Best of Udemy
Top Docker Courses
These are the top 4 Docker courses found from analyzing all discussions on Reddit that mention any Udemy course.
Docker Mastery
with Kubernetes +Swarm from a Docker Captain
Build, test, deploy containers with the best mega-course on Docker, Kubernetes, Compose, Swarm and Registry using DevOps
with Kubernetes +Swarm from a Docker Captain
Build, test, deploy containers with the best mega-course on Docker, Kubernetes, Compose, Swarm and Registry using DevOps
Bret Fisher
0 reddit posts
28 mentions
28 mentions
Docker and Kubernetes
The Complete Guide
Build, test, and deploy Docker applications with Kubernetes while learning production-style development workflows
The Complete Guide
Build, test, and deploy Docker applications with Kubernetes while learning production-style development workflows
Stephen Grider
0 reddit posts
22 mentions
22 mentions
Docker for the Absolute Beginner - Hands On - DevOps
Learn Docker with Hands On Coding Exercises
Learn Docker with Hands On Coding Exercises
Mumshad Mannambeth
0 reddit posts
4 mentions
4 mentions
Hands on With Docker & Docker Compose From a Docker Captain
Nick Janetakis
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions