Unreal Engine Blueprint Game Developer

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Ben Tristem


Reddit Posts and Comments

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r/unrealengine • comment
2 points • gembancud

If you're using the template you could modify the character component. You can play with standard walking and running speeds from there as well. Taking a udemy course will teach you about the basics while shielding you from the sheer complexity of what you need to learn. I recommend the unreal blueprint course. It's well-paced and should prepare you for other intermediate courses aswell

r/unrealengine • comment
2 points • Kawamizoo

A course on udemy it's incredible highly recommend: https://www.udemy.com/course/unrealblueprint/

r/unrealengine • comment
2 points • mattcj7
r/unrealengine • comment
2 points • 1vertical

I'm assuming it's this one? Thank you!

r/unrealengine • comment
2 points • craigitsfriday


r/unrealengine • comment
1 points • FrozenSmoresPoptarts


They do some pretty good courses.

r/unrealengine • comment
1 points • wingatewhite

I'm right there with you. I just finished this Udemy course that seemed better than other guides I've tried, but it still only scratched the surface.

r/GameAudio • comment
1 points • LuigiPlataniaAudio

This one was made in collaboration with Epic Games https://www.udemy.com/course/unrealblueprint/

r/unrealengine • comment
1 points • LieutenantPepe

I totally understand what you are saying and yes Ben's course does indeed cover all the fundamentals of blueprints from basic concepts to more complicated stuff. you can find the course here. It is currently on sale so take a look at it and if you're interested I can highly recommend it.

r/gamedesign • comment
2 points • FluffyWalrusFTW

The courses I've primarily use are more based around getting to know the different game engines and more technical design and implementation. This course specifically is the one I'm using to learn more about Unreal. You might have to do digging into the more business side of Udemy for pitching or such, or look for convention talks from youtube.

As far as learning documentation, I can't say I've seen courses on that, but in my experience, that skill only gets better over time and with a lot of practice! This post talks about professional examples of GDD you can use to see what kind of content should be on there.

r/unrealengine • comment
2 points • jambavanta

Going through a basic programming tutorial may help you.

The following courses on Udemy have good reviews. Suitable for beginner to intermediate level. You will develop some games in this tutorial, from beginning to end. That may help you a lot. After that, you have to explore tutorials on Unreal website or read manuals -

  1. UE with Blueprints - https://www.udemy.com/course/unrealblueprint/

  2. UE with C++ - https://www.udemy.com/course/unrealcourse/

If you are new to programming, you should probably stick to Blueprints.

r/unrealengine • comment
1 points • JesseLeeHumphry

If you need to learn what a specific node does, I'd challenge anyone to find a YouTuber better than Mathew Wadstein for that.

If you want a good, structured introduction to Blueprints with challenges and results at the end, wait for a sale and buy the GameDevTV Blueprints Course from Udemy.

r/unrealengine • comment
1 points • JustAnotherPlayer5
r/unrealengine • comment
1 points • boshy_time

Hi, There is a manual which is continuously updated here : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MtL9Ysp0QGNoiujELkKR_gi0IdZ5pXXaP4y7jJObyaQ

I you are new to Unreal, I recommend you check out this tutorial on Udemy : https://www.udemy.com/course/unrealblueprint/ There are a ton of coupons out there that make it cost something like 10$.

There will be more in depth tutorials at one point specific to this plugin though, but I can't give an exact date yet.

r/unrealengine • comment
1 points • daktanis

https://www.udemy.com/course/unrealblueprint/ is pretty great and is a good balance of explanation while keeping things moving

r/unrealengine • comment
1 points • ScroofScroof

Thank you for the feedback, I too am taking a Udemy course.


r/gamedev • comment
1 points • ViewtifulRyan

I recommend looking into a udemy course as other users have recommended. I'm currently working through and almost completed https://www.udemy.com/course/unrealblueprint/. I've really enjoyed it. It should give you some good fundamentals to get started on your game.

Also. Dont pay full price if possible. They always have huge sales.

r/unrealengine • comment
1 points • DaisyX3

I've always found the GameDev.tv courses to be pretty good. They're structured, so you get a more thorough learning experience than follow random tutorials on youtube teaching you how to do specific things.

Catch is, they aren't free. But theyre usually available on Udemy for like $15. I'd say they are quite worth it, I have completed a couple of the C++ ones, but they have blueprint one also here

r/unrealengine • comment
1 points • my-sons

I'm glad i was helpful. When it comes to learning resources, there are many different ways you can go about doing this. If you have a little bit of money to spend, then what i would recommend doing if you are really serious about Game Dev, is purchasing a course on Udemy. Right now they have deals at like 80% on select courses, and they are very in depth.

Here is a course on C++: https://www.udemy.com/course/unrealcourse/

BluePrints: https://www.udemy.com/course/unrealblueprint/

I've been taking the c++ course for over a week now and have found it very help. I should also note that these tutorials focus more on programming, then an overview of Unreal's features. The only thing you would really need to learn outside of these tutorials is animations, and their animation blueprints. When it comes to that, there is like a 2 hour youtube tutorial made by Unreal Engine themselves that i would recommend.

Edit: The C++ course does offer SOME knowledge in animation blueprints

r/badcode • comment
1 points • goshsowitty

My first port of call for anything game dev is Udemy. I’ve learnt a lot from many courses there. Interestingly one of the instructors I’ve used most often and learnt the most from is GameDev.tv and they actually have a Blueprint specific course for UE4. Looks like you’ll make 3 games entirely in Blueprint.


BUT! Wait until that price goes down. I’ve never paid more than £12.99 for any course at Udemy and they have sales VERY frequently. Excellent value for money.

r/unrealengine • comment
1 points • mztime
r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • videoj

This Udemy Course walks through three games using Blueprints. It really does a nice job of presenting how different pieces of the game fit together.

This course is from the same team and uses C++. It shows how to build 5 different games.

Be sure to use a private window in your brower to get the discounted prices.

r/unrealengine • comment
1 points • Remmib

I started recently and this is the path that I'm currently taking:

1) Beginner C++

2) Unreal Blueprint

3) Unreal & C++

There are some good youtube channels and people here usually recommend Epic's own learning resources as well.

r/unrealengine • comment
1 points • Venerous

I'll add more as I find/remember them.

r/unrealengine • comment
1 points • GregSolidus



These courses are probably the best start you can find.

r/unrealengine4 • comment
1 points • TheRealDennisVang

I started 7 months ago on this course.


This is my progress now:

After that course, it was Google, Youtube, Reddit, UE4 Answer Hub and hiring a Tutor that will get you the specific answer you need to make your game.

Good Luck!

r/unrealengine • comment
1 points • lukas232323

oh man, I've seen the whole youtube by now :D.. Let me try summarising what I think was most relevant for me so far:

- https://www.udemy.com/course/unrealblueprint/ this course in its section Mars Marine introduced the sockets and a simple weapon handling

- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsS5i15vvUbwfr_1JdRKCAA this guy has some really good beginner-friendly tutorials, I followed him for setting up AI but he has something on weapon systems which is bound to use sockets as well

- official tutorials from Unreal were also pretty good in general

I'll post some screenshots from my current project to get you a better idea.

r/unrealengine4 • comment
1 points • Gamepaign

If you are interested in doing C++ i would recommend this course; https://www.udemy.com/course/unrealcourse/

If you are interested in doing blueprint i found this; https://www.udemy.com/course/unrealblueprint/ (same people that made the C++ course) I didn't do this course myself so i cant vouch for it but the ratings look good!

It's now 18,99 but every week the prices change, the normal prices are always insanely high but every other week they have discount that makes the total price 10/20 euro, that's kinda their selling strategy.

r/Unity3D • comment
1 points • Crafty_Programmer

In terms of popularity for indie developers, it goes Unity > Unreal > Godot. All three engines are free to download and get started with, so you don't lose much by trying each of them out. Make a small sample game with each and see what you think.

Unity: Not 100% sure what to recommend. I learned Unity a couple of years ago, and tutorials don't age well (the one I learned on is no good anymore).

Unreal: https://www.udemy.com/course/unrealblueprint/

Godot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeCrE-ge8xM

Make sure to check the comments for the Godot tutorials I linked to if you end up following along. In the lesson where he makes two different kinds of blocks, he makes a performance killing mistake and never fixes it in the series. That's the only defect, and it's quick to repair.

r/unrealengine • comment
1 points • Animoose


This is the course I'm starting with, and it's been great so far. That said, I have a Comp Sci degree and full-time job coding in C# for Unity. So the first half of this course which is entirely focused around learning C++ and then learning C++ in the context of unreal, may be a less than fun experience. If you do feel comfortable with code though, I'd highly recommend it! I've been breezing through it without much problem.

Regardless, here is the other course I'd recommend, which focuses on Blueprints (aka Unreal's visual coding solutions). I haven't taken it yet so I'll link the one I plan to as well as the absolute standout most popular. In the case of C++, they're the same.

Blueprints (my pre-preference): https://www.udemy.com/course/unreal-engine-blueprints-the-ultimate-developer-course/

Blueprints (most popular, same creators as the C++ course): https://www.udemy.com/course/unrealblueprint/

Last 2 tidbits:

  1. Since this is my first time with Udemy and I was unaware, gonna share just in case. DO NOT PAY more than $20 for a Udemy course. Through a few methods such as alternate browser or private browser, vpn, etc, they're PERMANENTLY on sale for \~90% off, typically $10-$20, which is absolutely worth the money compared to the 10-30 hours you get for it. For reference, one normal three-hour college course is a total of 45 hours (15 weeks)
  2. Fuck VS Code. My friends have lauded it but I had nothing but issues with it. If you go the C++ route, 1000% use this link. It's a very reputable company and coincidentally an off-shoot of the compiler I used for .NET work and now Unity work in C#! https://www.jetbrains.com/lp/rider-unreal/

r/Moviesinthemaking • comment
1 points • Petunio

Sure, start by downloading it here.

You can learn how to use it for free here.

And if you have a few dollars to spare the gamedev.tv tutorials is how everyone learns these things. Here is one if you don't know coding. And here is one if you do know C++. The average price for these is around 12-13 dollars per course, do not pay more than that.

And to learn 3d start by getting Blender, which is famously free, very capable and has a massive community. Start by doing this donut right here. Everyone has to start with the donut.

After that's done it's time for, other youtubers...

-flippednormals are former industry pros and have a lot of tips of how to get into the film industry. They are very open about the correct industry workflow.
-GrantAbbit is Blender focused with a calm demeanor and centered on stylized assets.
-CurtisHolt is also Blender focused but focused on more trippy assets.
-Ducky3d is similar, but it's animated.

And finally Ian Hubert, best know for being Ian Hubert. Blender has such a large community that there are waaaay too many youtubers willing to teach you any of this stuff for free.