These are the top 45 Other IT & Software courses found from analyzing all discussions on Reddit that mention any Udemy course.
Plutus programming language
Reliable smart contracts
Reliable smart contracts

Alejandro Garcia
0 reddit posts
20 mentions
20 mentions
Premiere Pro Mastery Course
Learn Premiere Pro by Creating
Learn Adobe Premiere Pro from actually creating mini projects
Learn Premiere Pro by Creating
Learn Adobe Premiere Pro from actually creating mini projects

Kurt Anderson
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
ROS for Beginners
Basics, Motion, and OpenCV
Become an expert and learn robotics with Robot Operating System (ROS) in little time and don't be lost in broad docs
Basics, Motion, and OpenCV
Become an expert and learn robotics with Robot Operating System (ROS) in little time and don't be lost in broad docs

Anis Koubaa
0 reddit posts
7 mentions
7 mentions
SQL for Data Analysis - with SQL Server
The most direct path to mastering the SQL skills you'll actually use on the job
The most direct path to mastering the SQL skills you'll actually use on the job

Travis Cuzick
0 reddit posts
8 mentions
8 mentions
The Complete C++ Developer Course
Master theory and practice using one of the world's most popular programming languages
Master theory and practice using one of the world's most popular programming languages

Codestars by Rob Percival
0 reddit posts
4 mentions
4 mentions
Marlowe programming language
Financial smart contracts that everyone can code
Financial smart contracts that everyone can code

Alejandro Garcia
0 reddit posts
10 mentions
10 mentions
Curso de Python 3 do Básico Ao Avançado (com projetos reais)
Python 3 completo - programação com Django, PyQT5, Selenium, Regexp, Testes e TDD, POO, Design Patterns GoF, algoritmos
Python 3 completo - programação com Django, PyQT5, Selenium, Regexp, Testes e TDD, POO, Design Patterns GoF, algoritmos

Luiz Otávio Miranda
0 reddit posts
5 mentions
5 mentions
F# From the Ground Up
Launch your journey into
Launch your journey into

Kit Eason
0 reddit posts
12 mentions
12 mentions
Data Engineering Essentials Hands-on - SQL, Python and Spark
Learn key Data Engineering Skills such as SQL, Python and PySpark with tons of Hands-on tasks and exercises using labs
Learn key Data Engineering Skills such as SQL, Python and PySpark with tons of Hands-on tasks and exercises using labs

Durga Viswanatha Raju Gadiraju
0 reddit posts
4 mentions
4 mentions
Python Bootcamp 2021 Build 15 working Applications and Games
Learn complete python with basics, data science, data visualisation, desktop graphical applications and python for web
Learn complete python with basics, data science, data visualisation, desktop graphical applications and python for web

Dev Nirwal
0 reddit posts
4 mentions
4 mentions
Android Unit Testing and Test Driven Development
Unit test your Android applications and reap the benefits of professional test driven development in Android
Unit test your Android applications and reap the benefits of professional test driven development in Android

Vasiliy Zukanov
0 reddit posts
6 mentions
6 mentions
Algorithms and Data Structures in Python (INTERVIEW Q&A)
A guide to implement data structures, graph algorithms and sorting algorithms from scratch with interview questions
A guide to implement data structures, graph algorithms and sorting algorithms from scratch with interview questions

Holczer Balazs
0 reddit posts
5 mentions
5 mentions
React Tutorial and Projects Course
Step by Step Learn React
Step by Step Learn React

John Smilga
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
gRPC [Golang] Master Class
Build Modern API & Microservices
Better than REST API
Build Modern API & Microservices
Better than REST API

Stephane Maarek | AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner,Solutions Architect,Developer
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
React Testing with Jest and Enzyme
Improve your React, Redux, Hooks and Context Code with Test Driven Development
Improve your React, Redux, Hooks and Context Code with Test Driven Development

Bonnie Schulkin
0 reddit posts
4 mentions
4 mentions
Docker for the Absolute Beginner - Hands On - DevOps
Learn Docker with Hands On Coding Exercises
Learn Docker with Hands On Coding Exercises

Mumshad Mannambeth
0 reddit posts
4 mentions
4 mentions
Selenium WebDriver Masterclass with C#
Build Your Own Automation Framework And Learn Everything About Selenium WebDriver
Build Your Own Automation Framework And Learn Everything About Selenium WebDriver

Nikolay Advolodkin
0 reddit posts
4 mentions
4 mentions
Kubernetes Mastery
Hands-On Lessons From A Docker Captain
Learn the key Kubernetes features and plugins while practicing DevOps workflows, from a container expert
Hands-On Lessons From A Docker Captain
Learn the key Kubernetes features and plugins while practicing DevOps workflows, from a container expert

Bret Fisher
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
Introduction to Cloud Computing on AWS for Beginners [2022]
Learn Cloud Computing concepts and AWS Basics
Learn Cloud Computing concepts and AWS Basics

Neal Davis | AWS Certified Solutions Architect & Developer
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
Human Generator Mobile App with Flutter & Python
Learn how to build a Scalable Deep Learning Mobile Application using Flutter & Python step-by-step
Learn how to build a Scalable Deep Learning Mobile Application using Flutter & Python step-by-step

The A.I. Whisperer
0 reddit posts
4 mentions
4 mentions
[2020] Python tutorial from Zero to Hero
+ Machine Learning
Includes Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Computer Vision, Scraping
+ Machine Learning
Includes Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Computer Vision, Scraping

