Best of Udemy
Top in28Minutes Official Courses
These are the top 3 in28Minutes Official courses and offerings found from analyzing all discussions on Reddit that mention any Udemy course.
Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud
Go from Restful Web Services ( REST API ) to Microservices - Java , Spring Boot , Spring Cloud , Docker and Kubernetes
Go from Restful Web Services ( REST API ) to Microservices - Java , Spring Boot , Spring Cloud , Docker and Kubernetes

in28Minutes Official
0 reddit posts
5 mentions
5 mentions
Learn Spring Boot in 100 Steps - No 1 Java Framework
Become an expert on Spring Boot developing a REST API and a Spring MVC Web application using Maven in 100 steps
Become an expert on Spring Boot developing a REST API and a Spring MVC Web application using Maven in 100 steps

in28Minutes Official
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Spring Framework Master Class - Java Spring the Modern Way
Learn the magic of Java Spring Framework with Spring Boot, Spring JDBC, Spring AOP, Hibernate, JUnit & Mockito
Learn the magic of Java Spring Framework with Spring Boot, Spring JDBC, Spring AOP, Hibernate, JUnit & Mockito

in28Minutes Official
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions