try udemy if you can pay for the certification if you want free certification you can use sololearn's mobile app.

Java Script udemy course:

Python udemy course:

I would strongly suggest you use udemy.

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • kartonbardak

I've started to follow very basics from and at some point, it become extremely boring. The best part of it, it has audio transcript that explains every step you've stumbled with a very cool interactive code editor thingie.

After that I've purchased a tutorial from udemy where you build working prototypes. But up until very last chapter the guy teaches very old methods and defends that he's teaching to get the most basics. He has a point but where he fails is translate his archaic methods into ES6. On those chapters for some reason he starts to rush, skips lots of points and makes a lot of mistakes. And the last chapter -where i was expecting to make some sense out of his agitated rush- i've stumbled at some point to set up his documents because they're outdated. Even the files provided are outdated. So I'm a bit ok for teaching me basics and not ok leaving half the way around.

Now I'm trying to clean up his mess created with Have to say, if I've dig first from this site, I'd probably given up. It's more like a reference sheet.

There was this guy called Traversy media. I have watched a couple of free yoututbe tuts and they werent so bad. He has also have one on udemy as well.

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • StrongLikeBull503

Hey! You sound like me.

I started at from near zero at 30, studied off and on while I had full time employment, then quit to study full time after I knew I was going to change careers.

I started with the FreeCodeCamp Responsive Websites certification. Finished that pretty easily because I had previous HTML/CSS experience, but named tags, accessibility, media queries, flexbox/grid, transforms, css variables... all of this was completely new to me. I limped through that and was kind of taken aback at how little I actually knew about HTML and CSS.

After that I did a ton of free sample HTML & CSS code-alongs with Brad Traversy and Coding Addict. Worked with SASS a bit, learned Emmet shortcuts, got scared of JavaScript again, got doubly scared of JQuery, but continued on. I did about 10 of those basic projects before I felt like I had a grasp on Flexbox designs, and general CSS best practices.

That's about the time that I quit my full time job to study full time. That was 3 months ago. Since that time I saw that Brad gives out his Udemy courses for peanuts on his website with a Udemy code, so I bought Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass), Modern JavaScript From The Beginning, 50 Projects in 50 Days - HTML, CSS, & JavaScript, and several others that I have yet to touch. Each was about $15 or so with the code on his website.

JavaScript still scared me so I basically re-started my HTML and CSS journey and I'm glad I did. I learned really quickly that just because you know something, and actually because you know something you should listen to someone else talk about it every once and a while. Everyone's brain thinks in different ways/approaches are informed with their unique experiences, and thus we build things in different ways. I learned a lot from the way he discussed the different tags, history of their usage, best practices, and cool use cases that I had never seen before. JavaScript still scared me, but eventually I got used to seeing basic DOM selectors, click events, common Jquery code blocks for smooth scrolling, very brief intros to variable types, data types, scope, conditional statements, etc... Enough that I would be like "Oh hey, I don't know what that means but I've seen it before." Level of detail.

After I finished that (I was forcing myself to finish things because I have a tendency to stop at like 70% and find the next shiny object) I moved onto JavaScript. I quickly learned that I was in over my head and I didn't understand this shit at all. I muddled my way through about half of it before I had to quit because I was just coding along and listening while not understanding anything. After that I bought Eloquent JavaScript, and started Free Code Camp's 'JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures' Certificate, I also splurged and bought membership and would start there. I would basically jump between each and do a little every day. I studied probably a solid 10-14 hours a day for two months jumping between resources, and when I was bored I would plug a JS topic I didn't really understand that well into YouTube and do a code along displaying a use case of that feature. Took forever, but eventually I got to the point where I pretty solidly understood all the topics covered.

Somewhere around the start of this month I stumbled upon Maximilian Schwarzmüller searching Udemy for people who solidly knew Vue. I had seen a few examples of the code in various YouTube tutorials and was enamored with how awesome the language looked so I kind of nebulously decided that would be the framework I learned when the time comes. After seeing how expensive his individual courses were I went looking on his website to see if he had any discount codes and found that he keeps all of his courses behind a $19 a month paywall if you don't want to buy them individually, so now I am working through his JavaScript - The Complete Guide 2021 (Beginner + Advanced) and I am in awe of how little I actually knew about JavaScript. Max is the most in-depth teacher I have ever seen when it comes to JavaScript. Most people will describe a common method, it's most common use case, and then show a use case. Max will dissect every moving part, show the most common use cases as well as some creative edge cases, and then dive into meta concepts like it's relation to the concept of clean code, performance (something you almost never see discussed when learning basic JavaScript), and related history associated with use (eg DOM selection and traversing then and now.)

