The Complete Android Oreo Developer Course - Build 23 Apps!

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Learn Android O App Development using Java & Kotlin - build real apps including Super Mario Run, Whatsapp and Instagram

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Taught by
Rob Percival


Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 9 mentions • top 8 shown below

r/androiddev • comment
1 points • Deepakneo

r/cscareerquestions • comment
1 points • EUPW

Maybe take a Udemy course like this one and then use the knowledge gained in that course to build your own projects. I did something kinda similar, except I focused on Spring instead of Android development.

r/androiddev • comment
1 points • yekta_dev

You're familiar with the process of Android app development, so the basic instructions are pretty clear for you and you can learn native Android programming faster. If you want a complete course, I recommend this great course from udemy. Lastly, if you have doubts about choosing one language between Java and Kotlin, I definitely recommend Kotlin.

Happy coding!

r/androiddev • comment
1 points • Endalica

I have a solid foundation in Java , and want to start doing android dev. I saw this course on udemy and don't if it's outdated and worth watching. Any thoughts? Also I'm interested in Kotlin , but don't really know Kotlin. So should I start doing app dev in Java , and later do Kotlin , or jump to Kotlin using google's udacity course immedietly

r/androiddev • comment
1 points • priyanshudub

I myself started with udemy course, I think it is pretty good for newbie. Course link :

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • old_man_khan

I have yet to do mainstream stuff. I've done PLC courses. I'll post a link to one of my wishlist items, but I think you'll want a newer version.

Also, make sure to buy Udemy on sale and never full price.

[Edit for typos.]

r/androiddev • comment
1 points • Bullfrog-Dear

Thank you mate! This is Java, and I’m learning from here

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • Turquoise_Beeba97

Thank you so much for your reply! I heard of the Big Nerd Ranch Books, I scanned through them yesterday and they seem great!. I also love learning from books, I feel like they are way more organized,detailed and you can go at your own pace. What you did sounds great! What I have attempted so far is that I watched a 2 hour kotlin tutorial and have done a water bill application and a splitbill application and thats about it. I tried reading android development with kotlin but didnt like it as much.I also checked out udemy because they seem to have a lot of courses. My top 3 were I picked the first one It sounded promising also the kind of applications that can be used for portfolio include: A Trello Clone

A Quiz App

A 7 Minute Workout App

A Weather App

A Drawing App

Also the material covered included: The object-oriented programming language Kotlin, variables, data types, functions, classes, inheritance.

Control flows (if/else, when, for/while/do-while loops) .

Data structures such as collections, arrays, ArrayLists etc.

Networking including asynchronous API call, to retrieve live data from the cloud and store it there.

JSON with all of its advantages.

Camera, Gallery, SQLite, GPS, and many more Android Device features.

Third-Party libraries such as GSON, Google Places, RETROFIT, DEXTER and many more.

Firebase and Firestore usage

What I want to manage to achieve in the end to make a game like a master-mind game ( with a twist , I feel like it might be a good application to demonstrate the skills I will learn.Currently I feel like I am all over the place :D But I am trying to workout how to organize my learning. I think what I will try to do is use both the books and udemy course with more focus on the books because I just had good review of them from u and i liked them. The course on udemy has a good instructor and the projects seem quite nice. I also have an idea of how to use git for working in teams. It would be cool if we can both build an application! But I know that I need to get my hands dirty a bit more to reach a close level of knowledge to yours. What do you think of my study plan? and making an application idea?
