The Complete Guide to Building Premium WordPress Themes
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Create a Premium Wordpress Theme From Scratch
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Taught by
Ali Alaa
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8 points • inoen0thing
This is a great tutorial that covers themeForest in particular as well as building a theme from scratch.
One of my devs took this…
1 points • michaellobry
There are 2 developers:
- wordpress developers: limited (no programming language)
- wordpress theme developers: full control (programming language, mainly bootstrap, react etc)(SAss, npm, gulp, node etc are required if you eventually want to sell your theme)
So in short, a Wordpress theme developer has full control by using multisite plugins/tools/tasks (gulp) to minify etc. Front-end he uses php, action hooks and things like WP-header, WP-footer in his php files.
The main advantage of Wordpress is template pages, automation and the client who hires you, is able to change the text and images without programming language.
Since I'm learning to become a Wordpress theme developer, I can teach you the ropes or we can do buddy projects. Have you looked at ?