The full course is 52 hours, but you'll need a lot more to actually digest the content. Everything is presented very plainly, with visual aids, and the opportunity to code along, but I have found that often times I need to stop and read MDN/Watch YouTube videos/Try things myself for a while before I feel confident enough in it to continue working. What's crazy is he dives super deep into things like the Chrome window and document, V8, and working with DevTools before you do much of anything and I learned a lot about things that had been skipped over in other tutorials there. I'm only about 35% of the way through it at the moment, but I'm pretty committed to finishing it before I start working on his Vue courses. I feel pretty confident now when looking at code that I know what it does before running it, I'm very used to fixing errors and think in data structures when approaching problems. I am far from learning how to do everything, but you don't need to know everything. You just need to have a good understanding of the rules, how the pieces fit together, and how the syntax rules shape and change your code (and what your code is being compiled into when using es6+ sugar.)

Right now I'm working through CodeAcademy's Full Stack Engineer career path ($200 a year), ($80 for 5 years accesss), and Academind (Max's website, $19/month).

If I were to start again to get where I am now I think this is what I would do:

  • Free Code Camp's Responsive Webdev Cert
  • Free Code Camp's Javascript Cert

r/webdev • comment
1 points • RedditEthereum

I'm an unemployed 38 year old marketer wanting to switch to webdev.

  • I have a weak immune system and stay indoors most of the time;
  • I have 6 months of cushion money, to use that time wisely;
  • I took a Coursera Python course in 2013 (?) and remember the basics;
  • I know HTML and CSS as I had to edit WordPress sites frequently.

I put together a learning path, your feedback is appreciated:


Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3 - Jonas Schmedtmann

Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grid, Animations and More- Jonas Schmedtmann


Modern JavaScript From The Beginning - Brad Traversy

Javascript framework

The Complete Node.js Developer Course (3rd Edition) - Andrew Mead, Rob Percival

Complete React Developer in 2020 (w/ Redux, Hooks, GraphQL) - Andrei Neagoie, Yihua Zhang

Bonus (follow along)

The Complete Web Developer in 2020: Zero to Mastery - Andrei Neagoie

Learning to Learn [Efficient Learning]: Zero to Mastery - Andrei Neagoie

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • RangerCoder

These ones and no none of those are refs links btw!

Anyway, I love Brad's courses! But there are two more new and much longer Javascript courses on Udemy that are 52+ hours and maybe better and go deeper:

JavaScript - The Complete Guide 2020 (Beginner + Advanced) from Academind/Maximilian Schwarzmüller:

The Modern Javascript Bootcamp Course (2020) from Colt Steele and Stephen Grider:

Those two look amazing as well and got far more students, Academind also got a discord that is full students that you can talk to in case something is not clear!

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • helping083 - probably the best

freecodecamp - one of the best, also check their youtube channel

also and his youtube channel
also and his course about react


r/startups • comment
3 points • divulgingwords

Here goes. Don't listen to the frontend fanboys. Start with a legit backend language that makes sense: C#.

It's going to cost you $30/m. You can do this all in 1 month if you really get down to it.


When done with that (you can knock that out in 4 days if you're really motivated), take the following in this order:

  1. (RIP Scott Allen)


These two will hammer in the MVC design pattern. The next are going to drop the "views" and focus on api's (same tech, just no frontend - this is what you would use for a react/angular/vue project).



Now, I want you to learn about dependency injection. You will have touched this stuff in the earlier courses, but this will really tie in everything.



Now, I want you to take the grand daddy of them all. This is going to tie everything you have learned into an actual working project.


So there's phase one. If you can complete that all those courses and you actually understand what you're doing, you can straight up get a junior dev C# job making 70k+/yr.

Now, since you want to make a startup or be a full stack dev, take the following courses:

Do this one first:

If you want to learn React:



If you want to learn Vue:




If you want to learn angular:



Now, to learn how to host everything onto a $5/m cloud VPS


And there you have it.

For frontends, my recommendation is Vue. I've tried all 3, and it was the most enjoyable. React would be a moderate second, with angular being my least favorite. React will have more job opportunities, so that might be your choice, but IMO, it won't matter because you know C#.

Don't worry about absolutely mastering javascript, as your C# and linq skills will translate nicely. Obviously you'll be rough around the edges, but you'll be fine. Remember, code in every language basically boils down to variables, loops, and "if" statements.

Hope this helps. I can answer any questions if you have any.

r/AskComputerScience • comment
1 points • saintshing

Not sure if these are what you want

can also check out these project based udemy courses