The Complete Junior to Senior Web Developer Roadmap (2022)

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Go from Junior Developer to Senior Developer

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Taught by
Andrei Neagoie


Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 25 mentions • top 22 shown below

r/webdev • comment
2 points • WhiskeyBrisket

Nobody makes real unit testing courses(Front-End). They do a 'feature list' course, which is nice to know all the different techniques of testing, but useless for someone who wants to apply testing to a real project using the proper techniques. For instance, testing a React application is pretty different from testing vanilla js. And most courses specifically on testing are only for vanilla js.

More generally speaking, intermediate courses focusing on things like CI, testing, webpack, how to use version control in a team, Agile development from the perspective of a developer, are all things most courses skip over.

But of course these kinds of courses are a lot of work, they shrink the pool of potential students because all the base knowledge required, and even worse than that is that the more tools/methods you use, the more you shrink that pool because not everyone wants to learn jasmine instead of jest, or SMACS instead if BEM.

A good example of a course structure in my opinion is the-complete-junior-to-senior-web-developer-roadmap

It's becoming a little outdated in some parts, but the structure of the course is excellent.

It basically holds your hand as a junior developer, telling you about new business requirements for the app you work on, and what tools and techniques you need to resolve those business needs.

Its the most realistic tutorial iv ever seen, truly a rare kind of course.

r/csharp • comment
1 points • driwand

I think this course is what are you looking for.

r/node • comment
1 points • Xzas22

This was a course I bought that was amazingly helpful and a great starting point. I hoped around a bit as some chapters were review vs new info, but I can’t recommend this enough as a primer for several of the things you mentioned.

r/Philippines • comment
1 points • tetetetexas

if beginner ka pwede ka magtake nung mga fullstack bootcamps. Usually beginner to job ready yun and on your own pace. But imo better if mag take ka nalang muna ng mga youtube tutorials if complete beginner ka. Get comfortable with a language. Tapos take mo yung more advance concepts sa udemy. Freecodecamp is good. I personally started with Tapos Andrew mead and traversty media. ito yung last kong tinake before i landed a job

r/greece • comment
1 points • nikonino

Ανάλογα με το τι σου αρέσει, front-end, back-end or full stack, βρες μαθήματα online. Για εμένα πχ που είμαι full stack το μάθημα εδώ στο udemy είναι βίβλος!

r/DevelEire • post
9 points • newusernameisbetter
Tips or advice for upskilling + self learning


So I did a degree in web engineering, so technically it is a CS degree but not really. I've experience mostly with node, delving into react native and react at the moment. I'm attempting to up skill after a few years of a job I realize now isn't teaching me anything other than bad habits. But it's over whelming. I'm hoping some devs here have some tips if they managed to up skill outside of work and how they structured it while being realistic? or tips for the irish job market in general?

I think I'm bouncing around topics, and I'm not sure if it's a good idea to be going into some of them.

Resources I'm using are:

  • Coding challenges ( which I think might be the best way to do it but it melts my brain after a few hours straight) might save these are Saturday afternoons.
  • Books, cracking the code interview (that's an intimidating piece of writing), javascript the good bits.
  • Online repos, I can't find it thing now, but it's basically data structure and algorithms in JS (which I feel is one of my major issues).
  • Udemy courses : React Native + HooksData Structures in JSAdvanced CSS / SassReact with Redux JS the weird partsJunior to Senior Web Dev I like the courses, they have a structure + examples to work through.. the bits I've done they seem well laid out and simple to follow.. I do find my concentration is the issue here because it's videos instead of reading.

I don't really know what area I want to go into (I know this is a problem), but I know I want out of where I am now and I figured with my background brushing up on front end stuff is the fastest way to do that even if it's not what I do forever. Right now I think I don't have the front end skills for front end and I don't know enough for back end etc. But the main thing is.. I don't know how to structure learning by myself.

r/learnprogramming • comment
2 points • Muesly

I'm interested in this as well. I've seen recommended the Andrei zero to mastery course in addition to its junior to senior course as a good alternative to the Odin Project. Is that true?

r/webdev • comment
1 points • romaniansm

Maybe this can help, especially the part on security:

r/reactjs • comment
1 points • vladwulf

Instead of going directly into React (now it's not just React, it might be Gatsby.js, Next.js, GraphQL etc..) try grasping the basics of javascript. Learn Node.js, make a full stack app.

React is quite a beast, it takes months to fully learn and to comprehend.

