The Complete JavaScript Course 2022
From Zero to Expert!
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The modern JavaScript course for everyone
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Taught by
Jonas Schmedtmann
Reddit Posts and Comments
0 posts • 107 mentions • top 50 shown below
7 points • _ColtonAllen-Dev
Try Jonas Schmedtmann's JavaScript course. frequently goes on sale for $19.99 or $12.99. 70 hours of the best content I've ever seen, and it helped me land my first job. He does such a great job at explaining what he's doing and why.
5 points • GTRIT
3 points • DrunkNihilism
I'm using this course on Udemy. I found it from recommendations on Reddit and Github, and from the little I've gone through it I definitely recommend it!
3 points • ModeInitial3965
Honestly the bestesssssst way would be to go through this Udemy course. And while following that course you should read MDN webdocs of whatever you were taught. Trust me you'll remember and understand every small detail to your dying day. Just look at the course's syllabus. I'm confident that you'll be impressed.
3 points • vapiduous
My partner changed her career from non-tech to a technical field last year. She spent 3~4 months learning javascript/react through a Udemy course, and another ~3 months prepping and getting ready for interviews (through and About 8 months in, she had a job as a software developer.
Even though my partner did the javascript/react course, she's not using it at her job, at the moment. She did the linked course, because it's really good at teaching some of the core skills of software development (incl problem solving), and helped her build a portfolio for a resume.
Another thing to keep in mind is that, don't underplay your past experience, even though it's not software related. Soft skills play a major role in interviews, so definitely highlight them.
2 points • __Loot__
When on sale look up Jonas on udemy it will be less than 15 bucks. He Keeps the course updated with new features. he dose good challenges and tons of projects. And you will learn tons of theory on what goes on under the hood
5 points • huyhung275
Everything you need to master JS.
2 points • Jaythe4th
Javascript course
I recently aquired the '' The Complete JavaScript Course 2021: From Zero to Expert!'' and I must say that is a great course but is ok to advance if I don't understand 100% of what he teaches and maybe comeback later?
The Fundamentals part 1 was fun and I learned a lot but part 2 with all the function declarations and arrow functions was a bit overwhelming and i kinda cheated by looking at the results of the tests at the end of the lessons.
I understand the logic behind them and why they are used but i can't memorise all the principles.
Tell me if I'm dumb or this is normal :)
2 points • Altruistic_Club_2597
The Mozilla documentation for JavaScript is solid. If you are looking for a free course try the oden project. If you are willing to pay, this Udemy course is solid:
Id recommend you learn the language first before picking up a framework like react.
4 points • njoypc
Angela's bootcamp + Jonas' JS course + you can find similar content for a JavaScript framework moving forward if you're in a hurry for a job
CS50x + CS50 Web track if you want to be a better programmer in general but takes much longer to get prepared for a first job because you're learning a much broader set of skills.
6 points • NeatGift906
For HTML and CSS, I recommend you to buy this course if you can:
And after this, you should learn javascript from this course:
1 points • Sophonautt
I was recommended by my buddy to do this course. He didn't even finish his and along with networking skills landed a job in Tampa starting at at least $100k a year (I don't know the exact amount).
But that dude has some social grace that I don't have and I would need to rely more on programming skill than he.
1 points • Nikandro
I believe this is his best reviewed course.
1 points • Bridge4_Kal
Mostly on my own, but one course that I recommend to absolutely everyone I can if your plan is to learn some good JavaScript is Jonas Schmedtmann's JS Course. It's currently $149, but if you're familiar with Udemy, you'll know it goes on sale frequently, so you will likely be able to purchase it around $20. I purchased mine at $12.99 and it was the best $12.99 ever spent!
it's almost 70 hours of amazing content, and you learn some real advanced stuff by the end. It's literally what helped me get my job.
1 points • C0deBl0cker
1 points • BreakParadigm
Heres a pretty good JS course on udemy:
I'd say if you wanna be proficient in JS then know the basics of jquey (boring but a bunch of employers use it) and one framework like React or Vue. I went with React and Redux.
Then, know how to debug and lint JS. Then if you really wanna be proficient youd know typescript or some type checking method.
1 points • ViVillVinZULOL
1 tip for learning React is to first learn JavaScript. Everything in React is JavaScript and if you don't know how JavaScript works it will be tough trying to use React(Not impossible if you already know programming). I recommend this course for learning JavaScript if you learn better from videos. If you prefer reading then Mozzila docs are perfect. That udemy course has a pathway for people who wanna get into JS frameworks fast which basically skips some parts of it so you can do that.
