The Complete Python Course | Learn Python by Doing in 2022

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Go from Beginner to Expert in Python by building projects

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0 posts • 24 mentions • top 9 shown below

r/programiranje • comment
3 points • Top_Cardiologist4242

The Complete Python Course na Udemy je odlican. Nisam ga slusao kao apsolutni pocetnik, jer su me interesovali neki napredniji koncepti ali je odlican a i pokriva ceo Python od 0 sa nekim dobrim vezbanjima i slicno. Pored toga i u Q&A ces dobiti odgovor na pitanje jako brzo tako da sve preporuke


r/learnprogramming • comment
2 points • teknodram

This one was beneficial for me.

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • Embr-Core

Go for it, Udemy is well-known and pretty reliable.

Be aware that Udemy is a platform and some courses within Udemy are more well-known and reliable than others, but if you got the complete course (i.e. this one) then yes that’s definitely a great way to learn for a beginner!

r/Python • comment
1 points • Psicoguana

My favorite course for Python is The Complete Python Course in Udemy. It teaches you the very basics, perfect if you never programmed before. Then it goes into more advanced stuff like sqlite, web scraping with BeautifulSoup and async code.

In the end, it always depends on what you like in a course, but this is the one that worked for me the best.

r/portugal • comment
1 points • mikeke

Emigrar nesses modos é suicídio.

Vou-te contar o que um amigo meu, numa situação muito semelhante à tua, fez há uns anos.

Saiu de casa dos pais e arranjou um quarto na casa de um senhor idoso, onde pagava uma renda baixíssima e basicamente fazia companhia ao velhote e ia ajudando nas cenas por casa. Para suportar os gastos dele começou a fazer umas horas num café durante a semana e aos fins de semana ia fazer de "garçon" a uma quinta de casamentos. Comprou um portátil em segunda mão e começou a aprender a programar sozinho online. Passados 2 ou 3 anos já conseguia suportar todos os gastos dele a programar e ter uma vida decente com casa própria. Mas esses primeiros anos não foram nada fáceis para ele, é um gajo que eu admiro muito e que tem uma força de vontade incrível.

Se queres mesmo aprender Python aconselho este curso que está com uma promoção fantástica. São 13€ (em promoção) e parece-me muito bem estruturado para um principiante, o que é melhor que andares meio perdido a ver vídeos no YouTube, por exemplo. Se precisares de ajuda com esse pagamento e se achares que é mesmo isso que queres, terei todo o gosto em ajudar.

r/learnpython • comment
2 points • chris1666

Yes I would because.... they aer quite affordable and it looks good on the resume to have any deegree , but especially those in demand. BUT.... I would only do so after you completed a full course from Udemy or such and learned the basics such as a 30 hour course from Jose Portilla or

but again you can look at the course content , if you are already familiar with all of it then skip it and go for your CC courses. But colleges can be like bootcamps in the way that they will NOT be waiting on you or moving at your own pace. So you need to make sure that the CC you go for has after class tutoring, otherwise you might just be attending the college version of a Udemy course where the topic dictated to a class from a book and you are EXPECTED to understand it and the explanation given to 20-35 students. And yes I read about you having trouble learning on your own, thats why I brought out that college professors can be like a Udemy instructor. During current times you might not even be able to get an in person class ....


Have you tried working through the free examples of python on w3schools website, or tried the free sample of python on codecademy ? Either way good luck and I hope to hear about your success !! I feel with coding if we are not doing we are not learning and those both let you do some practice.

r/learnpython • comment
1 points • aaron-stark7

Best python course ever it helped me alot

r/datascience • comment
1 points • DelverOfSeacrest

I have to ask - what is your goal? Do you want to be a Data Scientist? Machine Learning Engineer? Data Analyst? If you want to be a data scientist or machine learning engineer, you will not be able to escape math/stats. You don't have to be a mathematician, but you need to at least be a little comfortable with it. The heart of these fields are in math/stats/programming. That's not to deter you, but you should understand that there's a reason these people get paid so well. It's not easy. The problem with websites like DataQuest is that they advertise "Here's a path to be a data scientist in 8 months!" Unfortunately, that isn't the case. It's a good start, but you wouldn't be able to pass a data science technical interview after DataQuest. Now onto your question:

Yeah I would start with the fundamentals of python. Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, ski-kit learn are all just python packages (python files bundled together). That's it. That's all they are. So once you understand how how to program in python then it's time to see what you can do outside of the standard library with 3rd party packages.

Also, I forgot to mention before, but Git is extremely important. Fortunately, GitHub has many free resources to learn it including this one ( Always make sure your code is checked into source control. I would learn that before learning python or right after python.

I would learn SQL sometime after Python and not at the same time. Python is a big foundational tool so you should put all your early focus into that. This Udemy course might be helpful for you too ( If you're not familiar with Udemy, it's a learning platform that always has sales where the classes are between $10-$15 so that's really the price of them. No one ever buys full price. This one is $13.99 right now and covers a lot of python and has some hands-on projects as well.

For the ML/DL resources, the ones I recommended are not math heavy. Hands-On Machine Learning by Geron has almost no math so that might be a starting point. I would strongly consider looking at the Math for Machine Learning book I linked above. If you can understand it, it will give you a great background. If not, that's ok, there are other resources. You can give this YouTube channel a look: ( This guy has playlists called Essence of Linear Algebra, Essence of Calculus, Essence of Geometry etc...This can help you build some foundational knowledge and see what's going on behind the scenes if you're not as math inclined.

r/learnpython • comment
1 points • Flugegeheymen

Thank you very much for this explanation. That's exactly what I wanted to hear.
Appreciate your help really a lot.
From far I can see the best now is to put ML/DL on hold for later stages and focus on something smaller as you recommened.
But could you recommend something specific?
What do you think then about MIT edX program or Google Automation course?
Another options are to start doing some other Udemy courses like Fred Baptiste deep learning courses, The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp, Learn Python Programming Masterclass, The Complete Python Course | Learn Python by Doing
I dont really like the idea of reading books or doing something like codeacademy. Because from my point of view, there is not enough practice, for example, in the above courses there is organized assignment and things. Which help to improve better. Maybe I'm wrong