Spring & Hibernate for Beginners (includes Spring Boot)

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Spring 5: Learn Spring 5 Core, AOP, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring REST, Spring Boot 2, Thymeleaf, JPA & Hibernate

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Taught by
Chad Darby

Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 45 mentions • top 35 shown below

r/learnjava • post
21 points • Educational_Call_332

I started my spring journey recently, and I am overwhelmed by the amount of different courses and different configurations for MVC.

I've started this course on udemy, mostly because it's considered "bestseller". I've gone through few sections, and got a lil bit grasp of spring framework, dependency injection, IOC, beans, xtml config for beans, and some basic annotations. As i go, along with course I read official spring doc about certain topics to get most out of it and learn the basics so I can get along with more advanced stuff latter on.

Everything was going just fine, till tomcat and MVC kicked in. I am using intellij ultimate '21 edition. And every course I've seen is using eclipse. I do not have same settings as they do. I mean, probably I have all of them, but I just can't follow. Their files structure is so much different. I get so lost.

And I am afraid that course I've mentioned is going through variety of stuff, but at very basic level, without any real project or program implementation. Half of the course time is taken to explain basics of java core. I mean, maybe I am wrong, but if you are looking for a backend framework to work with web app, you probably wanna have a solid foundation of java.

So I gave up, at this point, the best path I can think of is to find good course on spring MVC, download eclipse and follow along till spring boot kick in, than just transfer over to intellij, because projects will have same structure starting point and I am more comfortable working on intellij atm.

I've found another course that I am thinking to enroll in. Mostly because it is much newer. It has theory + making that into project to see how it is actually done. You can check first section for preview for projects.

What I am asking after all of this, is if someone can give me thoughts about "my learning path". Should I change to eclipse to grasp a basic concepts of MVC, should I change course and enroll in a second one, or maybe something else. ANY tips are welcomed. These questions are on so basic level, but I get so lost in all of them.

Thank you for your time, in advance.

r/learnjava • comment
18 points • Zee09

Spring in 1 week? lol. Try this udemy course..apparently it is great for beginners.


Its on sale for $20 right now

r/learnjava • post
8 points • Whatsthehoopla
Has anyone bought Chad Derby's Spring course on Udemy for the sale price?

I see the this course on Udemy for $12.99 and when I go to checkout it goes up to $94. Has anyone been able to buy it for the sale price? I talked to customer service but they are no help.

r/learnjava • comment
2 points • rootException

Is it this one?


That one looks like a great class, includes Spring Boot. Hell of a lot of material to cover but it’s all solid.

r/learnprogramming • comment
2 points • Affectionate-Can-939

That's a big topic. In that case, I'd suggest looking for a course on Spring / Spring Boot (since those are probably the most widely used Application Server Frameworks in the Java world) and preferably one that's aimed at beginners and is not super fast paced. I have no personal experience, so can't really provide suggestions, but asked a colleague who was in a similar situation last year, she said this course: "Learn Hibernate and Spring (As A Total Beginner) Tutorial | Udemy" https://www.udemy.com/course/spring-hibernate-tutorial/ helped her and was not too quick.

r/learnjava • comment
1 points • AnotherThrowAway_9

Are you working on this course?https://www.udemy.com/course/spring-hibernate-tutorial/

I see it's on sale for $19 and I'm interested in this topic as well

r/learnjava • comment
1 points • coachhunter

I found this one by Chad pretty good: https://www.udemy.com/course/spring-hibernate-tutorial/

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • VZ_Tinman

I just checked and if it is [this one] (https://www.udemy.com/course/spring-hibernate-tutorial/) then I think I will give it a go since it looks promising. I have some good downtime thanks to Christmas break and look forward to getting some more learning in.


r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • adagioaranjuez

Do you know how different Spring Boot 2 is from what is taught in this course? Would this still be a good course to take?

r/cscareerquestions • comment
1 points • nanamizukiisthebest

I haven't touched Python for quite a bit since I've been learning Java and Javascript.

For the Java Spring + Hibernate, you mean this course right?


I was actually thinking of making a React app once I understand React app more. I was thinking of using the Yelp API and rather than returning a list of best restaurants, return a list of bad restaurants(if that's possible).

r/cscareerquestions • comment
1 points • TotalBismuth

I used this udemy course


r/learnjava • comment
1 points • Yithar

There's a Udemy course that really covers this stuff well:

He doesn't go that deep into Servlets or Tomcat though.

He doesn't cover Gradle or Ant either.

r/SpringBoot • comment
1 points • gkumawat12

I have used this one some time back, helped me a lot https://www.udemy.com/course/spring-hibernate-tutorial/

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • agentgreen420

I'm currently taking this udemy course, it seems pretty comprehensive:


r/learnjava • comment
1 points • vektor321

Wanted the same way learn spring boot like you. Without "useless" theory and basics, just practise. But after hours of frustrating I started the most popular course on Udemy about spring & hibernate. Then I finally understand how it works: beans, MVC, copmoonents, controllers etc. This is the way we can't skip. Ofcourse days of resolving errors and bugs can save 1 day studying theory :P

r/learnjava • comment
1 points • AWholeMessOfTacos

Chad Darby on Udemy. Loved this course. (https://www.udemy.com/course/spring-hibernate-tutorial/).

Dude gets so excited about coding he's almost giddy. It's great. Also the content is well explained and overall it is a great introduction to Spring and all that it has to offer.

r/learnjava • comment
1 points • LTFGamut

He does indeed an his Spring course is pretty good. Only thing I is that he uses eclipse and I personally favour Intellij, but that was only just a very little nuisance for me.

r/cscareerquestions • comment
1 points • Najda

I used this one: https://www.udemy.com/course/spring-hibernate-tutorial/

It's broken up into sections so you can just do the spring part if that is what interests you. I can't comment on whether it'd be better than the course you linked or not, this is the only one I've taken. My general approach to tutorials though is that it's better to just stick with one that will teach you what you need to know even if it's a bit slow, because it's probably even slower to keep switching courses trying to find the perfect one.

r/learnjava • comment
1 points • MightyOwl

Hey, as someone else pointed out Spring is the next thing to move to and this is what I used to get started:


What I would suggest is that as you follow along make changes to the code to make sure you really get it. I built a crappy little blog with login, pagination, mysql db and a few pages in a month following this guide. i spent about 2 hrs a day (mon-fri) sometimes more following along.

r/devpt • comment
1 points • Ok_Two

Fiz este https://www.udemy.com/course/spring-hibernate-tutorial/

Gostei bastante valeu os 12 euros

r/learnjava • comment
1 points • Farpafraf

This one is nice but it goes really slow imho and only deals with simple use cases. A huge problem in learning Spring for me was that it's hard to find actual project examples and that many tutorial use garbage patterns.

r/learnjava • comment
1 points • t999rex

chad darby is your one stop shop for everything you asked for ,you can listen to his lectures in 2x speed i listened to in 1.75 and also i did it along with him(clone the repo he provides at the start of the course and follow him as he teaches doing it along in your ide )

r/javahelp • comment
2 points • pauldpearson

Spring is tough man! I really liked this guys tutorial on Udemy. He kept his curriculum on point with literally just Spring. No Maven, Gradle, Docker, etc. Give it a try and if you don't like it then get your money back.



r/argentina • comment
1 points • Hushness

Experiencia laboral no mucho, porque me terminaron dando trabajo en otro rubro. Pero recuerdo en su momento haber hecho este curso para Spring: https://www.udemy.com/course/spring-hibernate-tutorial/.

Si te va el ingles, el tipo explica muy bien ..y si no queres comprarlo, googleando el nombre del curso + torrent te salen un par de resultados

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • SnooHobbies1727

>If you want to be a back end dev, master Java+Spring and get familiar with any Javascript front end library (like React).

Perfect. Thanks for the help! Based off of the sections and outline of this course: (https://www.udemy.com/course/spring-hibernate-tutorial/), would this be a good place to start?

r/learnjava • comment
1 points • ooxaam

If you want to apply as a pure backend (Java) developer, then I would recommend you to learn Spring and Hibernate as well. I personally learned a lot by following this course.



r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • JesseT1997

As a rule, I only recommend resources that I bought and passed. This course I didn't pass but it looks very promising https://www.udemy.com/course/spring-hibernate-tutorial/

r/cscareerquestions • comment
1 points • jimbo831

Especially since you already use Java and JUnit, learn Spring Boot. It’s an extremely common framework used by a ton of companies.

If you’re interested, I learned a lot when I started my first Spring job from this book (well an older version). There seems to be a new version coming out this fall if you don’t end up ordering before then. I also learned a lot from this Udemy course which seems to have been kept well updated over the years.

r/mexico • comment
1 points • snow_bee_art

Java es complicado, en lo personal te recomendaria empezar un lenguaje que sea un poco mas "amistoso" como Python o JavaScript, dicho esto, este es un buen curso de Java, muy completo y bastante largo, y de paso te dejo otro curso muy bueno tambien de Spring/Hybernate que son dos librerias de Java bastante utilizadas



r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • Waaum

This udemy tutorial is pretty good for learning Jsp's, servlets and JDBC. You'll find an even better tutorial from this guy for Spring framework.

If you want to learn Javascript, this tutorial includes HTML/CSS, Bootstrap and NodeJS. I haven't learned Python yet myself, so I can't help you with any sources there.

Personally I find video tutorials/Udemy to be a lot more beginner friendly whereas books are better once you've learned the basics. As you've pointed out, they do go deeper and hold more details. I'd advise you to follow Udemy courses first, and then afterwards move on to books. Manning is in my opinion the best publisher for IT-books. Their books are often top-quality.

r/croatia • comment
3 points • Ceki101

Pa nez sad za kvalitetnu preporuku, ali mogu ti dati linkove koje sam ja prelazio za učenje.

Java -> https://java-programming.mooc.fi/ , https://dev.java/learn/ , Head First Java by Bert Bates and Kathy Sierra , https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/index.html , https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/16/docs/api/index.html (ovdje sam naveo neke od tečajeva, knjiga, dokumentacije koje bi ti možda mogli pomoći)
Spring, Spring Boot, itd. -> https://www.udemy.com/course/spring-hibernate-tutorial/ (ovaj sam odabrao izričito zato jer mi ništa drugo nije pomagalo da sam skužim kako spring funkcionira i slicno, kad sam prelazio dokumentaciju, knjige, yt videe, ali uz pomoć ovoga mi je sve lijepo se posložilo, kurs je zastario malo, od prije 4 godine msm da je, ali dobro objašnjen i postepeno)

Čuo sam da je dobar i navodno tečaj za Javu -> https://www.udemy.com/course/java-the-complete-java-developer-course/ (ali kako tko voli tečajeve i slično, imaš i videe po yt-u)

r/cscareerquestions • comment
0 points • AmusedEngineer

For web programming your best bet for frontend technologies would be either Angular2+ or React. For backend technologies you would likely use Java/Spring or Nodejs. Below I linked to Udemy courses that I've taken and I think are really good, they're on sale right now for $9.99.


