Best of Udemy
Top Maximilian Schwarzmüller Courses
These are the top 7 Maximilian Schwarzmüller courses and offerings found from analyzing all discussions on Reddit that mention any Udemy course.
Angular - The Complete Guide (2022 Edition)
Master Angular 13 (formerly "Angular 2") and build awesome, reactive web apps with the successor of Angular
Master Angular 13 (formerly "Angular 2") and build awesome, reactive web apps with the successor of Angular

Maximilian Schwarzmüller
0 reddit posts
57 mentions
57 mentions
Vue - The Complete Guide (incl. Router & Composition API)

Maximilian Schwarzmüller
0 reddit posts
51 mentions
51 mentions
Understanding TypeScript - 2022 Edition
Don't limit the Usage of TypeScript to Angular
Don't limit the Usage of TypeScript to Angular

Maximilian Schwarzmüller
0 reddit posts
10 mentions
10 mentions
Next.js & React - The Complete Guide (incl. Two Paths!)
Learn NextJS from the ground up and build production-ready, fullstack ReactJS apps with the NextJS framework
Learn NextJS from the ground up and build production-ready, fullstack ReactJS apps with the NextJS framework

Maximilian Schwarzmüller
0 reddit posts
5 mentions
5 mentions
Angular & NodeJS - The MEAN Stack Guide [2022 Edition]
Learn how to connect your Angular Frontend to a NodeJS & Express & MongoDB Backend by building a real Application
Learn how to connect your Angular Frontend to a NodeJS & Express & MongoDB Backend by building a real Application

Maximilian Schwarzmüller
0 reddit posts
5 mentions
5 mentions
Ionic - Build iOS, Android & Web Apps with Ionic & Angular
Build Native iOS & Android as well as Progressive Web Apps with Angular, Capacitor and the Ionic Framework (Ionic 4+)
Build Native iOS & Android as well as Progressive Web Apps with Angular, Capacitor and the Ionic Framework (Ionic 4+)

Maximilian Schwarzmüller
0 reddit posts
5 mentions
5 mentions
Accelerated JavaScript Training
Take a deep dive into JavaScript, a Must-Know Language in Web Development, with a Hands-on, Example-driven Approach
Take a deep dive into JavaScript, a Must-Know Language in Web Development, with a Hands-on, Example-driven Approach

Maximilian Schwarzmüller
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions