The Art of Doing
Code 40 Challenging Python Programs Today!
Below are the top discussions from Reddit that mention this online Udemy course.
Computer Science Through Python Application
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Taught by
Michael Eramo
Reddit Posts and Comments
0 posts • 5 mentions • top 5 shown below
1 points • shiftybyte
1 points • F1rstxLas7
1 points • cudgeon_kurosaki
There are two courses on Udemy that are free for life if you get them right now:
You'll find Python is quite easy to pick up so long as you keep some personal notes on the side. Videos make it even easier, just watch those instead of blowing time on YouTube or Netflix. The codes expire, but the course does not.
There is also the option of getting started in Machine Learning and Deep Learning models. Data Science is all about having your basics nailed down so that you can do all of the fun stuff such as in the book Deep Learning with Python. All the cool AI stuff that you see online can be built in Python, provided you have enough data.
1 points • nzayem
Hey Man,, there is always a better option, i have nothing against CodeAcademy, but first check out this course in Udemy, the instructor has offered a limited time coupon one day ago here in reddit (the post was removed by some stupid moderator for no reason),, the content is very interesting, and since it's free in Udemy for limited time, i think you should give it a try:
try it, before the coupon get expired or this reply get removed by that same stupid moderator, LOOOL
1 points • theartofdoingcs
I have a Udemy course that has gotten pretty good reviews from beginners who are looking for application rather than code snippets. My course has 40 "Challenge Problems" that walk you all the way up to classes. I think it fits the bill for what you are looking for. Each problem has a guide, example code, and video solution. I just made a coupon for 10 people to get it for free. Feel free to check it out.
To the OP, if the coupon runs out and your interested, just message me and I'll get you the course.