Shyngys Shynbolatov
5 reddit posts
7 mentions
7 mentions
Ansible for the Absolute Beginner - Hands-On - DevOps
This course introduces Ansible to the absolute beginner in DevOps
This course introduces Ansible to the absolute beginner in DevOps

Mumshad Mannambeth
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
IT for beginners | IT for dummies | IT for non-IT
Everything all non-technical professionals in an IT environment should know
Everything all non-technical professionals in an IT environment should know

Maaike van Putten
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Ruby on Rails 6
Learn 25+ gems and build a Startup MVP 2022
Code-Along & build an advanced e-learning platform
Learn 25+ gems and build a Startup MVP 2022
Code-Along & build an advanced e-learning platform

Yaroslav Shmarov
0 reddit posts
7 mentions
7 mentions
The Complete Mainframe Professional Course - 4 Courses in 1
The first step in learning about Mainframes
The first step in learning about Mainframes

Abhishek Rathi
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
Build Your Own NetApp Storage Lab, For Free!
How to build a complete NetApp ONTAP lab for free on your laptop
How to build a complete NetApp ONTAP lab for free on your laptop

Neil Anderson
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
Learn API Technical Writing
JSON and XML for Writers
API Documentation1: Teaches technical writers how to document structured data
JSON and XML for Writers
API Documentation1: Teaches technical writers how to document structured data

Peter Gruenbaum
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
SQL for Beginners in under 3 hours
Learn the basics of SQL using the freely downloadable SQL Server in less than 3 hours
Learn the basics of SQL using the freely downloadable SQL Server in less than 3 hours

Ram Mohan
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Learning Open Source GIS
Spatial SQL w/ Postgres/PosGIS
Spatial SQL: a language for geographers
Spatial SQL w/ Postgres/PosGIS
Spatial SQL: a language for geographers

Arthur Lembo
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Introduction to SAN and NAS Storage
Understand the basics plus more of Storage Area Networks SAN and Network Attached Storage NAS
Understand the basics plus more of Storage Area Networks SAN and Network Attached Storage NAS

Neil Anderson
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Aprende Javascript ES9, HTML, CSS3 y NodeJS desde cero
Aprende a programar con javascript sin conocimiento previo en el explorador web y en el servidor con nodeJS
Aprende a programar con javascript sin conocimiento previo en el explorador web y en el servidor con nodeJS

Nicolas Schurmann
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Programming for Kids and Beginners
Learn to Code in Scratch
Now with Scratch 3
Learn to Code in Scratch
Now with Scratch 3

Daniel Ciocîrlan
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Mastering Odoo Development - Technical Fundamentals
Everything you need to get started developing Odoo applications
Everything you need to get started developing Odoo applications

Odoo Class Videos
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query
Learn SQL for Data Visualization, Data Analysis, and Data Science Using Google Cloud Platform
Learn SQL for Data Visualization, Data Analysis, and Data Science Using Google Cloud Platform

Chris Levy
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Crash Course Laravel and Vue JS 2021 Bootcamp + free CMS
This Laravel course is a must have if you need to learn or improve your skill with Laravel and Vue JS
This Laravel course is a must have if you need to learn or improve your skill with Laravel and Vue JS

Gerrit Vermeulen
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
Hyperledger Fabric 2.x Network Design & Setup
Deep Dive into the Design, Management & Operation of Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain Networks
Deep Dive into the Design, Management & Operation of Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain Networks

Rajeev Sakhuja
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Creating Graphical Interfaces for Powershell Scripts
Basics of GUI Design for Powershell Scripts
Basics of GUI Design for Powershell Scripts

IT Support Courses
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Tableau Tutorial for Beginners
Learn Tableau and Visualization
Learn Tableau and Visualization

Rakesh Gopalakrishnan
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Intro to AutoHotkey / How to hack your Windows PC with AHK
Take your first step in learning how to easily Automate your Windows PC with AutoHotkey
Take your first step in learning how to easily Automate your Windows PC with AutoHotkey

Joe Glines
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Terraform for AWS - Beginner to Expert 2021 (0.12)
Learn Terraform quickly, easily and effectively
Learn Terraform quickly, easily and effectively

Warp 9 Training
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Spring Framework Master Class - Java Spring the Modern Way
Learn the magic of Java Spring Framework with Spring Boot, Spring JDBC, Spring AOP, Hibernate, JUnit & Mockito
Learn the magic of Java Spring Framework with Spring Boot, Spring JDBC, Spring AOP, Hibernate, JUnit & Mockito

in28Minutes Official
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
10 Advanced Tips for Building Effective Power Automate Flows
Learn from two Power Automate (Microsoft Flow) experts and take your flow skills to the next level
Learn from two Power Automate (Microsoft Flow) experts and take your flow skills to the next level

Kent Weare
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Dart - Beginners Course
No experience required
No experience required

Bryan Cairns
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Learn Advanced C++ Programming
Discover intermediate to advanced C++, including C++ 11's fantastic additions to the C++ standard
Discover intermediate to advanced C++, including C++ 11's fantastic additions to the C++ standard

John Purcell
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
DevOps Fundamentals
The simplest course to learn the fundamentals of DevOps right from scratch
The simplest course to learn the fundamentals of DevOps right from scratch

EdYoda Digital University
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions