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Top Laravel Courses
These are the top 4 Laravel courses found from analyzing all discussions on Reddit that mention any Udemy course.
Master Laravel 8 for Beginners & Intermediate
Get from zero to proficiency in the Laravel Framework
Get from zero to proficiency in the Laravel Framework

Piotr Jura | 27,000+ Enrollments
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3 mentions
3 mentions
PHP with Laravel for beginners - Become a Master in Laravel
Learn to master Laravel to make advanced applications like the real CMS app we build on this course
Learn to master Laravel to make advanced applications like the real CMS app we build on this course

Edwin Diaz
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2 mentions
2 mentions
RESTful API with Laravel
Build a Real API with Laravel
Build a RESTful API for a market system using Laravel and dominate the most challenging features of APIs with Laravel
Build a Real API with Laravel
Build a RESTful API for a market system using Laravel and dominate the most challenging features of APIs with Laravel

JuanD MeGon
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2 mentions
2 mentions
Crash Course Laravel and Vue JS 2021 Bootcamp + free CMS
This Laravel course is a must have if you need to learn or improve your skill with Laravel and Vue JS
This Laravel course is a must have if you need to learn or improve your skill with Laravel and Vue JS

Gerrit Vermeulen
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3 mentions
3 mentions