These are the top 4 Engineering courses found from analyzing all discussions on Reddit that mention any Udemy course.
A Beginner's Guide to IoT and Electronics
Your Go-To Guide to learn everything there is about the ESP32
A Beginner's Guide to IoT and Electronics
Your Go-To Guide to learn everything there is about the ESP32

Paresh K V
0 reddit posts
10 mentions
10 mentions
Electricity & electronics - Robotics, learn by building
Over 26,000 enrolled
Over 26,000 enrolled

Ian Juby
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
Digital Electronics & Logic Design
A complete guide to learning the fundamentals of Digital Logic design
A complete guide to learning the fundamentals of Digital Logic design

10X Training Technologies
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Embedded Systems Object-Oriented Programming in C
End-to-End Firmware and Driver Development: UART,GPIO,TIMER, etc
End-to-End Firmware and Driver Development: UART,GPIO,TIMER, etc

BHM Engineering Academy
EmbeddedExpertIO .
EmbeddedExpertIO .
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions