The Complete Node.js Developer Course (3rd Edition)

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Taught by
Andrew Mead


Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 41 mentions • top 39 shown below

r/learnprogramming • comment
3 points • Zeelot975

I'd skip Schmedtmann's Node course. I've done his JS course and this Node course and im going to buy the advanced CSS course soon. I can say that the JS course was very very good and worth every euro i payed for it and i'd pay even more if he asked more, but the node course was a bit trashy. Don't get me wrong i still learned some things from it, but today i'd more advise getting this one -

r/reactjs • comment
6 points • DalkerKD


Most of the credit for styling goes to Chakra UI, their components look really nice out of the box.

By security, if you mean user authentication, I watched this udemy course on Node.js which helped me understand JWTs better. I really liked how the auth was done there because it didn't really use any third party libraries like Passport which I find to make things more confusing. However, I don't think taking a course is necessary to learn auth, though that may just be in hindsight.

r/learnprogramming • comment
2 points • starraven

Could not recommend this guy enough

r/learnprogramming • comment
2 points • sachiewang

Hey! I don’t know much about back end yet, but I’d start by picking a language and learning it, like node js or django. Changing languages is a waste of time, so choose one, and stick to it. I think you also have to know api, servers, database, etc. I heard the node course from Andrew Mead is pretty good, but I’m not too sure. Btw, don’t buy Udemy course at full price, they have like a $10 sale every other week. Good luck, and sorry I couldn’t help much!

r/learnprogramming • comment
2 points • ivannovick

I always recommend this course


r/learnjavascript • comment
2 points • Dope_SteveX

I took this one. And out of the several courses I've done (full stack, react, typescript, python and more) it is one of my favorites. Well structured and easy to grasp. Plus there is lot of challanges so you get a chance to work on your own and not just mindlessly code along. That was an issue for me in courses by Maximilian Schwarzmüller for example.

r/node • comment
1 points • winterfemme

r/node • comment
1 points • Sincjefe

Take this course you can thank me later

r/node • comment
1 points • Dreezoos

What do you think about this one: node js complete course

r/brasil • comment
1 points • InviteMeOver

Tô fazendo o curso do Andrew Mead na Udemy The complete nodejs developer.

Tava pensando se devia fazer o The Odin Project tb, talvez ver um pouco de front end.

Uma dúvida que eu tenho é se dá pra trabalhar só com desenvolvimento de web apps no back end, sem ter que mexer com UI. Acho muito chato a parte de design. Detestava Javascript pq comecei a ver webdev uns anos atrás começando pelo front end.

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • Razvedka

I'd suggest getting proficient with JavaScript, and Node.js first (server side JS).

JavaScript traditionally is used in browsers for all the fancy interactive websites you visit, like Reddit. But Node.js brought it to the back end, and now it's used for all sorts of stuff. I'm not proficient in Python (just meddle) but I view Node.js as a more powerful Python.

This is a fantastic course:

This will give you alot of flexibility in what you can do as a developer, and it's attractive to list a familiarity with multiple stacks (even if you're not great at all of them).

That's a practical answer. Next I'd sniff around a language geared towards high performance and reliability. So, unlike JS*, a compiled language. Rust, C++, or even Java.

But dive into JS for starters.

*JS is actually compiled but it's sort of complicated.

r/node • comment
1 points • ElevatedJS

Well, it really depends on your end goals, there are project oriented ones, interview oriented and so on.

But i think this is a nice one

r/node • comment
1 points • mirzly


r/node • comment
1 points • stefantigro

One thing I would do is I wouldn't rely on frameworks in the beginning. You can do A lot with just node js without relying on any frameworks... There was a great udemy course on writing "pure" nodejs without any need for express, mongoose, etc

NOTE: I'm not talking about drivers, just frameworks.

I would suggest you look into all the different modules that node js has to offer and then you can get into the different frameworks.

This is the course:

r/cscareerquestions • comment
1 points • SomeGuyInSanJoseCa

While I haven't done it, but something like this seems to be what you are looking for:

It's $14. I think you can afford it.

Seems like it would be perfect. Just skip the sections you don't care about.

> that can help me learn the mechanics of the language

Also, node is not a language. You already know the mechanics of the's JavaScript.

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • everything_in_sync

I got this one because I didn't need all of the js basics.

Yes I understand all of that.

Okay awesome, but should I still start with node? Then do some intro react until I know enough to know what I need to know...ya know? I think it makes sense to understand how the backend works before building the frontend.

With user authentication, that's why I'm going to use a third party. There's no way I'm going to have the security skills to build it all myself.

r/learnprogramming • comment
6 points • ModeInitial3965

This should do the trick considering you are familiar with node and expressjs. If you want an introduction to them via a project. Then you can go through this small project on YouTube. It's learning by doing. Otherwise if you want kind of like nodejs from the beginning them maybe just watch this Freecodecamp video on nodejs and expressjs.

I'm learning from a udemy course. If you use this course then start with the Task manager app, which is the third app, for learning what you need and you can easily do it if you have covered basic javascript and are familiar with node and expressjs.

r/cscareerquestions • comment
2 points • JobHuntfyi

Yeah sure, this is the course: I took it a couple years ago but it looks like it's been updated since then, which is nice. As for your second question, it sort of depends. It certainly won't hurt to learn both Node and Java Spring, but Node will probably help you more with smaller, startup-type companies, or bigger companies hiring for new initiatives. While Java is still widely used (much more so than Node), and you'll certainly have no trouble finding a job for it, the companies using Java are usually the larger established companies, and companies with a large legacy codebase that was written many years ago. So it depends more on where you want to be in your career. The company I'm currently working for has a legacy codebase in PHP and Java, and we're actively trying to migrate away from it to Node.js, which is part of the reason I was hired. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what to learn back before I took that course and ultimately decided on Node.js because it seemed to be growing in popularity. Since then I've seen Node mentioned more and more in job postings. As a final note, I do recall trying to do a tutorial for Java Spring a few years ago, but gave up because it was really confusing and overcomplicated. Node.js is definitely easier to get started with.

r/node • comment
1 points • NoStranger6

There are a lot of courses on Udemy. I can only vouch for this one as it's the only one I've done but it's well explained and touch a lot of stuff that you will likely encounter when dev elopping in NodeJs

r/node • comment
1 points • MinicD

Course on Udemy could help, Andrew is an amazing teacher. I always found that videos make me learn new things the fastest way -

r/reactjs • comment
1 points • gbersac

I once bought the nodejs tutorial wrote by this guy:

I was really well done and really worth its price. If this tutorial is of the same quality and you are interested in the matter (which I am not), go!

r/Slovenia • comment
1 points • mullpanda


Od njega sem gledal , pa od drugega avtorja.

Btw, razlicne cene, ce gledam na telefonu ali racunalniku hmmm

r/node • comment
1 points • grumpylazysweaty

I took this one by Andrew Mead. It's 30 hours, but I definitely learned so much! In fact, I just posted about my first Node app - I was even able to launch it and it's already live:

r/node • comment
1 points • TheWobling

I noticed there wasn't any resources that taught node with Typescript so I picked up this course -

I had very minor JS experience prior but I've been a C# programmer for around 4 years.

I would recommend moving onto typescript once you have got that course down.

r/utdallas • comment
1 points • Boltiarte

Unfortunately not that I have found. Probably better to develop an interest in one paradigm and pursue it outside of school. I would recommend learning front-end and back-end JavaScript development as its supported by nearly all browsers and Node.js is a thing, which is a back end runtime environment. So an entire app can be developed in JavaScript. Might wanna learn [React]( and [Node.js development]( HTML is fairly easy to pick up and relational databases like MySQL aren't widely used for web development, document-oriented databases like MongoDB are easier to interact with and widely used.

All this to say no web dev classes offered here and really no cutting edge modern development classes at all, which is disappointing and why you should learn outside of academia.

r/node • comment
2 points • subnub99

Of course, here are the direct links

The Complete Node.js Developer Course (3rd Edition):

The Complete React Developer Course (w/ Hooks and Redux):

r/argentina • comment
1 points • Psinamen

Bueno, lo incluyo en otro post así te llega la modificación. Lo que yo hice después de estudiar un poco el mercado, es tirarme a web development. Por qué? Porque tiene mucha demanda, y además porque es facil adentrarte sin conocimiento previo.

El roadmap de cosas a aprender sería más o menos el siguiente:

FRONT END 1) HTML - Técnicamente no es un lenguaje de programación sino de marcado. Es muy sencillo y lo podes aprender en un par de tardes. Es el "esqueleto" de la página web, y se usa para armar su estructura. 2) CSS - Un lenguaje que se encarga de dar estilo a la página web. Si HTML es el esqueleto, CSS sería la piel de la página. Si bien tiene un millón de estilos, se rige mediante reglas de selección muy simples. En un par de días lo podes aprender, aunque van a pasar un par de meses hasta que le caches la mano al posicionamiento. OPCIONAL: Aprender a manejar una libreria tipo bootstrap o materialize. 3) Javascript. El primer lenguaje de programación propiamente dicho de esta lista. Cuando un navegador abre una página web, crea un Document Object Model (DOM), que representa el documento. Javascript permite manipular este DOM después de la carga inicial de la página, pudiendo modificar lo que se muestra en base a las acciones del usuario. Sería como los musculos, o el sistema nervioso de la página. Javascript es un lenguaje sencillo, pero a veces caótico. En una semana podes aprender lo básico, pero conlleva bastante práctica llegar a un nivel en que te sientas comfortable. ¿4?) Cuando te sientas suficientemente cómodo con vainilla Javascript, podes elegir un framework, como por ejemplo React, Angular o Vue.

BACK END. Acá el camino es mucho menos lineal. Recomiendo Node.js, ya que para estas alturas deberías estar familiarizado con Javascript. También estaría bueno que aprendas a trabajar con base de datos. Recomiendo para empezar base de datos relacionales, con algún manager como por ejemplo PosgreSQL.

El curso que más me sirvió es este, aunque se va demasiado rápido a React; descuida un poco el vainilla javascript:

Ya un poco más avanzado, este es un buen curso de react:

Y este es de lo mejorcito que vi de back:

r/cscareerquestions • comment
1 points • Original_Engineer236

These are the 3 Udemy courses I completed. However, just to be clear I already had a good understanding of javascript.

r/ProductManagement • comment
1 points • hookem728

For sure. I started with this boot camp:

As I was going through the bootcamp I was unsatisfied by the depth of some of the topics, so I took separate classes for JS and node.js:

The boot camp teacher was actually really good and engaging, but the breadth of what is covered doesn't leave a lot of room for the bits and bytes of things. It was mainly just examples and repetition.

Two other anecdotes for my situation: 1) I am interested in knowing how to code, I just think it is a good skill to have. 2) Because I had a semi-decent general technical foundation to begin with, taking these courses did help me empathize with the devs more and gave me a better understanding about the amount of code that went into building features/functions of our web apps.

r/node • comment
1 points • Cozybear110494

If you are already know JS, I suggest you to grab some course on education platform. My previous background was also embedded engineer, I learned JS, Nodejs and other stuff before I landed myself a job. You can refer 3 of best Nodejs courses on Udemy (my opinion) link below: (Jonas) (Max) (Andrew)

I learned basic HTML, CSS, JS and Node from Jonas, and would recommended him.

r/CasualPH • comment
1 points • intuitive_robot

Hahaha, nakakatawa coz I'm out here telling people na magproduce nang magproduce when I literally have all those Udemy MERN stack courses too saved offline on my PC. I took all of those courses and I just got fed up at some point.

I'm a self-taught developer and I used to literally (not even exaggerating here) beg Filipino devs to give me some sort of attention as I have so many questions that need to be answered, so I get what you mean. Those questions aren't answerable by Google too since they require actual experience in the dev field in the Philippines. It's not bad to be a self-taught dev, mind you. I'd argue that it's even better to be self-taught than attend bootcamps because being self-taught means you know how to just sit down and learn on your own rather than being guided by someone.


I think I'm in a good place to give a feedback about those courses since I took all of them. Pretty much what you wanna do is just take Stephen Grider's course on React+Redux ( and Andrew Mead's course on NodeJS, ExpressJS, and Jest ( Those two courses really go deep on the language, and just those two will allow you to learn the entire MERN stack.

As for the other courses:

  • Brad Traversy's course is not really that great in my opinion. I watched it last and so I went in with some knowledge about MERN already. Although Brad is really cute (lol), the course isn't. He doesn't explain much why he does certain things. I noticed it because I know why he did something and I expected him to tell the audience why, but he mostly don't. DevConnector is good but if you finish it, you will notice that it lacks so many things feature-wise and that it's not really "complete". Even in its Udemy page, there's a section for future development and it's not updated in months.
  • Maximilian's course has a lot of positive feedback but I just don't like how it's 45-hour long. I've already done Stephen Grider's React course and felt confident with just that so I just skipped this course. (Note: 45-hours might not seem long since that's just 3 days, but when it comes to learning something, a 45-hour course might take 1-3 months to finish depending on how much you know about the topic and how fast you learn.)
  • For Colt Steele, I'm not sure if you're talking about the Modern React Bootcamp or The Web Developer Bootcamp. But either way, in the beginning of my journey, I took his Web Developer Bootcamp course because people were so crazy about it. On Youtube, there are even people telling their story on how they got a "full-stack" job after they took Colt Steele's course. So I was like, "Oh, wow, great, I can just take this and I'm good to go." He skipped so many things, he didn't explain anything at all, and by the time you get to the harder parts of the course, you literally just copy whatever he types in because he explains very little of the code. So, I've had a bad background of him and I fully expect his Modern React Bootcamp to be bad too. Although I'm not really sure since I didn't take that course specifically. After I took his course, I started thinking that maybe the "positive" feedback on Youtube on his first course are actually fabricated or just people paid to lie. Assuming that they actually got the job, there's still no way to find out if those people actually did well on their jobs. Anyway, I'm too salty about his first course to be bothered taking his React course, hahaha.


I also suggest that you read the post history of u/chocolatemeringue. He helped me before via chat and his post history is a combination of Politics, History, and tips about the IT industry. Just look at his post history, find an IT-related thread he replied to, read his comment, and then view the entire thread for more info. Sadly that's the only way for us, newbies, to learn more stuff about the industry if we don't have a mentor or a friend that can help us.


With all that being said, good luck, m8.

r/webdev • comment
1 points • bradypp

I've done quite a few courses on both react and node. I recommend learning react first with this course:

And for more depth on a larger project this:

Then node with this:

Finally, learn how to make a full stack app and interact between the front end and backend with this:

r/asktrp • comment
1 points • IAmWhoISayImNot (react) - that's for front end (backend node, Andrew also has an awesome GraphQL course that I'd recommend once you're comfortable with development) (html and css) (coverts a lot of other technology and concepts that you should know)

Just buy them when they're on special. They're around $14 each. I'd start there and after you complete them all, you'll have a better understanding of what you would like to learn next and can make up your own mind.

Hope that helps!

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • popout

I'm still going through all these:

Other than that I've only used javascript in more scripting sense on wordpress sites, or pulling in data or formatting data, or creating simple interactive google maps.

No apps yet. I mainly learn on a per project basis. I have something i need to do, then i struggle and figure out how to, while also learning on the side.

r/learnjavascript • comment
1 points • Lifeboard

Awesome, glad to hear you're working on a real project and thank you for sharing your self assessment of JavaScript, Node and SQL.

First, I would definitely recommend going back to your past company as a consultant. Things will be less stressful if you have an income you can rely on while you're developing your JavaScript, Node, and SQL skills.

Second, it's continue developing your JavaScript skills. Fill any JavaScript gaps you have with Eloquent JavaScript. Review data structures (arrays, objects, stack, queue, linked list, trees) and continue doing an algorithm question a day.

Third, practice your Node/Express skills with You'll want to understand how to design your API using REST principles (, and know how to write SQL queries ( The best way to apply these concepts is with simple projects as you've been doing previously.

r/learnprogramming • comment
2 points • Riou_Atreides

Aaah fuck, if only your comment was on Cyber Week, I would've saved a lot of money. I'd spent upwards of 80.87 United States Dollar for like 10~ courses and 4 of them are for Full-Stack Web Development (The Web Developer Bootcamp by Colt Steele, The Complete Web Developer in 2020: Zero to Mastery by Andrei Neagoie,The Complete 2020 Web Development Bootcamp by Angela Yu,The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0 by Rob Percival, Codestars by Rob Percival) because despite going through a Full-Stack Web Development program, I feel my front-end is kinda shitty.

At least I bought some which are specific for JavaScript since the bootcamp I go through just teaches the surface level and these courses would help me supplement my understanding for JavaScript (The New Modern Javascript Bootcamp (2020) by Colt Steele, Stephen Grider, The Complete JavaScript Course 2020: Build Real Projects! by Jonas Schmedtmann, The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp by Andrew Mead, The Complete React Developer Course (w/ Hooks and Redux) by Andrew Mead, The Complete Node.js Developer Course (3rd Edition) by Andrew Mead).

r/webdev • comment
1 points • RedditEthereum

I'm an unemployed 38 year old marketer wanting to switch to webdev.

  • I have a weak immune system and stay indoors most of the time;
  • I have 6 months of cushion money, to use that time wisely;
  • I took a Coursera Python course in 2013 (?) and remember the basics;
  • I know HTML and CSS as I had to edit WordPress sites frequently.

I put together a learning path, your feedback is appreciated:


Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3 - Jonas Schmedtmann

Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grid, Animations and More- Jonas Schmedtmann


Modern JavaScript From The Beginning - Brad Traversy

Javascript framework

The Complete Node.js Developer Course (3rd Edition) - Andrew Mead, Rob Percival

Complete React Developer in 2020 (w/ Redux, Hooks, GraphQL) - Andrei Neagoie, Yihua Zhang

Bonus (follow along)

The Complete Web Developer in 2020: Zero to Mastery - Andrei Neagoie

Learning to Learn [Efficient Learning]: Zero to Mastery - Andrei Neagoie

r/node • comment
1 points • Expiar

First of all, thank you for answering.

So until now I just completed courses. Those are the courses I finished:

In this course, I learned JavaScript fundamentals, data structures, functions, classes, asynchronous behavior, etc. It was 68 hours course.


Then I completed two Node.js Courses:


In these courses, I learned Node.js and heavily Express and MongoDB.

I build 2 big projects with these topics. Express side, I created routes, route handlers, middlewares, and some related topics. MongoDB side, I created databases and models, relationships between models, CRUD operations, also some MongoDB middlewares.


Also, I finished two TypeScript courses:


But the problem is that until now I just listen to teachers on these courses, I write codes with them, I take notes, I also finish code challenges in these courses. I only write codes with their guide. I don't know what to do next to become a really good back-end developer.