Best of Udemy
Top Fred Baptiste Courses
These are the top 4 Fred Baptiste courses and offerings found from analyzing all discussions on Reddit that mention any Udemy course.
Python 3
Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)
Variables, Functions and Functional Programming, Closures, Decorators, Modules and Packages
Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)
Variables, Functions and Functional Programming, Closures, Decorators, Modules and Packages

Fred Baptiste
0 reddit posts
22 mentions
22 mentions
Python 3
Deep Dive (Part 4 - OOP)
Python Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Deep Dive (Part 4 - OOP)
Python Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

Fred Baptiste
0 reddit posts
12 mentions
12 mentions
Python 3
Deep Dive (Part 3 - Hash Maps)
Dictionaries, Sets, and Related Data Structures
Deep Dive (Part 3 - Hash Maps)
Dictionaries, Sets, and Related Data Structures

Fred Baptiste
0 reddit posts
10 mentions
10 mentions
Python 3
Deep Dive (Part 2 - Iteration, Generators)
Sequences, Iterables, Iterators, Generators, Context Managers and Generator-based Coroutines
Deep Dive (Part 2 - Iteration, Generators)
Sequences, Iterables, Iterators, Generators, Context Managers and Generator-based Coroutines

Fred Baptiste
0 reddit posts
9 mentions
9 mentions