Best of Udemy
Top Coding Interview Courses
These are the top 4 Coding Interview courses found from analyzing all discussions on Reddit that mention any Udemy course.
Master the Coding Interview
Data Structures + Algorithms
Ultimate coding interview bootcamp
Data Structures + Algorithms
Ultimate coding interview bootcamp

Andrei Neagoie
0 reddit posts
26 mentions
26 mentions
The Coding Interview Bootcamp
Algorithms + Data Structures
Ace your next Javascript coding interview by mastering data structures and algorithms
Algorithms + Data Structures
Ace your next Javascript coding interview by mastering data structures and algorithms

Stephen Grider
0 reddit posts
19 mentions
19 mentions
Engineering Interview
Improve Problem-Solving in Python!
Improve your problem solving skills
Improve Problem-Solving in Python!
Improve your problem solving skills

Luke's Programming School
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
JavaScript & LeetCode | The Interview Bootcamp
Learn *all* the best practical tricks/techniques to solve those pesky interview problems so you can land that dream job
Learn *all* the best practical tricks/techniques to solve those pesky interview problems so you can land that dream job

Alexander Wu
Kevin Nguyen
Kevin Nguyen
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions