Python Network Programming Complete Masterclass
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Taught by
Mihai Catalin Teodosiu
Reddit Posts and Comments
0 posts • 5 mentions • top 5 shown below
2 points • gramthrax
I think you're off to a good start. Networking has little room for ambiguity in setting up config and such, and scripting can be a dog for folks who don't have a knack for writing out exactly what they want.
On a quick search, this seems to have some good fundamentals of Python and will get you started. The first part of the course seems to be the fundamentals of just about any scripting language, so that will be useful beyond Python. It's cheap and might not be the most engaging, but will get you on your way to understanding what Python is and what it can do for you in the networking realm. At worst, you'll spend a lot of time understanding a language you didn't know before which will always pay dividends.
As for cloud technologies, learning just about any cloud will be useful. I think most of them offer some level of free credits to poke around and do things. My advice would be to pick one or two and try to do something that seems relevant to the jobs you're seeking - look into connecting a VPC to an on-prem datacenter, how to segment projects or connect them together, etc. Try to do one thing at a time instead of take it all in. The clouds offer an insane amount of capability that can be overwhelming to understand at once.
Good luck!
2 points • ionriza
Sunt inginer de retea si folosesc Python in fiecare zi pentru a automatiza diferite proceduri. Intr-o retea de dimensiuni mari este mult mai usor sa schimbi o parte din configuratie, daca nu toata, pe sute de echipamente din 4-5 linii de cod, decat sa te autentifici manual, pe fiecare echipament in parte, si sa executi comanda de actualizare a fisierului de configuratie.
Acesta ar fi unul si printre cele mai des intalnite cazuri de automatizare. Mai departe, exista nevoia de a monitoriza o serie de parametri pe un numar de echipamente (cazuri particulare in care softurile de monitorizare normale nu te ajuta), exista nevoia de a genera diferite rapoarte cu date de pe echipamente, s.a.m.d
Pe langa baietii de la CBT Nuggets / INE sau David Bombal, ti-as recomanda cursul lui Teodosiu de pe udemy pentru a-ti face o imagine mai buna despre Python in retelistica:
2 points • nvrdone
I used a class from udemy, only needed about half of it for what i needed to accomplish but I thought it was thorough.
1 points • hightrippinj400
Someone recommended this one!