Personal Finance 101
Everything You Need to Know

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r/answers • comment
1 points • Zerowantuthri

You need some courses in personal finance.

Here is a free online course you can take that covers the basics. There is more there than you need for now (like investing) but is has the basics to get you started. Once you have an understanding you can continue to expand your knowledge.

Note: That site will try to get you to buy their courses but they claim you can watch the videos for free. Up to you but I'd just do the free bit for now. I am in no way associated with that company, with some Googling you can find some other free courses. Just be careful...many try to lure you in to buy stuff which is usually a bad idea.

r/relationship_advice • comment
1 points • throwawattttytytyttt

These comments stating to kick her out, ineffective. They will not work, if anything more underlying problems will arise. You can take the person out of the environment yet they will still have the long lasting habitual patterns of being in a new environment.

Your sister sounds like an impulsive shopper, she is young age 22, same as I. I am diagnosed with BPD and that is one of the things that people do as a point of escapism, the need to feel important, the need to have things that will bring about temporary joy. There could be a number of deeper issues your sister is dealing with mentally, look into getting her a therapist and/or an addiction program for help.

With that, I did not say don’t make her own some sort of financial responsibility, so I would make a plan. A financial plan where you and your parents map out to her where the money will go towards clearing her debt. By that, I mean instead of giving her the responsibility of paying $400 a month use that money to go towards debt or savings.

Teach her financial literacy using:

Another helpful one:

This website was recommended by my therapist and it has been helpful in teaching me about rules and ways of saving.

I hope these all work and if not, then move to other restrictive areas. But always be sure to communicate effectively, be very patient with her as she learns, and with that be loving. All will be okay.