Quasar V1
Cross-Platform Apps (with Vue 2, Vuex & Firebase)
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Use Quasar V1, Vue JS 2, Vuex & Firebase to build a Cross Platform App for Web, iOS, Android, Mac & Windows
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Taught by
Danny Connell
Reddit Posts and Comments
0 posts • 3 mentions • top 3 shown below
2 points • darkphenyx
You need to incorporate Quasar in the beginning if that's the direction you want to go. You honestly don't need to take separate classes for Vue and Quasar you can take the Quasar class on udemy Quasar Framewoek which should teach you everything you need to know about both. Then all you need to do is create your database connection which will be handled in the quasar framework as well. You then just compile your app for desktop still using quasar. It's super easy and a lot of fun compared to other frameworks in my opinion.
1 points • SvenHjerson
As most have already said, Max’s udemy course is great to help people understand vue.
After that I needed some help on vue ui frameworks so I also recommend Danny’s Quasar Framework course on udemy: https://www.udemy.com/course/quasarframework/
1 points • LessThanThreeBikes
I suggest taking Danny's todo app tutorial. It is in Quasar, which is Vue with a lot of extra things thrown in to make your life easier. It is on Udemy and has a really nice primer on VueJS. He takes everything step by step from zero to publishing the final app. He also has some faster paced tutorials on YouTube.