Reiki Level I, II and Master Certification - Energy Healing

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Become a Certified Usui Reiki Practitioner - Heal Yourself, Family, Friends, Clients, Pets and More with Energy Healing

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Melissa Crowhurst

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r/sgiwhistleblowers • comment
1 points • BlancheFromage

Looks to me like someone can get "certified" as a Reiki master in just 2.5 hours and some self-study (and, of course, money) - there's no "lab work", no practicum, no testing, no supervision by any sort of qualified expert. How is this legit?

r/energy_work • comment
1 points • brittlesaurusrex

I live in a medically legal state. I go about once a month to my dispensary and get a tube of RSO. It’s a high concentrated oil. About 70% THC, 1 gram=1000mg. I always get a sativa strain because I need the energy, & uplifting. I research which strains are available on Weedmaps and then use Leafly to decide which strain works best for depression/anxiety which is what I am self-treating, at recommendation from my weed doctor. lol. He’s the one who told me about this in the first place. I use this method for making gummies. I double the batch so that I have a smaller dose per gummy. Usually mine come out to be 3mg-5mg each gummy, depending on how many the batch yields. I use these molds. I take one in the morning when I get up for the day and drink a glass of water. I used to not be able to eat breakfast and this routine has helped a lot. I have recently started dosing before bed too, as recommended by my therapist, to help me sleep and not stay up all night researching conspiracy theories. This method has helped me tremendously. Along with meditation practice, EFT tapping, & grounding exercise. I learned how to meditate through the Gaia network, Dr. Joe Dispenza specifically, (I hope that Gaia link will work, that’s the specific thing I watched to learn how to meditate for the first time) & then found a mind/body/spirit psychologist who teaches me how to meditate Tibetan monk style. Reiki study through a cheap ($15) lesson plan on Udemy. They had a sale for the pandemic and I got it then, I see now that it is back to being full price. Any other questions, I’m here and available to answer. I would love to help others if I can.