Angular - The Complete Guide (2022 Edition)

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Master Angular 13 (formerly "Angular 2") and build awesome, reactive web apps with the successor of Angular

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Taught by
Maximilian Schwarzmüller

Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 57 mentions • top 48 shown below

r/angular • comment
6 points • rimendoz86

Maximilian Schwarzmüller Angular course on Udemy is the go to for this.

It's on sale right now I believe. I'm not a Udemy affiliate or anything. I seriously learned Angular on the job with this guy and became the "front-end" guy. I also got really comfortable with the angular docs.

EDIT: spelling of name.

r/Angular2 • comment
5 points • 6ThePrisoner

I can't recommend this course enough:

They run deals once in a while where they are really cheap. Looking now, it's $15 and is worth far more than that.

r/learnprogramming • comment
5 points • LuckystrikeFTW

If you are interested in an udemy course, I have used the one by Maximilian Schwarzmüller with great success. It gets periodically updated with new Angular versions.

r/Angular2 • comment
10 points • NiPinga

Very well explained and well paced. Lots of room to make your own mistakes and learn. Build up from the very basics. I learned a lot from it.

r/Angular2 • comment
3 points • International_Fly_67

This course on udemy did it for me:

Can’t recommend it enough. 20 enterprise angular apps later I still credit it for majority of my angular knowledge

r/angularjs • comment
3 points • aviyukta_

If you want to spend some money get this course. This is the course where I learned angular from. He explains pretty much everything. 10/10

r/Angular2 • comment
6 points • andres2142

This was my starting point, 100% recommeded

r/Angular2 • comment
6 points • TheWabbitSeason

It's $9.99 right now so good timing. When I transitioned from Angular 1 to Angular TS, this is the course I used. For every dev I've hired that come from C# or ReactJS background, I told them to get this course to learn Angular. It's says Angular 2 but Max has updated it with every release.

r/angular • comment
2 points • juice_made

I would also say that the course on udemy from Maximilian is very good and it’s up to date. The dude has a very good style of teaching and you can just code along.

r/Angular2 • comment
2 points • spacechimp

Angular - The Complete Guide on Udemy is a very comprehensive online course, and a great value at its current sale price.

r/Angular2 • comment
2 points • Finrojo

Hi there, there are plenty of incremental changes between angular 2 and 11 but it’s my guess that you’re better off looking at 10/11 as angular 2 is sometimes used as a catch all terms for any angular that isn’t angularjs. In my opinion the biggest change from 2 to current versions involves rxjs which you’re probably familiar with anyway.

R.e your question about needing angularjs to learn angular 2 - nope, two very different products

This course is a great resource

Good luck 👍

r/angular • comment
2 points • Bionictoe

Ya, it's included as a bonus section in the course linked above.

edit: Sorry, realised its not linked above:

r/Ticos • comment
2 points • NotMyMainAccount121

No sé que tal será la UCreativa pero pienso que BrainstationCR es una buena opción, yo soy del TEC y estudio compu, allí he visto muchas veces que dan becas y anuncios para cursos de ahí. Con respecto a Udemy hay un curso de Angular en particular que recomiendan mucho es ese si no me equivoco, pero eso ya depende de cuál tecnología quiera aprender...

r/angularjs • comment
2 points • somada141

As a couple peeps mentioned I found Maximilian Schwarzmuller’s course ( to be excellent, in-depth, and very good bang for buck as you get tons of content for a very good price as long as you get on a sale which Udemy does all the time. The best part about this guy’s courses is that he and his TAs are actually fairly responsive so you can expect to receive help if you need it. Also he tends to keep his courses up to date with changes to the tech he teaches.

r/angular • comment
4 points • chanandlr_bng

I second this. Learned ANGULAR from the same 2 sources,
1) udemy course

2) angular docs

Just watch his short clips on youtube if you want before you buy the course.
you should be able to rock Angular in a week.

r/Angular2 • comment
1 points • thiccSatchel

This course is great and it’s on sale. I went through twice in a month and I feel like it helped me really get down the fundamentals so I could move into more advanced topics. Highly recommend!

r/angular • comment
7 points • _wittyIdiot

I learned angular in my internship, I too was overwhelmed but took this course on udemy by Maxmilian Schwarmuller

(Optional) After this you can deep dive in core concepts by reading blogs like, medium, and also angular docs are pretty simple to understand.

And do handson with the tuts that really helps to get hang of the concepts

All the best!

r/Angular2 • comment
1 points • richie5um

I highly recommend this course

You should be able to get it for $12 (or whatever your local currency is) if you look for a coupon.

Given your background you should be able to create simple projects in a very short space of time. Beyond that, the major problem areas are usually related to state management, and how you avoid passing data up and down the component hierarchy - there are many approaches, but some are more suitable than others.

I’m far from an angular expert, but once you have the key basics, the rest is a simple web search to get an answer. Keep doing that as you encounter a hands-on problem and you’ll be proficient in no time. Especially as you have html and css experience already.

r/cscareerquestions • comment
1 points • AmusedEngineer

AngularJS and Angular are very different.

There isn't much difference between Angular 2 and onward, they release every 6 months. If you need to learn Angular, I recommend this udemy course its usually on sale for $10-15. It's very comprehensive and kept updated with the latest version.

r/angular • comment
1 points • amiibro888

Check the udemy course of maximillan

I think you need 2- 3 months to learn how to write a good application. Beware of performance tweaks that you can do with pure pipe, change detection on push and the trackby function. If you made your way trough it than you can checkout ngrx.

r/Angular2 • comment
1 points • Thugrammer

Just started on Angular as well, bought this course on Udemy for $11 (recommended by a friend). Been good so far, have not completed the course yet. The official documentation is also a good place to start for almost all programming languages.

EDIT: the course is updated to Angular 8

r/Angular2 • comment
1 points • WebDevStudent123

I just finished it. I strongly recommend.

I am taking follow up courses on RxJs and NgRx as I feel that I need a refresher on it and getting it from someone else may help me out. It says Angular 2, but it has been updated for Angular 13.

r/javascript • comment
1 points • Gogolian

Glad to hear that! Keep it up! The only course i got from udemy was this one: And i can say, that it covers pretty well all common use cases.

In the end you'll get some task to do on interview but i would advice to get a job as soon as possible (Junior Developer position) even part time because it counts onto every next job that you wiull have in the future. Both "on paper" and in terms of experiance.

If you know how to use API's then that's fine :) Creating one is fun though but it's not common task for FrontEnd's

r/AusDevs • comment
1 points • 2infinite

One of the better courses:

Personally though I get bored just watching a course, what I tend to do is watch enough to get the general gist then dig in myself alongside reading the documentation.

r/programiranje • comment
1 points • _sumljivi_cojk_

Najbolji kurs

r/angular • comment
1 points • badger_bodger

r/Angular2 • comment
1 points • cfitking


This one for sure

r/angular • comment
2 points • cry0plasma

Read the docs and buy this Udemy course by Maximilian:

You'll be good to go.

r/Romania • comment
1 points • balaurs

Din experienta mea unele cursuri sunt foarte bune iar unele cursuri sunt foarte proaste. Trebuie sa faci un pic de research inainte, eu mai caut tot pe reddit. Am nimerit cursuri foarte misto (Cursul lui Maximilian de angular a fost life saver.

Dar cursul indianului asta despre js game dev de exemplu a fost destul de mediocru. Asa ca yea, do some research, asteapta "reducerile" alea de 90% ca se le iei la pretul real si spor la invatat!

r/Angular2 • comment
1 points • eyeslandic_1981 Take a look at this course, it's up-to-date, and there are always some discounts going on on Udemy.

r/Angular2 • comment
1 points • banmanche

Try (The course is regularly updated with content for the latest version). He goes over the basics with a good amount of detail, with nuggets of good info all over. Only thing is he speaks rather slow so need to playback at 1.5x

Helped me get a new job :)

r/XPatriados • comment
1 points • 1Lemonade

Hola, te pido disculpas por tardar tanto, había visto la notificación el mismo día pero era tarde y dije "lo contesto mañana", y bueno me colgué.

En el mundo de la programación lo mas importante es la experiencia. Si querés conseguir un buen trabajo rápido lo mejor que podés hacer es encarar un proyecto por cuenta propia.

Se que es difícil, aparecen preguntas como "que proyecto hago?", "como lo hago?", "que estructura uso?", etc.

Lo único que necesitas es hacer algo. No necesitas hacerlo bien, tampoco necesitas que funcione a la perfección, necesitas hacerlo nada mas. Así sea que esté atado con alambres, hacelo igual.

(esto es válido, obviamente, solo para conseguir un primer empleo)

Agarrá un buen framework, te recomiendo Angular. (tiene una curva de aprendizaje jodida pero a mi parecer le pasa el trapo a Vue y React). Con Angular no vas a necesitar responder las preguntas que son muy complicadas como "que estructura uso?" o "que patrones aplico?" ya que el framework te da una buena base sobre la cual trabajar.

Para arrancar podés comprarte este curso de udemy Angular - The Complete Guide (2022 Edition). (cualquier otro curso te va a servir, te recomiendo ese porque es bastante completo).

Asegurate de seguir el Angular coding style guide, hay cosas que no las vas a entender, podes seguirlas de forma ciega por ahora y mas adelante reveerlas.

Hacete las páginas de autenticación (login, registro, reset password, forgot password, etc.), después agregate un dashboard. Robá ideas de templates de Angular, Wordpress, React, etc., revisá el código que postean otras personas (términos que podes usar al buscar: "Angular authentication boilerplate", "Angular admin template", "Angular landing page", "Wordpress template", "Wordpress landing examples"). No tengas miedo de hacer una copia idéntica (en lo visual nomas, no hagas copy paste del código sin entenderlo), lo importante es que sepas hacer algo. Cuando arranques es muy probable que te lleguen los diseños de UX/UI y vos tengas que pasarlo a código por lo que vas a estar haciendo casi lo mismo (después con el paso del tiempo vas a poder adquirir conocimientos para hacer el maquetado vos también)

r/angular • comment
1 points • jamawg

If you want to take the time to learn either/both, I bought both of these from Udemy, worked through them and am totally blown away by the quality of the teaching in both.



If you are going to make a decision which will be with you for years, then why not invest an extra week or two, take both courses & see which you fell most at home with?

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • ramides

Angular in Action (print):

Angular course by Mac Schwarzmuller (Udemy):

Angular in Action really made a lot of things “click” for me that I couldn’t find elsewhere. I really liked it.

Any of Max’s courses on Udemy are excellent. This one is where I would start.

Just to be clear, these resources are for Angular (2+). AngularJS refers to the 1.x version, which is completely different.

r/Angular2 • comment
1 points • TaleOfTheUnseen

I used Maximilian Schwarzmuellers course on Udemy (, when I needed to learn about NgRx for work. I would highly recommend his course for everything Angular related and I heard many others like him too.

It's a full course on Angular, but has 5 hours of footage about NgRx which helped me a lot. He updates the course often, but the NgRx syntax was slightly outdated, but the important part was that I understood the concepts. Changing the syntax was easy afterwards.

You can always get the course for 10-15 dollars if you google for Udemy discount codes.

r/italy • comment
3 points • astro1066

Quanta esperienza hai? Hai mai provato a sviluppare qualcosa? 3900 sono parecchi soldi, non dico non valga la pena (non vedo il sommario dei contenuti) ma credo che con udemy ci siano corsi simili che costano un centinaio di euro o meno.

Questo di Schwarzmüller è ottimo, ad esempio:

Per un approccio ancora più easy e sempre molto spendibile potresti andare di React, questo non l'ho seguito personalmente ma mi fido essendo di Schwarzmuüller, per 10 Euro potresti pure rischiare senza rimorsi:

Poniti l'obiettivo di farti una pagina web personale o una applicazione per classificarti i film e fatti il corso, se poi pubblichi su github i recuiter saranno ancora più interessati.

r/Angular2 • comment
1 points • callmeblessed

I like this and he always update the course

r/angular • comment
2 points • YesYesYesVeryGood

I already knew some HTML and CSS. I took an intro to Javascript course to understand what it online ( I was already familiar with designing web pages.

When it comes to learning Angular from nothing, I specifically recommend having a dual screen setup and following along to this video course:

The author, Maximilian Schwarzmüller, knows what he is talking about and is an excellent teacher. A dual screen setup will allow you to play video on one screen and follow on your own screen.

r/webdev • comment
1 points • DefinitelyNotGrant

Thank you!

I mostly learned through a series of tutorials and making stuff! For frontend code, I use Angular and SCSS. Here are two tutorials that really really shaped my foundation (make sure you're paying like $10 for these and not the $200 'original' price):

• •

In general, I would highly recommend just building stuff for sake of building stuff and dissecting the code of open source projects!

Hope this helps!

r/Angular2 • comment
1 points • Likenoother_

I'm totally agree with u/themeanman2
this one is awesome and i hope you'll only use it as a video handbook

r/Angular2 • comment
1 points • knightingale2k1

this one. updated from angular 2 to 12

r/angular • comment
2 points • SrinivasanKK

To become proficient, I followed the below courses.

Prefer reading Angular Core Packages source code where you end up knowing lots of knowledge about TypeScript and Angular usage.

r/angular • comment
1 points • thebondsman8

If you are looking for a no-cost tutorial, a good resource is Don't be intimidated that it's a few versions behind as the bulk of the framework is still there and they are releasing more often now then at the beginning stages (1.x, 2, 4). I assure you that you won't be missing anything learning version 8.

Udemy is a great resource for some video learning. is a great way to get your feet wet and it's only $12.

I've been developing in Angular for about 8 years and those are my recommendations.

r/Advice • comment
1 points • dude_sourav

cs50 is dope.
take what ever course you want.if you want to be a web dev, learn angular its in demand.. made this shit after taking course.

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • Waaum

For the Java-stack: I learned the basics of java through books, though in retrospect Udemy is better for introductions to topics, and books are better for in depth information.

r/angular • comment
1 points • jfoxworth

Angular is not a language, but a framework. React is similar, but is a package instead of a full fledged framework. Before you learn Angular or React or Vue, you need to learn Javascript (Typescript) and the basics of programming.

Once you have that down, it is easier to learn React, but I believe that Angular is a more robust system and it is certainly worth learning both. There are a number of Udemy courses for $10-$12 that can walk you through Angular or React introductions.

I like both Max Mosh

For React, I like Andrew Mead's course - especially for someone who doesn't have a good bases in Classes and other programming items that you really need to learn these systems well.

If you can, start a project and get a mentor.

r/webdev • comment
1 points • Deep_Engine

Full-stack dev here, I started using Angular, TypeScript with only the basics of JavaScript. Pluralsight, Udemy courses helped me a lot. While I think it's ok to get started that way, do note, setting a good mental model of JS will help you a lot in the long run.
I will quote an example scenario from Dan Abramov's 'Just JavasScript'. See if you can spot the bug.
Imagine that you’re in the middle of a lot of work, and you want to quickly identify what this function does. Take a glance at it:
function duplicateSpreadsheet(original) {
if (original.hasPendingChanges) {
throw new Error('You need to save the file before you can duplicate it.');
let copy = {
cells: original.cells,
metadata: original.metadata,
copy.metadata.title = 'Copy of ' + original.metadata.title;
return copy;
You’ve probably noticed that:
This function duplicates a spreadsheet.
It throws an error if the original spreadsheet isn’t saved.
It prepends “Copy of” to the new spreadsheet’s title.
Spoiler, answer below.
>!What you might not have noticed (great job if you did!) is that this function also accidentally changes the title of the original spreadsheet. Missing bugs like this are something that happens to every programmer, every day.!<
Having said that, I came pretty far without fully understanding the dynamic nature of `this`, hoisting, closure, event loop, prototypical inheritance, and the corner cases of coercion .etc.
I think, for now, it's ok to just focus on the JS syntax. Knowing ES6 stuff is also recommended. You'll often see, 'Promise', async-await in the codebase. So it's better to take a look at it as well. You should at least know `this` in JS may take different values. You will learn more from problems along the way. I wish if there is a repo with intentionally buggy code to fix and learn. A very important skill to master is "debugging". So you should put some time into it too.
Here are some courses that I found useful early in my career.
Angular: Getting Started
Angular - The Complete Guide (2022 Edition)
I recommend coding along. For a record, you can get a free Pluralsight subscription for one month using visual studio dev essentials.

As a side note, I took these courses 3 years back and I'm no longer into Angular. But, I'm pretty sure these courses will give you a good start.
Here is a link to an article I wrote about "different `this` bindings in JS".
Hope you'll find it useful later.
Please also consult with seniors from your company. You may get good guidance depending on the nature of the project, team, and available resources.

r/startups • comment
3 points • divulgingwords

Here goes. Don't listen to the frontend fanboys. Start with a legit backend language that makes sense: C#.

It's going to cost you $30/m. You can do this all in 1 month if you really get down to it.


When done with that (you can knock that out in 4 days if you're really motivated), take the following in this order:

  1. (RIP Scott Allen)


These two will hammer in the MVC design pattern. The next are going to drop the "views" and focus on api's (same tech, just no frontend - this is what you would use for a react/angular/vue project).



Now, I want you to learn about dependency injection. You will have touched this stuff in the earlier courses, but this will really tie in everything.



Now, I want you to take the grand daddy of them all. This is going to tie everything you have learned into an actual working project.


So there's phase one. If you can complete that all those courses and you actually understand what you're doing, you can straight up get a junior dev C# job making 70k+/yr.

Now, since you want to make a startup or be a full stack dev, take the following courses:

Do this one first:

If you want to learn React:



If you want to learn Vue:




If you want to learn angular:



Now, to learn how to host everything onto a $5/m cloud VPS


And there you have it.

For frontends, my recommendation is Vue. I've tried all 3, and it was the most enjoyable. React would be a moderate second, with angular being my least favorite. React will have more job opportunities, so that might be your choice, but IMO, it won't matter because you know C#.

Don't worry about absolutely mastering javascript, as your C# and linq skills will translate nicely. Obviously you'll be rough around the edges, but you'll be fine. Remember, code in every language basically boils down to variables, loops, and "if" statements.

Hope this helps. I can answer any questions if you have any.