1 points • MyNameIsRichardCS54
Jonas Schmedtmann's
1 points • numuso
I’ve tried a lot of courses, my favourite is this one:
Goes into a lot more detail than others, and it’s easy to navigate if you already know some of the core fundamentals
3 points • Sudo-Voxel
Is a amazing course, And teaches you
(Have not used myself, my friends offer glowing reviews of it though)
Javascript Engine
Javascript Runtime
Interpreter, Compiler, JIT Compiler
Writing Optimized Code
Call Stack + Memory Heap
Stack Overflow + Memory Leaks
Garbage Collection
ES6, ES7, ES8, ES9 features
Single-Threaded Model
Execution Context
Lexical Environment
Scope Chain
Function Invocation
Function Scope vs Block Scope
Dynamic vs Lexical Scope
this - call(), apply(), bind()
Context vs Scope
Static vs Dynamically Typed
Primitive Types
Pass by Reference vs Pass by Value
Type Coercion
Arrays, Functions, Objects
Prototypal Inheritance
Class Inheritance
Higher-Order Functions
Functions vs Objects
Scheme + Java in JavaScript
OOP (Object Oriented Programming)
Private vs Public properties
Functional Programming
Imperative vs Declarative code
Composition vs Inheritance
Partial Application
Pure Functions
Referential Transparency
Error Handling
Asynchronous JavaScript
Callbacks, Promises, Async/Await
Event Loop + Callback Queue
Task Queue + Microtask Queue
Concurrency + Parallelism
Modules in Javascript
1 points • hh2412
The price went up $5 from yesterday, but still a good deal.
1 points • magenta_placenta
It's showing a price of $24 for me
Udemy courses go "on sale" all the time so if something is "too expensive", just leave the browser tab open and check it every couple of days or try an incognito window.
1 points • mizkos
I'm a designer and have thoroughly enjoyed going through this Javascript course.
Jonas explains it very well but your designer needs to be patient and actually watch it and not skim it.
1 points • Majid_kia
1 points • BasuraCulo
I couldn't recommend a better course, seriously.
It's a MAMMOTH! But Jonas REALLY cares about what he's teaching people. He's worked really hard on this course and I'm surprised that people don't know this one considering that it's NUMBER ONE when you type in "JavaScript" on Udemy.
1 points • mind_blowwer
Any experience with this course?
1 points • vishaalp93
The one I took will be pretty outdated now. But it was something similar to this
Enough to grasp the language and basic coding principles
1 points • Zeelot975
3 points • Reetthekidd
Nice! I’m learning JavaScript as well currently and I’m using:
And a udemy course:
To practice my skills I’m currently using:
Codewars And CodeSignal
Personally, I don’t think there’s really a right way of learning JavaScript.. aside from learning fundamentals, it’s all in practicing, thinking like a programmer, and becoming a master googler aha..
Let me know if you’d like to connect and learn together!
3 points • inn3rs3lf - Hands down the best Javascript course I have taken. It's a long slog, but his explanations are impeccable.
1 points • Dr4gonkilla
I'm trying to do web development ATM. Do you think a career in web developing is good? What path do you think I should take.
Starting with Udemy JavaScript at the moment :
I'm not sure if it's a good course but I seen it recommended on reddit
1 points • gjallerhorns_only
The Complete JavaScript Course 2021: From Zero to Expert looks pretty good. But there's also nothing wrong with needing extra resources to understand concepts
1 points • YELLOWSUPERCAR7777
DOM manipulation like document.querySelector() and object oriented programming like using classes. If you wanna learn js to a good level i recommend this
1 points • ajperez0705
Move on to JS now. Get this course, by far the best js course (imo) and the one that got things to click for me:
1 points • jack121013 Ended up snagging this one since I already was gonna get 2 if his and he seems to get great reviews
1 points • LeftIsBest-Tsuga
i tried to learn once by watching youtube videos, and it went really slow. so i just knuckled up for a $20 udemy course (stuff is on sale all the time) and it was 100% worth the price. and no i'm not getting paid or anything i just genuinely think it's good advice.
language choice depends on what you want to do, but JavaScript is in demand for employers, and is pretty easy imo. i'm only a week into this course and i'm feeling really good about my learning curve so far. but there are a lot of good courses.
1 points • VirusAlternative1132
1 points • david_ranch_dressing
1 points • TamJimAndRob
I'll check out Odin project too. Currently working my way through this:
1 points • raynier22 Prices always changing. But the rating and amount of students you can see this is the best one yet
1 points • TheDirtyBubbleBlower
Udacity has a few basic JavaScript course I'm taking now. It's decent, then I got a JavaScript course on udemy I just started. Let me know if you're interested in possibly learning through it together
There's a sale going on and I got it for like $20
1 points • ShadowMasterKing for me its the best course about JS
3 points • oh_jaimito
I bought these two earlier this summer:
> $22.99
> $21.99
An here's a handy Roadmap to help you stay on track and discover what you might want to learn next
7 points • preshdamesh
I think it would be helpful if you shared what you already know and that could help decide the best path for you. I started learning React out of necessity as I was placed on a project at work that required me to work on the frontend. So I can share how I went about it.
My experience had primarily been on the backend with Python and Django. I understood HTML & CSS but I'd only dabbled in some Javascript and even my CSS knowledge only covered the basics. Since React is a Javascript framework, I started off by taking Javascript courses. There's a whole bunch of these but I used this one ( Once I felt pretty comfortable with JS, I started on this React course ( Because I was applying the learnings from these courses at work, things really stuck and I was able to pick it up pretty quickly. If you're not in a similar situation, I'd recommend just trying to build things on your own as that's really the best way for these concepts to stick. I would also highly recommend if you're looking for a deep in-depth course. This one's on the pricier side but if you can afford it, I'd say it's well worth it.
Once I felt like I had a solid grasp of things, I also invested some time in really learning CSS. For many devs, CSS is often an afterthought and they learn just enough to get by. But being a visual person, I found that a deep understanding of CSS is what let me actually bring my ideas to life. You could be an amazing React dev and build complex apps with all kinds of state management, but without solid CSS skills it could still look like shit. So I recommend learning CSS.
Once you've covered the above, you should be in a solid place as far as frontend goes. Just with this knowledge + easy deployment services like Netlify or Vercel you can build and deploy some really great stuff. But we haven't said anything about backend yet, and you need to cover that as well in order to be a fullstack dev.
Now what you need to know on the backend really depends on what you're trying to build and how deep you're trying to go. With the introduction of serverless architecture and functions, you can really get away with writing as little backend code as possible. But to at least cover your basics and know what's going on, I'd recommend reading up on databases, ORMs, and the MVC pattern. If you want to build your backend using Javascript, you should understand Node.JS. Because my roots are in Python I'm most familiar with Python + Django for my backend web framework needs, and you could definitely do the same.
Once you've covered all this, you should be able to build user-friendly websites for the web that can store, retrieve, and update data from a database. In other words, you'll be a fullstack developer! Now I've not built mobile apps myself but my friends who have tell me the jump from ReactJs to React Native is very straightforward. So once you've got a solid understanding of fullstack web development, I have no doubt you'll be able to make the jump to app development. You could potentially even start with app dev and jump to web but my gut sense is that there are for more and richer resources for learning web development than app, so it's best to start there.
Sorry for the long post but hope that helps!
1 points • MunchieMinion3
I'm so stuck on the Calculator project + I get the basics, just putting it alltogether/ knowing that different combinations of code is kinda what is tripping me up. Do you find that his course helped with that/ what I referred above- introducing you to different combinations of javascript syntax/ technique? This one right? Or is the responsive html/css one?
1 points • ItsBugsy
1 points • udni1111i
Köszi az infókat!
Úgy néz ki, hogy akár mentori segítségem is lehet, de ahhoz elkéne érnem egy olyan szintre, amivel már tanulhatom az Angulart.
Voltam már olyan cégnél, ahol agilisen Angularban fejlesztettek. Ott a Bootstrap-et is nagyon tolták.
Ez jó lehet fejlődének?
Akkor ezek szerint te mindhárom keretrendszert használod/ismered? De gondolom egy projektben csak egyet használsz.
A Frontendmasters-t már néztem, hogy jó lehet. mert nekem jól jönne egy keret mint egy tanórán, mert anélkül vannak kisebb gondjaim a haladással, szorgalommal.
Amúgy csak a magam érdeklődése alapján tanulom a keretrendszereket, de nem alakul ki a nagy kép, hogy még mi hiányzik.
1 points • Bodine12
I see below that you said you know Python, so you're going to do just fine. So you probably know loops and all the basics of programming, now you'll just have to learn Javascript's peculiarities. HTML and CSS aren't hard to learn, they're just finicky to actually get them to do what you want them to do! W3Schools is perfectly fine for something like HTML and CSS. For Udemy, this guy's pretty good for Javascript, and its only $11 so can't go wrong.
1 points • pacn
First of all. It's great that you wanna make a change.
I wanna point out It's really good.
As for Udemy i actually purchased this course:
It's super good the teacher explains everything well and he takes you through several projects.