Make a YouTube Clone from Scratch
JavaScript PHP and MySQL
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Learn JavaScript, PHP and MySQL by making the ultimate YouTube clone website completely from scratch
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Taught by
Reece Kenney
Reddit Posts and Comments
0 posts • 4 mentions • top 4 shown below
6 points • picketnor
Most people would recommend studying basic html and css first however if you feel short on time and would like to develop something like a real web app/website soon, I'd recommend enrolling in a legit course on Udemy or Plantoost that teaches you how to build a real website/app, and deploying it to production since you already have your domain name and web host.
Most full-stack courses would have you learn html and css in one way or another and some may or many not teach you how to deploy your app to your web hosting server. If need be, you can always head over to Google to search for the basic html and css stuff because they are readily available.
The tough parts of your web development learning experience are always the ones that aren't always readily available on Google and hence learning the important stuff thats hard to find like building a blue apron or youtube or even a udemy clone for example makes more sense and would be a good start (coming from experience).
Hope this helps.
1 points • not_a_gumby
In a more general thought to this, without having the time to go deep right now, I would say it would really help you to like, watch someone stand up a pretty good sized website - watch the whole process so that you understand truly what goes into it. HTML and CSS are so - I dare say insignificant - in that process, its so much more about server management and facilitating data transfer between data store backend and front end UI, implemented with javascript. Watch something like this course - building a youtube clone from scratch.
I guess it depends on what kind of websites you want to know more about cause if all you really care about are static sites, then I guess HTML and css are all you need but those are also less and less common nowadays when you talk about the kind of sites that someone would pay for.