Best of Udemy
Top Java Courses
These are the top 17 Java courses found from analyzing all discussions on Reddit that mention any Udemy course.
Java Programming Masterclass covering Java 11 & Java 17
Learn Java In This Course And Become a Computer Programmer
Learn Java In This Course And Become a Computer Programmer

Tim Buchalka
0 reddit posts
93 mentions
93 mentions
Java Tutorial for Complete Beginners
Learn to program using the Java programming language
Learn to program using the Java programming language

John Purcell
0 reddit posts
47 mentions
47 mentions
Java11 New Features - Learn by coding it
Java11 Features with Examples
Java11 Features with Examples

Arun Ammasai
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
Universidad Java - De Cero a Experto - Más Completo +106 hrs
El mejor curso de Java, POO, JDBC, Servlets, JavaEE, Web Services, JSF, EJB, JPA, PrimeFaces, Hibernate, Spring, Struts
El mejor curso de Java, POO, JDBC, Servlets, JavaEE, Web Services, JSF, EJB, JPA, PrimeFaces, Hibernate, Spring, Struts

Global Mentoring Ing. Ubaldo Acosta
0 reddit posts
7 mentions
7 mentions
The Complete Java Certification Course
Become a confident industry ready core Java developer and get certified as a Java professional
Become a confident industry ready core Java developer and get certified as a Java professional

Imtiaz Ahmad
0 reddit posts
6 mentions
6 mentions
Advanced Java programming with JavaFx
Write an email client
Put to work those hard earned Java programming skills
Write an email client
Put to work those hard earned Java programming skills

Alex Horea
0 reddit posts
4 mentions
4 mentions
Selenium WebDriver with Java -Basics to Advanced+Frameworks
"TOP RATED (BEST SELLER) #1 Master SELENIUM java course" -5 Million students learning worldWide with great collaboration
"TOP RATED (BEST SELLER) #1 Master SELENIUM java course" -5 Million students learning worldWide with great collaboration

Rahul Shetty
0 reddit posts
4 mentions
4 mentions
Java Course with Practical Examples for Absolute Beginners
Learn Java programming for complete beginner through examples to become a Java Developer and obtain core Java skills
Learn Java programming for complete beginner through examples to become a Java Developer and obtain core Java skills

Sandor Szekeres
0 reddit posts
6 mentions
6 mentions
Java In-Depth
Become a Complete Java Engineer!
Comprehensive Java programming course integrated with design principles, best practices & instructor-led Java EE project
Become a Complete Java Engineer!
Comprehensive Java programming course integrated with design principles, best practices & instructor-led Java EE project

Dheeru Mundluru
0 reddit posts
5 mentions
5 mentions
Java Programming
Complete Beginner to Advanced
Become a Computer Programmer by Learning Core Java Skills
Complete Beginner to Advanced
Become a Computer Programmer by Learning Core Java Skills

CodeIn Academy
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
Java for Absolute Beginners
A course on Java for complete beginners to computer programming, for those who want concepts explained in plain English
A course on Java for complete beginners to computer programming, for those who want concepts explained in plain English

Nick H
0 reddit posts
5 mentions
5 mentions
Learn JAVA Programming - Beginner to Master
Deep Dive in Core Java programming -Standard Edition
Deep Dive in Core Java programming -Standard Edition

Abdul Bari
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
Develop Minecraft Plugins (Java)
High-quality tutorials providing you with the most sustainable practices available to make Minecraft plugins
High-quality tutorials providing you with the most sustainable practices available to make Minecraft plugins

Stephen King
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
Programmazione - Il MEGA Corso Completo con Certificato
Non solo Programmazione
Non solo Programmazione

Alberto Olla
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
Practice Java by Building Projects
Ultimate Java interview prep course
Ultimate Java interview prep course

Tim Short
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Java Web Development Under The Hood
What Java professionals need to know about servlets, sessions, cookies, JSP, JSTL, Ajax and websockets
What Java professionals need to know about servlets, sessions, cookies, JSP, JSTL, Ajax and websockets

Matt Greencroft
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Java Multithreading
Unveiling the mysteries of multithreading in Java
Unveiling the mysteries of multithreading in Java

John Purcell
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions