Python 3 Master Course for 2022

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Go from Beginner to Advanced with Python 3

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r/KGBTR • post
4 points • kusuratialinmayanpi
Evet yeni eğitimler ile burdayım ( kimisi 1 saat için kimisi 5 gün için indirimde (ücretsiz)) (İngilizce /gitLab /python /ve bir iki Adobe eğitimi)

Başlangıçtan İleri Düzey Tam Kapsamlı Hızlı İngilizce

Web Development Ultimate



Python 3 Master Course for 2021

InDesign 2021 Ultimate Course

Adobe Audition 2021 Projects

r/WebdevTutorials • comment
2 points • PinBot1138


So, because OP sucks SO HARD at life, and made a stupid, piece of shit website that doesn't even properly link to these. I have gone and searched out each one, and grabbed each link individually:


  1. Modern JavaScript for React JS - ES6 (Free)
  2. JavaScript – Basics to Advanced [step by step (2021) (Free)
  3. Java Programming: Complete Beginner to Advanced (Not free)
  4. Python 3 Master Course for 2021 (Not free)
  5. The Complete ReactJs Course – Basics to Advanced (2021) (Free)
  6. React – The Complete Guide with React Hook Redux 2020 in 4hr (Not free)
  7. The Complete C Programming Course for Beginners (Not free)

For the courses that are free, I used coupon "FREEAPR1".