This guy has some neat courses that will help you started:

r/Entrepreneur • comment
1 points • Message_10

This is really helpful--thank you!

Can you tell me which of Andrei Neogies' courses you took?

I see two on Udemy that might be the one you studied:

The Complete Web Developer in 2022: Zero to Mastery


The Complete Junior to Senior Web Developer Roadmap

Do you remember which you actually signed up for?

Thank you again!

r/brdev • comment
1 points • PR-Stunt

Não sei quanto ao curso de desenvolvimento web, mas o curso do Abdul Bari parece ser excelente, eu assisti muitos vídeos dele quando tava cursando. Esse livro (CLRS) também é ótimo.

Em relação às disciplinas difíceis, tipo cálculo, álgebra linear e matemática discreta (são as que vejo bastante queixa sobre), é uma questão de prática, pode ver que todas elas te forçam a pensar de forma abstrata, e isso ajuda muito a escrever e entender um bom código.

Me parece que você tá num caminho muito bom, vale a pena seguir nessa trilha de algoritmos, e junto com isso ir desenvolvendo projetinhos web, pode ser seguindo tutorial mesmo, pega, faz, depois adiciona um requisito que o tutorial não cobriu, bate a cabeça pra implementar que no processo você vai ser obrigado a aprender, vai entender vários padrões de projeto e entender porque eles existem... e é meio que nessa linha.

Eu posso recomendar esses cursos, pq comprei eles há alguns bons anos, fiz de cabo a rabo e cobrem bastante coisa:

Finalmente, sobre estágio, facilitaria você ter um ou outro projeto bem feito pra conseguir se apresentar bem. Ainda assim, tentar expandir sua rede de contatos via linkedin pode ajudar muito, principalmente pra te render uma indicação, já que isso normalmente ajuda a passar reto na filtragem "geral" de estagiários (ao invés da específica pra cada posição).

r/devops • comment
1 points • SplinterBabies

I honestly don't know. I know this course covers it. Good course, but I haven't done the CI/CD section, which is only an hour.

r/node • comment
2 points • Sincjefe

Take these course you won't regret it





Take those 4 course all your all set

r/react • comment
3 points • NiggusMaximus

Those were the 3 courses I took (I pasted them backwards on accident, so the bottom one is what I started with). Most of his courses from his website are on udemy but there are some that you'd need to sign up for his site directly to get (like he has a new Next.js course that isn't on udemy but they aren't totally necessary imo). I highly recommend these for sure

r/node • comment
1 points • DVGY

Yes. Man it did.

  1. For Fundamentals use this course: Node Js Fundamental
  2. For Advance Use this: Advance Node JS
  3. How to use Node JS with Front End and Other tech too: Next Level Concepts


Well I used all three of them. It will help you so much.

r/asktrp • comment
1 points • IAmWhoISayImNot (react) - that's for front end (backend node, Andrew also has an awesome GraphQL course that I'd recommend once you're comfortable with development) (html and css) (coverts a lot of other technology and concepts that you should know)

Just buy them when they're on special. They're around $14 each. I'd start there and after you complete them all, you'll have a better understanding of what you would like to learn next and can make up your own mind.

Hope that helps!

r/learnjava • comment
1 points • barosanu240

I'm also a self taught programmer and eventually I was able to find a great job as a programmer(this was 5 years ago).

The course you have chose is good, but far from enough. It just explains the very basics of Java(unnecessarily prolonging the course time to make it more appealing to beginners).

At some point you need to go beyond the basics and master more than the Java syntax to take a job as a programmer.

I recommend you this course, even if it is not for Java, it will guide you to other valuable information:

I also made an advanced Java course myself:

If you want a free coupon, just PM me.

At times the journey will seen difficult, but keep it up!

r/Udemy • post
3 points • jack121013
Best Courses for a beginner

I have been checking around and have gotten some good suggestions in regards to what I should look into. To give some context, my main goal is to become proficient in web development and all the skills I will need to grow. I want to be able to run a Fantasy Football site and dipped my toes into it last fall, but hit a wall and didn't know where to turn. Obviously need to learn Java, also want to become good with machine learning as that can an asset in this field. Basically where do I start?

So far I've got

The Complete Junior to Senior Web Developer Roadmap (2021)
By Andrei Neagoie

The Complete Web Developer in 2021: Zero to Mastery
By Andrei Neagoie

The Web Developer Bootcamp 2021
By Colt Steele

Modern JavaScript From The Beginning
By Brad Traversy

r/CodingHelp • comment
2 points • saintshing

The most popular game engines are unity and unreal(unity is particularly popular for mobile game dev because it has cross platform support). Both are free to use for personal projects. There are also godot and game maker studio, or even rpg maker/roblox. To use unity, you need to know C#. A good course to learn unity on udemy is (dont worry too much about language choice, once you know one, you can pick up the others quite easily)

If your goal is to learn programming in general, javascript and python are both popular. JS is mostly for web development, python is mostly for data science/machine learning. Web development has a somewhat lower learning curve as it involves less math(if you want to make action games, you need math for things like collision detection. Machine learning also involves math).

Havard CS50 is a great (free) intro course for programming(there are two others, one for web dev, one for AI).

If you want to learn python, I recommend If you want to learn web dev, I recommend If you want to learn mobile dev, I recommend the flutter course on (there is a free 10 hr version co-developed with google)

There are free courses/tutorials on youtube that teach these things. However for beginners, it is often hard to tell which courses are good, which courses are outdated, which topic is prerequisite, etc. If you can afford it(all of them are ~$20 when on sale and they go on sale like every month), I suggest taking the paid courses listed above(after taking havard cs 50), it can save you lots of time.

You can also check out Or search for "game developer roadmap 2020" on youtube and google "awesome game dev github" (it may look kinda overwhelming, dont be intimidated).

Good luck!

r/CodingHelp • comment
1 points • slowreactin

Since you are doing Freecodecamp I assume you plan on working on web development. Do you plan on being a frontend, backend, or full stack developer?

You will need projects that demonstrate various things such as.

Front end:

  • Framework such as React
  • Manual DOM manipulation without a framework
  • UI/UX
  • CSS3
  • Typography
  • ARIA (Accessibility)
  • Forms and validation
  • Responsive design
  • CSS framework
  • Ability to access an API
  • Browser routing for SPA

Back end: - Creation of a CRUD framework - Nodejs - Express - Routing - SQL and NoSQL databases - Authentication - Web sockets - Caching (redis)

Full stack: A mixture of both above

You should also demonstrate an ability to understand basic computer science topics such as O notation and the various searching / sorting algorithms.

Lastly, I would recommend learning to create software that is extensible and reusable and most importantly CLEAN.

Here are some resources to get you going:

JavaScript Clean Code

Front and Backend Developer Roadmaps

Round out your skills with these cheap Udemy courses by Andrei Neagoie (The hands down best JavaScript teacher I have found)

Complete web developer in 2020

Junior to Senior Developer

Master the coding interview

I would also look at portfolio examples online to come up with some ideas for projects. I recommend hosting all of your code on GitHub and host a personal site with links to live versions of your projects.

Lastly, check out Joshua Fluke on YouTube. He reviews developer portfolios and can tell you what to do and what not to do.

Developer portfolio review

Best of luck!

r/learnjavascript • comment
2 points • atthesummit

*Imp: I am not affiliated with Udemy or any of the instructors, I have just created this plan for my friend to get the first job


  • Its \~300 hours of content so it should take around 3-6 months, including practice
  • It covers web technologies, in depth JavaScript, Frontend framework like Reactjs & its ecosystem, backend tecnologies like Nodejs & its ecosystem, some other important tools & technologies, TypeScript, interview preparation & resume writing
  • It covers at least 4 major projects


  1. Introduction to Web Technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Nodejs, etc) (34 hours)


2)  In depth JavaScript (Your main programming language) (52 hours)


3) Advanced CSS (llayouts & animation) (28 hours)

4) Everything about - Reactjs & its ecosystem (Frontend Framework) (39 hours)


5) Everything about - Nodejs and MongoDB  & their ecosystem (Backend Technologies) (42 hours)


6)  Some other important stuff (Performance, Security, Testing, Other Tools & Technologies) (35 hours)


7) More in-trend programming language based on JavaScript - TypeScript (the current standard) (25 hours)


8) Interview Preparaion (Basic) (13 hours)


9) Interview Preparation (advanced + LeetCode) (22 hours)


10) Resume writing, LinkedIn, Job Searching, etc (7 hours)


\~ 300 hours of course content

let me know what you think


ps: This is shared in good faith, there is no affiliation links or I am not going to get a single penny if you take any of the courses :)

This is for those who are comfortable with learning on Udemy

I created a comprehensive all inclusive plan, so thought about sharing it to whom who can really benefit from it