x86 Assembly Language Programming From Ground Up™

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Build over 50 Assembly Programs - x86 Instruction Set, SIMD, Image Processing Algorithms, DSP Routines, MMX, SSE, AVX

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Taught by
Israel Gbati

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r/learnprogramming • post
4 points • Ownanteater6
How to start learning to program on a commodore 64/6502 processor?

I'm in a computer organization/architexture course, and we are going to start programming on a commodore 64 6502 processor I believe. Our syllabus says the supplementary material is

C64 : Retro Game Dev by Derek Morris

Introduction to 80x86 Assembly Language and computer architecture by Jones and Bartlett

now I'm confused, I cannot read from a dry textbook and learn anything. I learn best with videos or even video lecture and just write down notes. I take that back, I can learn from text books well but not when it has to do with anything programming.

I asked my teacher and she said its 6502... then why does the syllabus say that one 80x86 book? I'm lost, I was going to use this course


but apparently that has nothing to do with our course or does it? I'm confused as you can see but anyway does anyone know of any tutorials that goes into what I'm asking? This doesn't seem like a common thing to be doing in schools using the commodore 64 and 6502 processor.

r/oscp • comment
3 points • AlfredVonWinklheim

I have been avoiding x86 for years and I think it is really hindering my ability to go further with exploiting.
I started this the other day https://www.udemy.com/course/x86-assembly-programming-from-ground-uptm/
And it seems ok so far. I am rewriting everything they do in nasm on Kali so it is rather slow going since it is a windows focused class, but not bad so far.