Best of Udemy
Top Jason Cannon Courses
These are the top 4 Jason Cannon courses and offerings found from analyzing all discussions on Reddit that mention any Udemy course.
Vim Masterclass
Mastering the vi and Vim Editors on the Linux, Unix, Mac, and Windows Operating Systems
Mastering the vi and Vim Editors on the Linux, Unix, Mac, and Windows Operating Systems

Jason Cannon
0 reddit posts
5 mentions
5 mentions
Linux Administration Bootcamp
Go from Beginner to Advanced
Learn Red Hat Linux & CentOS: Use the in-demand skills to start a career as a Linux Server Admin or Linux Administrator
Go from Beginner to Advanced
Learn Red Hat Linux & CentOS: Use the in-demand skills to start a career as a Linux Server Admin or Linux Administrator

Jason Cannon
0 reddit posts
6 mentions
6 mentions
Intro to Linux Shell Scripting (Free course)
Get up to speed with Linux shell scripting quickly
Get up to speed with Linux shell scripting quickly

Jason Cannon
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
Python for Beginners
Learn Python Programming (Python 3)
Learn Python Programming the Easy Way, Complete with Examples, Quizzes, Exercises and more
Learn Python Programming (Python 3)
Learn Python Programming the Easy Way, Complete with Examples, Quizzes, Exercises and more

Jason Cannon
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions